A/N: An update

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hello guys! you might be wondering why there haven't been any updates on the story for a while. thankfully, there's a (i think) reasonable answer for that.

i got logged out of my account and i forgot the password... :,)

i panicked, i tried to look through all my passwords and none of them were working. fortunately, my small brain had the bright idea to contact wattpad support. they got back to me and i was able to reset my password!

so, what now?

hopefully, i can finish writing this story. there have been waaaay too many pauses in between updates. i really want to finish this story, and i know exactly where i want to go with it. i understand if people have been losing interest, that's very understandable. 

for those who have been sticking around, thank you. i know i'm inconsistent, but the support really gives me motivation to not give up. you guys are so awesome.

i can't guarantee i'll be updating the story as frequently as i hoped. high school has a nasty grip on me, and i have to stay responsible lol.

anyways, i love you guys <3

keep your eye out for that next update (woot woot)!!

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