Chapter 17- Step Two: Game Plan?

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BEN carefully moved the empty boxes into a broken pile to the side of (Y/N)'s room. Determined not to make a sound, he moved extra slow to not stir the sleeping girl. BEN was tempted to throw the boxes away, but he didn't know where else they'd go.

Anyways, being able to float really had its perks. BEN was able to move around the room without having to worry about tip toeing. After placing the final folded cardboard box into the box pile, BEN relished in his work.

(Y/N)'s room was finally unpacked and pretty organized.

Well, as organized as BEN could manage.

He had no idea how girls organized their stuff.

BEN grinned to himself and looked over at where (Y/N) was sleeping. She had been nice enough to agree to solving BEN's death mystery. Honestly, BEN was surprised. Though the more he thought about it, she may have just agreed out of fear...

He figured the least he could do was do her chores.

Even though BEN hated every moment of it.

Unsure what to do next, BEN found and grabbed his old video game cartridge, Majora's Mask. There wasn't much to do with it other than just staring at it. Still, somehow his soul was tied to the cartridge. BEN wondered if he looked at the cartridge long enough, something would click.

But as expected, nothing happened.

It was frustrating, not knowing why he's dead, how he's dead...

Being dead.

Every positive thing (if there was anything to begin with) had been stripped from BEN. BEN felt like an empty shell, with a hunger to kill. Maybe if he was a bit more, well- human, he'd be scared of himself. He would wonder why he wants to kill, why he wants to inflict pain.

BEN put the cartridge down and stole one final glance at (Y/N). Deciding he wasn't going to stay in her room tonight, he hastily wrote a note on a sticky note and gently placed it on the sleeping girl's head.

Tonight, BEN was going to cause some trouble.

And he knew he had unfinished business with a certain someone.


(Y/N's POV)

"We're in!"

Me, Peter, Derek, Valeria, and Ezra high-fived each other, celebrating the gracious news. We made it into the variety show! Ezra said he was pretty confident that we'd make it in, though he didn't seem very convinced. But after one of the greatest acts went terribly wrong, we guessed that we were good. 

Even Ezra seemed to have had a weight lifted off his shoulders.

But after watching that one massacre of an act before us, I wasn't sure if I would be able to stomach the smell of salad dressing ever again.

"I would say we need to celebrate with some treat from Paxter's, but I'm beat," Valeria said with a yawn.

"Same here," Peter said. "Practice before the fair tomorrow?"

"Yep, though it's probably going to be more of a chill practice," Ezra said. "I'll order some pizza, and we'll workshop the song a bit. After that, I guess we start heading over to the south stage to set up."

"Sweet, sounds like a plan," Valeria said.

"Alright, I'll see you guys tomorrow," I said, waving goodbye and immediately walking away before anyone could say anything else.

The county fair was tomorrow.

And to be honest, I haven't put together a full plan of how I was going to sneak away to the lake. I still needed to talk to BEN for that. 

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