Chapter 7- Not this again...

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(Y/N's POV)

I struggled to find my first few classes.

By the time lunch rolled around, I was done with everything and just wanted to go home. Teenagers began flooding into the cafeteria, and I made sure to stand off to the side to avoid them. For a small town, the school itself was actually pretty big.

Big and noisy.

I looked around. There was a vending machine in the hallway crowded by a bunch of students trying to retrieve a bag of chips that got stuck. There was a lot of yelling.

I walked over to watch what was happening. There was a lot of commotion over some Fritos. One boy tried shaking the machine, but he was too scrawny. He kicked the machine in defeat and noticed me.

"What?" he asked. Everyone else looked at me.

"Oh, I'm just waiting to get something," I lied.

This is awkward.

The boy kicked the machine again. "Go ahead. This thing's broken."

"But what about my Fritos?!" a girl cried out.

"I'll buy some later, okay?"

I felt bad for the girl. I fumbled in my backpack and took out my wallet. There weren't a lot of options in the vending machine, but I decided to give something a try. I gave the greedy machine my money and pressed the numbers in the keypad for Fritos. I crossed my fingers and hoped it would work.

The spiral spun and dropped two bags of Fritos in the slot.

The girl was a bit hysterical. There was some cheering from the small crowd. I handed her the two bags as she thanked me over and over. The girl had big bright blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. She reminded me of someone, but I couldn't place my finger on it.

"Hey, are you new?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Do you want to sit with us?" She gave me a slight smile. Mike hadn't given me his number, and he still hadn't texted me. I didn't really have anywhere else to sit, and these people seemed welcoming.

"Yes, thank you. My name is (Y/N)."

"Follow me (Y/N), I'll show you where we sit!"


I loved these people.

The girl's name was Belle, daughter of Mrs. Lawson. No wonder why she reminded you of someone. She was very chill and nice, ignoring the slight scene from before.

The boy's name was Peter, and he might as well be the most passive aggressive person I have ever seen. One of his friends, Nora, tripped him as a harmless joke. Shortly after, Peter "tripped" again and spilled his water on her. Nora wasn't amused.

I could tell that Belle and Peter were dating, because they had googly eyes for one another. It was sweet.

Belle happily munched on her Fritos. "Hey (Y/N), what grade are you in?"

"I'm in eleventh. What about you?"

"I'm a senior."

My phone buzzed. Seeing a notification from an unknown number, I held my breath. I opened the text.

?: Hey! It's Mike :) I'm sitting outside by the dead ash tree if you still need somewhere to eat!

I sighed in relief. I texted him back telling him it was okay, and that I had somewhere else to sit.

The message didn't send.

Instead, my phone typed out its own message.

Hello (Y/N), the message said. I gasped and dropped my phone. Belle and Peter looked at me with concern. I quickly picked up my phone and excused myself to the restroom.

Locking myself in a stall, I checked my screen for any damages. Sure enough, there was a huge crack.


I groaned and buried my face in my hands. "Why me?" I mumbled to myself. A voice giggled in the stall next to me. I covered my mouth and screamed silently. It would feel better to do it out loud, but I decided to spare myself from the embarrassment of screaming in a bathroom. Especially since the girl next to me probably already thinks I'm having a really bad shit.

A few minutes passed, and I was finally alone. I opened my phone to find another unsent message.

You can't run from me :), the message read.

I'll be honest. I did not want to die in a school bathroom because a ghost (who cosplays as Link, might I add) wanted to kill me. I angrily opened my notes app and typed a message for BEN.

What do you want from me??

Barely a second had passed before the screen froze.

Then there he was, frozen on the screen.

Grinning ear to ear.

Looking straight at me.

Out of pure mortification, I threw the phone on the ground with full force. It broke apart in chunks, and it was obviously irreparable now. The poor phone did nothing wrong, yet was met with a cruel fate.

Something in my gut told me something was off, and I needed to get out of there now. I quickly burst out of the stall, running for the door.


(Narrator's POV)

(Y/N) fell to the ground in hysterics. She heard footsteps echo behind her, but she refused to turn around to look at him. This shouldn't have been real, but it was. Somehow, there was a ghost with the intent of murder in the bathroom; and as ridiculous as it would seem, (Y/N) was scared out of her wits. Dying at the hand of a ghost (in a bathroom) was not the glorious death (Y/N) wanted. The idea of dying without anyone knowing her in this new town was definitely enough to shed a few tears.

"Man, do I really look like this?" BEN's voice sounded both weirded out and confused. (Y/N) slowly turned around and looked at BEN. He was looking at himself in the mirror, trying to wipe the blood off his face with a paper towel. When that didn't work, BEN threw the paper towel at his reflection.

His gaze shifted from himself to (Y/N). (Y/N) wiped the tears off her face, feeling a bit humiliated. BEN chuckled.

"Gosh, you didn't think I was going to actually kill you, did you?" he asked. "Well, I mean I was, but it's kinda obvious you got something going on right now."

(Y/N)'s fear shifted to confusion. "What's that supposed to mean?"

BEN shrugged. "I mean, you're in the bathroom... So do you gotta, uh- you know? Throne business?"

(Y/N) blinked. "What the f-"

"I know, I know!" BEN threw his hands up. "I shouldn't be in here because this is the lady's room. But I was bored and I didn't know you'd come running in here after you saw my message, so I guess an advantage is an advantage. So, poof! Here I am."

As odd as it would seem, BEN seemed a lot more...


(Y/N) was at a loss for words. She honestly wanted to laugh about how ridiculous the whole situation was. She wanted to leave the bathroom and continue her day with the new people she'd met. (Y/N) did not want to be staring into some ghost-demon-thingy's eyes while he waited for her to talk.

BEN's slightly smug face twisted into an even slighter apologetic one.

"Yeah, I don't think I can get myself to actually kill you."


Phew, deep breaths. 

I finally know where I'm going with this story!!! I think it helped that I took a step back and actually planned an outline (I'm so unorganized, I'm sorry lol). Anyslays, I hope whoever is reading this is actually enjoying the fanfic haha. Please vote if you think it deserves it :) I'm starting to have so much fun writing the story! 

I can only hope you're having fun reading it!

~ Much love, 


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