Chapter thirteen, Sorry

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       Sorry for the super long wait, but I'm excited to share this chapter with you. I hope you enjoy it and have a wonderful day/night where ever you are.

       You and Cyrus hurried to the village, prepared to defend yourselves. But when you got there, there was no fighting or chaos. The villagers were all gathered around, crowding something, or rather someone. As you got closer, you saw a handful of aliens tied up and the Mandalorian with his blaster aimed at them. Cyrus cheered for him "Way to go Mando! On behalf of all of us, I thank you. Let us make a feast tonight for you. How can we repay you?"

       "You could let me speak to y/n"

        Cyrus nods at him, clearly unaware of the fight that happened between you. He turns to you and points to where you and the Mandalorian can go to speak in private. "Go on now, we'll be here when you get back."

       Dragging your heels, you walk forward to where Cyrus had suggested. When Din makes it to walk with you, you rush your pace to avoid him. After awhile, once you're a whiles a way from the village people, he stops you by gently grabbing your arm. "Y/n"

       You don't respond.

       He sighs and shifts his body so he can atleast see your face. After you don't move, he starts talking "You were right y/n. I'm so sorry, I- I shouldn't of tried to leave you behind. I shouldn't of  hurt your feelings like I did. You were right, I got scared after a couple bounty hunters, and yeah I can handle them,I spent my whole life doing that but I didn't want that for you. You deserve the absolute best life has to offer, and I couldn't stand it if you got hurt again. I shouldn't of tried to make the decision about how you should live your life for you. For that, I'm truly sorry."

       You face him, but still don't say anything. You look at him, wishing you could read his damned expressions. His voice sounded sincere, but you were still hurt. You needed more than a little speech.

       He seemed to understand it wasn't enough and let go of your arm. "I'm sorry y/n, I wish I could make it up to you. I know you don't want me here, so give me five minutes and I'll be off the planet." He stepped away and took one last look at you, before turning away.

       "Wait." You reach forward and grab him, lowering his body so you can lift his helmet enough to kiss him. Din stiffens, but quickly pulls you closer to deeper the kiss.

         The enddd. Hope you enjoyed the story and aren't too mad at me. Thanks for reading this far.

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