Chapter 11, Synavis

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It's been a few days since you and Mando fled Tattoine. You were both settled into a cabin in Synavis, deciding to lay low for a week or two. Synavis was a cold planet, but it certainly had its charm. Though there was lots of snow, there were still colorful plants and trees growing everywhere like a mystical tundra forest. The trees were blue leaved willows, with ice crystals dangling down like tinsel. They made a chilling glittery noise in the wind. And there were beautiful flowers that were light purples and yellows. It was a strange, but beautiful place.

The people were even more charming than the scenery. They took in the two of you in in a second. They fed you while they quickly prepared a cabin for you to stay in. They insisted upon bringing your luggage for you and gave you both a ride to the cabin on some of their large animals, called drinzes. They were beautiful creatures, they resembled feathered wolves the size of horses, but with hooves and antlers on their heads.

The people made sure you were both comfortable, particularly their leader. A man named  Cyrus. He was tall, and had dark skin that contrasted bluntly against his light lilac eyes. His hair was short and white. A lot of people of the planet had very similar coloring, except some peoples hair and eyes were light pink or blue, or even purple.

       Cyrus would check in on you and Mando daily, and invite you to the meal that night and whatever activities they entailed that day. He made sure you had enough supplies, food and things to do.

      Today, the days activities were harvesting the moon berries, brushing the drinzes feathers and joining around the water for the weekly town discussion. The discussions were normally about any news that any of the town members had, plans for the upcoming week and celebrating the things done in the previous week.

      After eating, you and Mando head to the moon berry patches to start gathering them. The berries were a golden yellow, and they were shaped like little pumpkins. They glowed, and when something moved towards it, it would glow even brighter. Despite how strange they were, they were delicious.

       Reaching the patch, Din hands you a basket and you both start picking. After a while, you start to shiver so you rub your hands together in a futile attempt to warm them and yourself. You feel something cover your shoulders as you look up to see Din placing his cape on you. "You looked cold."

       "thank you.."

        He nods and resumes his picking, causing you to do the same. You both pick in a comfortable silence until the patch is done. Once finished you both head back to the town, to find Lymetta, Cyrus's wife, who was in charge of the agriculture and animals. Finally you find her and give her the baskets. She thanks you with a warm smile and you leave.

You and Din spend the rest of the day with the drinzes. When it starts to get dark, the townsfolk start gathering around the pond until the two of you join them. The group is huddled around a glowing pond that shown in the dark night air. There were glowing flowers in some clusters around the pond, highlighting the crystal rocks lining the edges of the water. It was beautiful. Din leads you to a space with two seats. They're right next to the water, and as you get closer, it gets warmer and warmer.

The townsfolk are talking and laughing among themselves, leaving you to stare up at the night sky at wonder. It was even more mystical than the water. One of the moons was a gorgeous light pink color, and the other a light purple. The stars were shrouded by pastel nebulas. You couldn't help but sit back and stare in awe.

You hear Mando's light chuckle and turn to him raising your brow at him. He just laughs, shaking his head slightly . You start to feel exasperated, "what is it??". he fails to answer "what are you laughing at??" You whine.

"Nothing, just you were so cute looking at the sky like that. It was like you'd never seen the stars before."

You feel your face get hot, but before you could even think of some way to respond, Cyrus gets up and starts addressing the group.

Word count:744

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