Shipped to Alabama 5

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I cleaned the inside of the house before going outside to fix the house. The inside took me about three hours to clean; longer than I expected. I'm sure I'll find more things to fix though.

I pulled weeds from around the house and the garden-that I discovered. When I finished pulling weeds I made myself a peanut butter and honey sandwich.

I picked up the groceries last night after shopping for house supplies. I didn't buy anything that needed to clean out the fridge and plug it in first, which I did last night.

While I was eating my sandwich it made me miss Beth and Jessica because we would always make these when we didn't want to buy anything else.

I quickly finished my lunch and headed outside to the shed to start the riding lawn mower I saw yesterday.

The mower was having trouble starting; it probably hasn't been used in a while. Once I started the mower I realized there was only a quarter gas in the gas tank.

I picked the empty gas tank up and started walking to town. The scenery in Riverside is beautiful; there's lots of flowers and trees. There's a farm with horses up the street from me. The cool breeze made it an enjoyable walk.

I could see town when I heard my name being called. I thought I was hallucinating until I saw Ty walking toward me. Wow. He is really cute. I bet all the girls have a crush on him.

I sighed. It made me think of Dylan.

"Hey Ty," I said. I was embarrassed that he saw me. I'm sweaty and dirty.

"What are you up to?" he asked.

"Going to the gas station. I need gasoline for the mower," I answered.

"Can I walk with you? I was headed that direction."

I nodded my head, "Sure."

"What have you been up to?" he asked.

"Cleaning a house," I answered.

"Is it your house?"


"Do you need help?"


"Wow," he said, "that was a fast reply."

"Sorry, I just-I don't know," I sighed. "I don't wanna make you help me."

"You wouldn't be. I offered."

I sighed again. "Fine, you can help."

"Okay, cool," he replied, "I've got to do something in town and then I'll be over. Where do you live?"

"122 Novelty Drive," I answered.

Ty stopped walking and looked at me for a few seconds before saying, "you live there?"


"That house has been vacant for eight years."

"That explains the mess," I mumbled.

A couple minutes later I was getting gasoline in my tank. Ty had gone to the general store.

I walked home all by myself. Ty arrived when I was trying to start the lawn mower again.

"Whoa, Sugar. Let me help with that," Ty said.


Ten minutes later Ty had it running. He told me he would mow the grass for me, so I started on the front steps. I knocked the whole stair case down and rebuilt me a new one.

Ted, who I met at the hardware store yesterday and who lives a half mile up the street, put boards of wood in the back of his truck yesterday and dropped them off here for me.

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