Chapter 16- I feel a spark

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I groaned as I entered my house. I knew as soon as I walked in that my house was empty. I would say there wasn't a single soul inside, but I knew that wasn't true. Still, I double checked every room just to make sure that no one was really home.

And I was right.

No one else was home.

I sighed as I threw my backpack onto the ground and collapsed on the couch. Of course I knew this would be the only few moments of peace I would get.

Might as well enjoy it while I still could.

After all, I was tired. Life has been crazy and I really needed a nice, long nap. The past week has really been something, but somehow, I've begun to adjust to it. Crazy was slowly becoming the new normal for me, and I'm not sure how I felt about that. This new town definitely had some excitement to offer.

Yeah, I missed my old house and my friends, but I think I'm doing quite well here. I have a new, fresh start, even though there was a silly (yet still creepy looking) ghost in the mix.

Right! Didn't I need to talk to BEN about something?

Hmm, I like BEN, I thought to myself. He's so funny and annoying. I hate it.

I frowned at myself for thinking about BEN so often. I couldn't help it! He is one of the main issues in my life right now.

Well, maybe issue isn't the nicest word to describe him.




A blessing?

I felt my face burn as soon as I thought about it.

Am I starting to 'like' like BEN?

That would be awkward.

Why was I thinking about this?

I closed my eyes and let my thoughts drift me away from consciousness. 


"(Y/N) (L/N), wake up!"

I jerked awake. I saw my mom peering over me with an unimpressed expression. I sat up from my resting place and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Did I do something wrong?" I said with a yawn.

My mom shook her head. "No, I just wanted to have a chat with you about something."

Nope, I definitely did something wrong, I thought to myself.

I looked around, allowing my eyes to adjust.

I was in my room?

"What's up, mom?" I asked, trying not to make eye contact.

"Well," my mom cleared her throat, "I heard from Jessica that you've been spending time with her daughter, Belle. Is that right?"

I propped myself up into a more comfortable sitting position. "Yeah, that's right."

"Oh, that's lovely. I'm so glad you're making new friends already. But..."


"I also heard that you were in a band?"

If there was a record scratch, I think I heard it.

I totally forgot to tell her about the band and the county fair.

"I'm actually just helping with vocals and stuff," I assured her. "It's a temporary thing, only for the fair."

The Boy in the Lake (BEN Drowned x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now