Chapter seven, Din

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       Quick authors note, holy crap the story has over 75 views! Like that's so crazy to me! Thanks so much guys. I've been struggling a lot with motivation for the story lately, but I think it's getting better? Thanks for reading this far, and I hope you like it! I'd love to hear what y'all think and yeah! Enjoy :)

       Also, a couple songs: Enemy(imagine dragons), black on black (Greyson chance), and icky thump(the white stripes)

It was the next day, and you and Mando were getting ready to see your boss. You had both eaten and gotten dressed, so there wasn't much else to do in preparation. Mando was off grabbing his various weapons that he took off, leaving you to brush your hair in silence. Your mind kept wandering while you detangled your hair. You couldn't help but feel a little sad, you were gonna miss the Mandalorian. You'd grown attached to him, though you didn't like to admit it, there was no denying it either. While you knew that Mando was going to stay for a week longer, it still felt like the end to you. Your feelings for him were tearing you apart, and not being able to act on it was killing you. Sighing, you pick up a mirror and brush through your hair once more while watching your reflection. You heard the foot steps of Mando approaching you, until he was standing right next to you. You don't look up until you're done with your hair.

"How are you feeling?"

You set down the mirror and brush and say "My leg hurts, but I'm ok." with a soft voice, which wasn't exactly convincing. In fact it was the quite the opposite.

He moves and places a gentle hand onto your shoulder. "Y/n...What's wrong? Something besides your leg is bugging you"

"It's really nothing, we should get going.."

      "You have to trust me Cyarika, I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong. I want to help you."

       You look up at him and shake your head "You really wanna know?" You pause, as you see him nod his head out of the corner of your eye. "Fine, I'll tell you then. I like you. I like you Mando, I haven't even seen your face, or heard your name. But still, I've fallen for you just the same."

      "I-"  you hear the man stutter, apparently at a loss for words. And then it finally clicks to you what you just said and did. You just confessed to the Mandalorian. You feel your face heat up, silently cursing yourself. Why did I have to say that!?

       You were pulled from your thoughts however, by Mando's voice. "My name is Din Djarin"

       You looked over at him in shock. You watch as he takes his hand and covers your eyes. "Don't peak" you hear the click of metal and feel a pair of soft, cracked lips against your own. At first, your body goes super rigid at this, but after you've had a second to register what was happening, you kiss him back. It was soft and gentle. The kind of kiss that you wished would last forever.

       You moan as you feel him pull away from your lips. You hear him give a soft chuckle as he gently pecks your nose. He takes his hand off your face and you look up to see him standing up. He offers you a hand, which you take, and says "We're gonna be late Cyarika. Let's go"

       'What does cyarika mean?" You ask as you enter the door that Mando held open for you.

       "I'll tell you later"

       You throw him a playful glare as you walk into the boss's office. Castler sees you and stands up, grinning widely at the two of you. "Y/n! Mando! Great job with the gang yesterday! You completed the mission much faster than I could have hoped. Here are your rewards." He pulls out two bags from his desk, each filled with a good amount of credits. He hands one to Din, and then to you. "I'm amazed at how well you did. Y'know I wasn't glad about having to work with you Mando, but if you're ever in need of a job and you're in the sector, feel free to stop by."

       Mando simply nods, "I'm glad to of been of service. Maybe I'll take you up on your offer one day."

      Castler smiles and turns to face you, "and y/n, I'm especially impressed by you. I was worried about a simple singer taking on a job like this, but you did exceptionally well. At any rate, I'm glad to have you back. Our crowds miss you, and people have questioning our staff about you almost non stop. When can you perform next?"

       You bit your lip and think for a bit. "I don't know sir, I'm really not well enough to. For a little while anyways."

      You watch as your boss furrow his eyebrows slightly, and places a hand on his hip. "And why's that? We need you here."

       "She was shot and needs time to recover." Mando steps in for you, and you're grateful he did.

       "Oh, really? Well, you can have two days off then. But after that I want you back on stage."

       "She's going to need more than a couple days. She needs atleast a week."

       Castler glares at Din, getting impatient. "This doesn't concern you Mandalorian, you are no longer working with y/n and she is my employee. I will have her work how ever I see fit."

       "She needs more time."

       You start to speak and to try to smooth things out "It's-" You're interrupted by Mando holding his hand up to silence you. You furrow your brows and  are about to open your mouth to protest as your eyes widen in surprise as you see Castler pointing a blaster at Mando. "Castler!" You shout in disbelief.

       "Leave Mando, you're no longer welcome here. I want you off this planet in the next hour or I'll kill you."

      "What about y/n?"

       "Thanks to you, she'll be working every night this week"

       "No, she won't."

       Castler clenches his jaw, clearly fed up with the man. "Yes, she will. And you can not change that Mandalorian. Now leave."

       Din steps in front of you protectively as he shoots at your boss. Castler shoots back and nearly hits you, but Din's armor took the shot for you, causing his arm to push into you. Mando shoots again, and hits him.

      You stare up at Mando in shock, "why'd you do that?! Now what are we gonna do!"

      "Can you run?"

       You shake your head. Din nods and picks you up, he rushs towards the window as an alarm sounds. Guards start rushing into the room, shooting the two of you. Din curses under his breath and kicks the glass of the window, holding you close to protect you from the shattering glass. "Hold tight." He mutters as he jet packs out the window, into the open air.

       Sorry it took so long to upload, but I'm finally on spring break! So I'll be posting more regularly and I'll get to rest more so I can keep writing! Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it.

       Also, do any of you read these Author notes?? Like I need to know lol.

       Word count: 1243

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