Chapter 25- The hard truth

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I told myself not to move from my spot until Ben got back. I don't know why, but I felt like I moved, I would break out into mad hysteria. What I really needed to do, was call the police and report Mike for breaking and entering. I wasn't sure if the police would believe me, I had no evidence and Ben already took care of Mike by possessing him and getting him out of the house.

There was no point.

I curled up into a ball and began sobbing. Did Peter and Mike plan on this? For Peter to distract me, while Mike climbed to the second story of my house to break in?

What were they planning on doing?

I shuddered as danger alerts rang through my head. I wiped my tear soaked face as I shakily stood up. 


(Ben's POV)

Ben/Mike climbed out the window with Mike's body. He was very careful to not slip on the roof as he climbed down.  The roof was slippery from condensation, and Ben/Mike almost fell over multiple times.

"Mike! What the hell are you doing?!"

Ben/Mike looked down, seeing a vaguely familiar guy frantically waving him down.

"I don't know," Ben/Mike replied, as Mike's feet finally met the ground.

The guy grabbed Mike's arm and dragged him to a car, cursing under his breath. "I leave alone for two minutes, and you immediately break into (Y/N)'s room. Are you fucking stupid?"

Ben/Mike was a bit speechless. "Uh-"

"Don't try to explain yourself," the guy shoved Mike's body into the passenger's seat and slammed the door. Ben had no idea what was happening, but he was curious enough to find out. Hopefully he would be able to possess Mike long enough.

Ben/Mike looked around, hoping to find something that would give him the stranger's name. Conveniently, he left his student ID on his car dash. Ben quickly looked and read his name, which strangely left him feeling a bit bitter.

'Peter Rossi.'

The stranger, Peter, angrily got into the car and began driving away.

"I gave you one simple task," Peter grumbled. "I told you to stay in the car. You couldn't do the one thing that literally required nothing. You just had to do something stupid, didn't you?"

"I didn't think you would care," Ben/Mike said.

Peter began speeding up, laughing flatly. "You're joking. Prison. Our parents will be involved. We aren't little kids anymore, Mike. There's no juvie for us, we'll be tried as adults. You'll be arrested for breaking and entering, and I might be arrested for somehow being involved." 

The car was silent for the next few miles. Peter didn't stop speeding.

"Are you sure she knows?"

"Am I sure who knows what?" Ben/Mike asked dumbly. Peter groaned.

"(Y/N)!" Peter shouted. "Are you sure (Y/N) knows about Ben?"

Ben/Mike froze. "What?"

"Whatever." Peter stopped in front of a house. "I give up. Get out of my car."

Hesitant, Ben/Mike opened the car door and exited. As the car door slammed shut, Peter rolled down the window.

"Lay low," Peter said. "If you get in trouble, I'm sure as hell ain't going to help you."

Ben/Mike stood there as Peter drove off, the sound of screeching tires echoing in the air. He stood outside of the house, feeling more confused than he previously had. Why did Peter mention his name?

How much was (Y/N) hiding from him?


(Y/N's POV)

I called the police. 

They were probably looking for Mike now... Hopefully. 

I stared at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, repeating the words 'calm down' in my head, over and over. My knees felt weak, and I wanted to believe that this was all just a dream, that Mike didn't actually break into my room, or that Ben wasn't suspicious of me.

I was screwed, wasn't I?

There was nothing to do but to see how things played out. Even so, a small part of me wanted to run, and forget everything. Start a new life someplace else. Go back to my old home, move in with Anaya until I graduate and go off to college. I didn't want to be here anymore. I didn't want to associate myself with any of the people here.

This place was a living hellhole, after all. Teenage murderers, a ghost, and I wouldn't be surprised if there was more messed up shit. Just more wonderful things to add to the list.

Abruptly, there was loud shuffling from behind me. I looked in the mirror and made immediate eye contact with Ben. He didn't seem very pleased, but he didn't look like he was ready to rip my head off, either.

"So," Ben pursed his lips, "what was all that about?" I didn't respond

"You're hiding something from me, aren't you?" he continued, slowly moving closer to me.

"There's a lot I haven't told you," I confessed, quickly feeling the sting on guilt in my chest. His eyes narrowed as he studied me, saying nothing. For some reason, it made me feel worse.

"Please say some-"

"What are you not telling me?" He interrupted, tilting his head slightly. There was a slight shift in his tone, almost threatening. I stared at him in silence, unable to find my words. "Tell me, (Y/N). Weren't you going to tell me something earlier, anyway? Just spit it out."

"I don't-" I had no idea it would be such a stuggle to get my words out.

"Does it have something to do with the break in? Talk to me."

My heartbeat quickened. "Maybe?"

Ben's expression softened. "What?"

I shrugged. "It was probably some stupid prank being pulled."

Why was I lying again??

Something in Ben's eyes told me he knew I was lying. It was almost as if he knew more than I thought he knew. I looked away again, trying to steady my breathing.

"Why are you lying to me?"

I said nothing.

Ben scoffed. "Did that Peter guy murder me? Is that what you've been trying to hide?"

"Peter?" My heart sank. "Why do you think Peter killed you?" I had thought about it before, it was just weird saying it out loud.

"While I was possessing Mike, he brought up my name. Why would he be bringing up my name?" Ben looked frustrated.

"Good question," I answered, feeling my own frustration building up. "What did he say?"

"Forget it."

Ben shot me a dirty look before disappearing. I stood there, processing the conversation. Though Peter was a suspect, I never actually considered that maybe...

Looks like I was going to Lunar Lake after all.

It was time to put an end to this bullshit murder stuff.





ILY GUYS <3333

(btw I would never ditch a story, I will be finishing this)

Ahna out B)

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