Author's note!

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Just wanted to let you know, this is my first x reader. I apologize for any mistakes I've made, I will try my best to correct them.

(Y/N)- Your name

(N/N)- Nickname

(L/N)- Last name

(F/C)- Favorite color

(F/F)- Favorite food

(H/C)- Hair Color 

(E/C)- Eye color

I will be making BEN older than 12, just so I feel more comfortable with writing the story. Another note, some of the scenes might be for more mature audiences, but nothing too sexual. Probably some language and a small amount of gore (as expected, this IS Creepypasta after all).

Other than that, I hope you enjoy the story!

(Also, please please PLEASE leave comments! They don't even have to make a lot of sense, I just like hearing your thoughts :D)

Edit from the future: Hey, so I realized that (Y/N) doesn't have a character description so I'm making a belated one right here-

(Y/N) (L/N) is a 16-17 year old girl who sits on the line between optimistic and pessimistic. She has a pretty warm personality, and people think she's cool. (Y/N)'s parents are divorced, which she isn't the happiest about. (Y/N) also has a knack at problem solving, which becomes rather convenient in this story. AND of course, she doesn't mind helping people. 

The Boy in the Lake (BEN Drowned x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now