Chapter 10- Dead or Alive

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Hello! Due to personal writing preference, I will no longer be switching between the Narrator's POV and (Y/N)'s POV (I have not an idea in the slightest why I kept switching). I will keep things in first person, only because I think it's more suitable for the fanfic and it makes things a bit easier for me lol. 

Happy reading! :)



The universe definitely hates me.

"Heyyy, James," I smiled nervously as he gave me a murderous scowl.


"You broke something of mine," James said without blinking.

"So I've heard," I said, trying to play it cool. "I kinda need to go to my next class, so if you'll excuse m-"

"I'm going to break your fucking skull."

"No thanks!" I squeaked.

Before I could let James say another word, I took off down the hall to my next class. I did not need to be beaten up, and I certainly did not want to be late to class. I heard James yell a beautiful string of colorful words in my direction.

How nice of him.

Fortunately, I was able to make it to my history class without any casualties. I sat down just as the bell rang again. I laid my head down on the desk as I caught my breath. The teacher stood up in front of the class to begin his lecture.

"Good morning everyone," he said. "Before we start class today, the principal wanted us teachers to announce the town's upcoming county fair. Our school will be holding a fundraiser by hosting the variety show. Auditions will be in the auditorium on Thursday."

A variety show, I thought to myself. I had no interest in being in it, but I wondered what kind of acts there would be.

At my old school, talent shows were mostly performed by the performing arts students (because the school played major favoritism). It was nice to know that auditions were used here.

"Now that we've got that out of the way, we will be continuing our slideshow on the Crimean War from yesterday. Please take out your notebooks to take notes."

I did as the teacher said, but let my mind wander as he began his lecture. There were still so many things happening in my life, but at least now I know for a fact a wasn't going to be killed by a ghost. Death by a vengeful teenager?

Most likely.

Better add that to the list of things to worry about.


"I hate art class!" Peter announced at lunch.

Everyone at the table (not including Belle) had kept their space from Peter. It appeared that he went on these rants often and would also toss food around. Seemed fitting to his character, to be honest.

"It's not that bad," Nora reasoned with Peter. "It's the teacher that sucks, not the class itself."

"No, I just hate art. I mean, it's cool to look at and all, but not cool to make. I respect those who have the patience for it."

Peter paused for a brief second before changing the subject. "Oh, guess who came back to school today. James. He has a broken nose, it looks like. Man, I would have paid my entire savings to see what ruined his face like that."

What a wonderful coincidence that Peter would bring that up.

"He deserved it," I said, sipping from my juice box. Nora looked at me in disbelief.

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