Chapter 2- Welcome to Town

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(Y/N) gasped for air and looked around. She was still in the moving truck. The truck was parked outside of a cabin-like house, and Alex was unloading boxes from the back.

"It was just a dream," (Y/N) muttered to herself, hardly believing it. It felt so real.

She unbuckled her seat belt and stepped out of the truck. A chilly breeze blew in her face, then noticed she was covered in sweat. Gross.

"Ah, the sleepyhead is finally awake!" Alex said as he heaved another box onto the porch. (Y/N) scoffed, stuffing her hands in the pocket of her hoodie.

"Where's mom?" (Y/N) asked.

"Inside," Alex replied. "She's making lunch with one of our new neighbors. That lady seemed pretty eager to help out, I guess."

New neighbor? (Y/N) looked around, discovering other houses in the area. She was expecting to live in a lonely house in the middle of the woods. Guess not.

Stepping into the house, the smell of dust and mildew overcame her. It was a pretty big house, considering only three people would be living there. Everything seemed to be in good condition. The old-but-new smell was a different story.

(Y/N) followed the sound of women talking. The conversation was found in the kitchen, where (Y/N)'s mom and another woman were making sandwiches. The woman was pretty, and her bright blue eyes were hard not to miss. But by noticing her eyes, you could notice that she had dark circles under them.

"Ah, you're awake!" (Y/N)'s mother greeted, seeing her daughter hiding behind the doorway. "Jessica, this is my daughter, (Y/N)."

The woman, Jessica, looked up and waved. "Hi," she gave her a warm smile. "You can call me Jess, Jessica, or Mrs. Lawman. Whatever works for me. Nice to meet you (Y/N), welcome to town!"

(Y/N) smiled nervously and sat down at the island.

"Jessica was just telling me about the neighborhood," (Y/N)'s mother stated. "It sounds like such a lovely place!"

Jessica nodded. "Oh, it is. The weather is superb, and there's lots to do. Though I must let you know, there has been an issue with bullying, and-" She stopped herself from saying more, and her smile faded. They sat there in silence, which felt like forever.

"I'm going to go help Alex," (Y/N) said, feeling awkward with the quiet.

"Alright then. When you guys are done, make sure to come get some lunch!" her mom continued talking to Jessica. Before (Y/N) knew it, she was already heaving boxes onto the porch. (Y/N) hadn't noticed she was shaking until Alex pointed it out.

"Are you okay, (Y/N)?" Alex asked. (Y/N) sighed and shook her head.

"Not really," she admitted. "I had this super messed up dream on the way here. There was this-"

The world seemed to stop for a moment, when the plain grey cartridge fell out of the box (Y/N) was carrying. She immediately picked up the cartridge and shoved it back in the box. Alex gave her a look.

"There was what?" He asked. It took a moment for (Y/N) to realize he was talking about her dream.

"Nevermind, don't worry about it. It was dumb anyway."


(Y/N's POV)

I glared at the cartridge, which was now at the foot of my bed. I didn't want to bring it here. My mom must've put it in the box, because I certainly didn't. I knew it was stupid to be paranoid over a Nintendo 64 game, but could you blame me? It's almost as if it's haunting me. Maybe it was.

Didn't the cashier say something about the previous game owner? Muttering about someone named Ken? 

No, that wasn't it.


Now it made sense.

I can understand why the previous owner wanted to get rid of the game. It was freaky and gave off a weird vibe. I wanted to get rid of it too. Or destroy it.

Destroying it seemed like the better option.

But what if it releases some evil spirit? I couldn't let that happen. I don't even want to risk it. This whole situation was silly and freaky at the same time.

I sighed, getting up from my bed. Perhaps I was just being over dramatic. I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Hair was plastered to my forehead from dried up sweat. I didn't smell too good either.

Nothing a hot shower couldn't fix.

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