Chapter eight, Cyarika

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Why'd you only call me when your high?(Artic monkeys), Don't start now(Dua lipa), and Sedona(Sir Chloe).

This chapter is just some fluffy filler stuff for you. I've been struggling with some unknown health issues for almost a year now, and they still don't know how to help me. My health has been getting worse too, so I have to go through all these tests. Like I had my blood drawn today, which isn't a big deal, I know. But like I'm terrified of needles and the last time I got my blood drawn it went really really badly. So today was hard so I thought some nice lighthearted fluff would be good. Sorry for venting, but I hope you enjoy this chapter and that it brightens your day or even just an hour. Love y'all, now on to the story:

       You stifle a yawn as you watch the stars through the razor crests windows. They were beautiful and their beauty was strangely comforting. Beauty was such a rare thing back in the galaxy cove. It was filthy and disgusting. Well the building was nice, but the people and their actions covered that up very well. You swallow dryly as you think about the galaxy cove. You had lost your only way of life up until now. From a young age, you worked there. When you were five they had used you to lure people in and trap them. You often were useful in finalizing many a transaction. Then, when you were older and not so innocent looking, they had you waitressing. Then finally, one day a singer was running late. So you were shoved on stage and  it turned out you were amazing at it. The crowd loved you... But now your boss is dead, and your old life with him.

       You were staying with Din for a while, you had no where to go and you couldn't take care of yourself quite yet. It was.. nice but quiet. He took care of you and made sure you got your rest. It was sweet really, but you still couldn't believe that he shoot Castler for you. Just so you wouldn't have to work while you were injured. It frightened you a little, how easily and willing he was to kill him.

      You shift in the seat behind Mando's. You were both in the cockpit. Your fidgeting must've gotten his attention because he asked if you're alright. You turn to face him, slightly startled to find that he was already looking at you. "I'm ok, I'm just thinking."

      "About what Cyarika?"

      "You never told me what that means" you smile softly as you tuck a piece of hair behind your ear.

      He turns away and says "I guess I didn't... it's Mand'oa. It's just what we call people who we feel affection towards."

      You can't help but grin, "Is that your way of saying you like me too?" You ask, knowing full well the answer.

       He shrugs and you can practically hear the smile in his voice as he says, "yeah, I guess it is". he pauses and looks at the screen in front of him. "It's getting late, you should get some rest y/n."

You smile at him as he gets up and takes off his cape, draping it over you. His hand reaches for your hair and tucks it away from your face, "Sleep well cyarika"

A couple hours later you wake up and get up, stretching as you do so. You open your eyes lazily, and note that you're alone. Wondering where Mando is, you hum and start to climb down the ladder. On the second step from the top, your leg sends out a lightning bolt of pain that sends you falling to the ground. Your eyes squeeze shut, in fear of the impact, but you never hit the ground. Instead you fall directly into Din's arms. You open your eyes, confused. You were about to look up when Din's voice stop you "don't look, I'm not wearing my helmet." as you realize what happened, you feel your cheeks start to heat up as it finally clicks. He saved you from falling by catching you. In his arms.

You open your mouth to speak, but you can't say anything coherent. You feel him looking at you concerned, but you shake your head and try again. "Uh, thank you. For y'know saving me."

He hums slightly in acknowledgement before asking "Are you alright? Can you stand?"

Your eyes widen "Kriff! Yes I can stand! I'm sorry, you've been holding me this whole time and I must be really heavy and-"

He stops you by setting you down and kissing your forehead gently. Hugging you, he says "shh, you have nothing to be sorry about. You aren't heavy, I just needed to know if you were ok, alright y/n?"

You nod and hug him back. After a moment you both let go. You then turn around. "Here, you can go put your helmet on now."

"Thank you."

You hear footsteps and some shuffling noises before you hear an ok. So you turn back around to face the Mandalorian now that he was decent. He pulls out a chair for you and gestures for you to sit. You do so, but wince slightly as you lower your weight onto the chair, your leg not taking the action lightly. He reached forward to help, but you lift up your hand, waving the offer away. He tilts his head, but sits back down, watching as you finally sit down.

"Let me take a look at your leg."

"Ok," you nod, your eyes following him as he gets up and grabs a medkit before returning back to you. He pulls up a stool, and gently lifts your leg up to rest on it. He then takes the old bandage off and cleans the wound, causing you to gasp in pain. He looks up startled and starts apologizing "I'm sorry, I know it hurts. But I have to clean it, ok? I'll be quick, I promise." You nod, holding back tears and curl your hands into fists as he finishes cleaning your wound.

"Now I'm going to re bandage it and then we'll be done." He takes out a new bandage and starts wrapping it around your leg until he's satisfied with the amount. He leans forward and lifts up his helmet enough to kiss your leg. He gets up and gives you a goofy smile "there, all better."

Word count: 1093

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