Chapter three, home

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Ahh this is my third chapter. I didn't think I'd get this far lol, I only started this fan fic on a 2 am random need to show my appreciation for this dumb tin can man who I love dearly. Like I'm so in love with him, he could shoot me with a wrist flamethrower and I'd thank him. ANYWAYS, hope you enjoy this chapter.

       Also, also a couple songs are "I wanna be your slave" by Maneskin and "I like the way you die" by black honey. I'm sorryyy, I  promise I'm done talking now.

       After walking out of the office, you turn to Mando "Do you have a place to stay? The meeting with the lead enforcer isn't until tomorrow."

       He shakes his head "No, I figured I would just stay in my ship"

       "What?!" You exclaim, putting your hands on your hips "No way I'm letting you stay on that ship! You're on the planet Curtlias now. We Curtlians take our hospitality very seriously." You pause, before adding "You can stay with me. I have a guest room that would work perfectly for you."

The Mandalorian sighs, "..fine, but at least let me pay you."

"No," you smile, "now let's head to your ship so we can grab what you need for the night."

Defeated, he gives in. Letting out a small groan before heading over to open the door of the bar to let you out.

"Here we are," The Mandalorian mumbles, pushing the button to lower the ramp of his razor crest. To be honest, it wasn't much to look at. It looked like a large metal scrap. It had a very patched and worn look to it, making you wonder if it can actually fly. Before you can indulge yourself to judge any more of the exterior of his ship, the ramp lowers to the ground with a small thud.

Mando looks back at you, "you can stay in the entrance area while I grab my bag. It shouldn't take long."

You nod in agreement and follow him in, looking around the room as he takes the lead. He heads off towards what you assumed to be his room, though you couldn't really see it from where you were. The inside of his ship was much like the outside, no color and patches of metal on the walls. Except for a small drawing on his fridge. It looked like a child's drawing, but you could still tell that it was a drawing of the mandalorian but there was a strange green thing you couldn't make out.
       Mando comes back after a few moments with a large bag over his shoulder. "I'm ready."

       "Ok" you smile softly, "let me take you home then"

      "This is my home," you tell Mando as you open the door to the house. You head in, showing him the living room, kitchen, and bathroom. "The guest room is over that way," you say pointing in the direction. "You can get settled in while I make some dinner for the two of us."

       He nods, saying a quick "thanks" and leaves you in the kitchen. When he's gone, you sigh a little. What am I gonna make? You rummage through the pantry, pulling out some odds and ends. You set some water boiling and cut up some produce and meat. While you were doing this your mind couldn't help but wander. I have a man in my house. Not just any man, but a mandalorian! You bit your lip, nervous about these new arrangements. Is it safe to have a bounty hunter in your home? Especially when you aren't trained in self defense, or to shoot a blaster. Not that you had one anyways...

       The beeper goes off, pulling you from your thoughts. You put the food going and sit down, deciding to check your holograms. Dank Farrik.. there were three missed holos from your mother. Oh well, it could wait for another time. You continue looking through the holos, most of which were spam, until you see one from your boss Castlier. You open it watching as his image shoots up from the device.

       "Hello y/n, I was wondering if you could stop by the galaxy cove in the morning. Without the mandalorian. Stay safe."

       You furrow your brow, wondering what the message meant by that. Shaking your head, you get up and stir the food before plating it. You stopped to wonder if you should've made the table, but you remember the mandalorians can't show their faces. I'll just bring it to him, better safe than sorry... you think before grabbing the plate and walking to the guest room.
       The door was open, so you knock on the door frame to let him know you were there before entering. He was sitting at the desk, polishing his blaster. He looks up and sets it down, "oh y/n."

       "Uh hi, here's your food." You stumble with your words slightly as you hand him the plate. "I didn't know if youre not being able to take off your mask in front of others was just a myth or not.. so I brought your food here. I'll uh leave so you can eat." You say turning, to head out.

       "Hey," you feel Mando's gloved hand gently grab your wrist, turning you to look at him. Your face heating up alittle. You watch him as he tilts his head, "Thank you. That was ... very considerate of you." He let's go of your hand, making your hand suddenly very feel cold with the loss of  his warm hand, even if it was gloved.

       "Y-you're welcome." You stutter, "let me know if there's anything I can get you."

       You hear him say alright and you head out of the room, closing the door most of the way for him. Leaning with your back against the wall next to his room, you let out a shaky breath. Covering your face with your hands, feeling the heat of your face and your racing heart you silently cuss.

Ooo, Mando's staying at your house, and you're starting to feel some things. Oh no, I hope you don't fall...

Also I swear I don't know why I'm so annoying. I'm pretty quiet generally lol.

Word count: 1051

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