Chapter 29- :)

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It had been a month since what happened at Lunar lake. Somehow, it felt like ages went by. It was now November, and the weather outside just got colder.

And I so felt empty.

I felt like I lost everything. Ben hadn't been around, so I could only assume he was gone for good. Belle and I grew somewhat distant, and I blamed myself for being a constant reminder that I was there when her boyfriend died. James finally got out of the hospital, and I haven't found the courage to speak to him again. Mike was dead. Peter was dead. Two people I didn't know also died at the lake.

A chunk of me died a little, too.

I sat on my front porch, staring at the trees around. They were all missing their leaves from the frosty cold. I wondered if they could also feel the death that lingered in the air.

Breathing in the cold wind, I closed my eyes and counted.

One... Two... Three... Four... Five.

I exhaled, and repeated.

My mom had me start therapy after the incident. It was understandable, but I knew it would prove pointless at the end of the day. One of the things Ms. Jennings had me practice was a beathing exercise to help clear my mind. Did it help? Not really. Did I keep trying in case it would work? Yes.

In the midst of my controlled breathing, a heard a car stop in front of my house. Following the sound of a car door closing, I opened my eyes to see a familiar girl holding a pet carrier. Her glasses were round and big compared to her smaller face. A relieved smile washed over her face as she rushed over to me.

"Anaya?" My heart stopped. "What are you doing here?"

"Mama told me everything!" Anaya set the pet carrier on the ground and tackled me with a hug. She referred to my mother as her own, never knowing hers growing up.

"She told you... everything?" My body tensed. Noticing, Anaya pulled away from the hug.

"Well, yeah." Anaya looked at me, confused. "I haven't heard from you after we called that one time about the haunted video game. You never answered my texts or calls, so I kept in touch with Mama. She's kept me updated, and after hearing about... you know... I had to covince my dad to let me visit. I missed you, (Y/N)."

Unable to find the words, I mumbled, "I missed you too."

Anaya frowned. "You don't mean it, do you?"

I stayed silent.

"Look, I get it. I showed up unannounced, after you go through hell and back. But you look sick, your skin is paler than it should be, you look like you want to die, and you're sitting in the freezing cold. And you smell like death itself."

"So you came here just to insult me?"

Anaya grabbed me from the shoulders and began shaking me. "Of course not, dumbass! I'm here because I care about you, and I don't want you to kill yourself. Now, get a damn blanket and tea, or something. Stop letting bad things overwhelm you!"

I felt a sense of urgency after Anaya's pep talk, and hurried inside with her following me.


I watched Anaya as she situated her temporary belongings in my room. She looked so excited as she opened her pet carrier and let out her cat, Mustard. He was a good cat for the most part, but he always got himself some trouble. I bent down to put Mustard, but he coward away from me.

Weird, I never had that problem with him before.

Without warning, Mustard hissed at me and immediately bolted to the bathroom. Anaya shot up, taking notice to her cat's discomfort.

"What did you do?" she asked, her voice seeping with concern.

I shrugged, feeling nervous. "I was just going to pet him and he ran off."

I pointed to the bathroom, where Anaya hurridly made her way. Did I scare Mustard? He used to love me before I moved away. Does he not recognise me anymore? I rubbed my eyes, feeling fatigued and retreating to my bed.

Anaya came out of the bathroom, her cat in her arms. She looked at me almost disapprovingly before setting Mustard back down and sitting at the foot of my bed.

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked.

"Talk about what?" I responded.

"Don't do this to me, (Y/N). I can obviously see that you're still bothered by whatever it is you experienced that night. Please, let me help."

"Well, maybe I just don't want to talk about it!" I snapped. "Its already difficult when so many people are probing me with the same questions. I don't want to think about it, speak about it, or hear about it ever again!"


"I don't need this. Not right now."

I grabbed my coat and stormed out of my room. My face felt as if it was burning from anger. Before I said more things I would probably regret, I decided to take a walk outside. Maybe that would help clear my mind.

I wandered the streets, letting my mind go numb. I didn't want to think, knowing that my thoughts would spiral back to something depressive. It was easier than working through it, like my therapist wanted me to. No matter what, there was someone in my ear telling me to "do this" or "do that." That if I "did this, I would be happier. I didn't want to be happier in the moment. There was something comforting about not being okay.

I just wish I knew that earlier.

As I regained awareness of my surroundings, I looked to see where I was. In front of me was a clearing of trees, the clearing that led to Lunar lake. I froze, realizing that if I continued wandering, I would've just went straight back to the lake.

I took a step back, feeling unerved. Yet, there was still something drawing me in. A slight feeling, telling me to go back the the lake. I shook my head, knowing it was a bad idea.

But it wouldn't hurt, right?

No one would be stupid enough to go back to a crime scene, especially with bad memories attached. Though, I already knew I was an idiot after everything I decided to go through. I took a deep breath, and began walking in the woods.

Compared to all the other times I went to the lake, this time felt slower. It was daunting me. The feeling of dread began seeping in, and I wanted to turn back.

But something was still drawing me in.

Then, there it was.

Lunar lake.

Caution tape was tied onto the trees, blocking the clearing to go any further. I sighed, feeling relieved that I wouldn't be able to get any closer to the lake then I wanted.

But there.

There he was.

A blond, wearing a Link outfit, sitting on the shore of the lake.

"Ben?" I whispered, knowing that he shouldn't have heard me. Ben's head turned, his eyes locking with mine immediately. My heart stopped.

"Haven't seen you in a while."



The Boy in the Lake (BEN Drowned x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now