Chapter five, the meeting

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   Authors note: hi guys, sorry the update took so long. I just had exams and started my next trimester and my mental illnesses have been really bad lately. So I apologize for any errors in terms or stuff like that. Also, it's crazy that this is my fifth chapter. Like it's insane some of you have read this far, so thank you so much! I will be posting more regularly after this. Hope you enjoy!

       "No way, not possible."

       "It's our only chance, besides this is the way Castler wants it done!" The man across from the mandalorian argues back, trying to get the stubborn man to change his mind. So far, he hadn't even come close.

       You sigh, tired already of the arguing between Mando and the Law enforcer. Getting up, you shake your head " You're wasting your time, time that could be spent wiping out these people. Instead of arguing, you two should be making a solution!" You pause, waiting to see if they'd respond,  but they don't . Groaning, you continue "ok, since neither of you will, I guess I will just do it. Ok, Mando thinks the plan to get a person to go undercover and lure the gang out to be attacked by some local law enforcers is shit. But you," you say pointing at the law enforcer in charge, "think it's the only way. Now Mando, what specifically is wrong with the plan? Y'know, besides "it'll never work""

       You hear him huff a little "there's no way someone can get in with a gang of this strength without getting caught. And even if it was possible, it would take too long and it would be too hard to find someone to do it."

       You turn you head to the law enforcer, watching him as he says "We're already in. We just need a pretend prisoner who would be a big enough deal to involve the gang leader to come out to the location we've picked. We bring the prisoner out, and the leader will be there to exchange for the prisoner. We'll have enforcers all around to blow everyone from the gang up."

"...fine," Mando groans, "but where can we find a prisoner that would be important enough to lure the gang leader out?"

"We already have him"

"I don't like this!" The tall mandalorian hissed as you put handcuffs on him.

       You sigh, "I know, I don't either. But if you yank on it hard they will come apart, ok?" He didn't respond. So you ignore it and step back towards the speeder and pull out your blaster. You're supposed to deliver Mando as the prisoner, but first you had to wait for the undercover contact. You took the time to take in your surroundings, it was a vast desert area right next to a large forest. It looked almost cartoon with the sudden change in environment. In the distance, you could see a ship and some armed gang members. That must be where the gang leader is waiting... you suddenly get anxious, and start thinking about everything that could go wrong. You'd never been apart of an operation like this before. What if you mess up and get someone or yourself killed? What if Mando was killed?

You didn't have to long to worry about it though, because a moment later the contact arrived. He hopped off his speeder and headed towards you, waving "Hi, y/n is it? Mando." He nodded at each of you, "My name is Chris Boist. Now, we have to hurry to the location. Follow my lead, and don't speak unless absolutely necessary. Y/n, you'll bring Mando in right after me ok? Make sure to follow behind me. That's important."

You mumble a quick "ok", and grab Mando's arm. "Sorry Mando," you mutter,as you, with your free hand, hold your blaster to his upper arm. Chris starts up ahead and you follow with Mando, trying to get ahold of your anxiety.

       After a minute or so of walking, you enter a clearing. There are ships in a sort of messy circle, along with guards and speeders. In the middle is a tall, strong looking man who you assume to be the leader. There are a couple guards around him with their blasters held across their chests. 

       You follow behind Chris as he approaches the leader. You both stop as Boist starts to say " Asher Kyn, it is a pleasure to see you again." Boist bows respectfully and continues, "I have a gift for you, a gift which this woman has so generously helped me locate." He says, gesturing at you and Mando.

       "Boist, I'm impressed. Thank you, it isnt often being able to get your hands on a mandalorian. A treasure indeed.." he steps forward, in front of Mando. He tilts the chin of mando's helmet up, inspecting the cool metal. Mando tears his head away as a grunt of disgust escapes from his modulator. Kyn smiles slightly, and turns back to Boist. "He has lovely armor, I've always wanted some genuine Beskar..."

      "Rightfully so, the stuff is impenetrable. Let me demonstrate." Boist pulls out his blaster and walks up behind Mando on the side you weren't on. You see Boist nod slightly towards you, indicating you to place a blaster in mando's hand. You quickly do so, but you weren't discrete enough because a guard shouted something and suddenly there were shots being fired in all directions. You feel Mando break off the handcuffs and turn to see as he starts shooting down guards. You follow after his example and do the same, but you missed a lot more than the Mandalorian did.

       Out of the corner of your eye, you see Boist shot the gang leader in the back of the head and rush towards the mandalorian and you. "We have to go!"

       You, Boist and Mando all run for the speeder. When you were about half way there you trip and fall. Mando turns around and sees you've fallen. "Shit!" He curses and rushes back to you, pulling you to your feet. You stand up and just as your about to start running again you feel a blaster shot in the back of your calf. You scream as you feel the blinding pain shoot through your leg, bringing you to your knees. Your vision turns dark as you feel a pair of arms pick you up and the sound of a mans voice calling your name grows fainter and fainter.

       Ah I hope you enjoyed, I can't wait to share the next chapter in the next couple of days with you guys, thanks for reading!

Word count: 1115


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