Chapter 18- Step Thre- oh, forget it.

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Here's to the extra long chapter, my loves!🥂
Hope you enjoy <3
(you deserve it for being extra patient with me)

Sleep was definitely not coming by easily tonight.

There was no plan.

No ideas.

No time.


I tossed and turned in my bed, hoping something would come to me. I already knew nothing was going to pop into my brain- but hey, there was still a chance. I sighed and sat up, rubbing my eyes, as if it would make my eyes heavier and help me go to sleep faster. As predicted, it didn't work.

Desperate for rest, I sluggishly got out of bed and made my way downstairs. Come to think of it, I haven't been downstairs very often since we moved here. 

I guess I just got too caught up in my own shit.

I entered the kitchen and started going through the cupboards.  We had a medicine cabinet at our old house, and I could only assume we did the same in this house. After looking through four cabinets, I finally found the one with all our medications.

Good thing the melatonin was right in there to spare me for looking for it any further.

I didn't usually take melatonin, due to the wild dreams it leaves me with. But tonight I was willing to take my chances for some decent sleep. I opened the bottle and shook out a single pill before putting the bottle back in the cabinet. I swallowed the melatonin with a glass of water before heading back to my room.

I threw myself back onto my bed and waited.

And waited...

Until my eyes felt heavy and I finally felt myself slip from consciousness.


Everything was dark.

Sounds were muffled.

I couldn't breathe.

It didn't take me long before I realized that I was underwater. I frantically kicked my legs and swam to the surface of the water. It felt like an eternity, but my head shot out of the water and I gasped for air.

I tried to make sense of my surroundings, but everything was pitch black.

Before I could do anything, something wrapped around my foot and dragged me back underwater. No matter how much I struggled, whatever was dragging me down- wouldn't let go.

My lungs begged for air. 

Somehow I knew when whatever was dragging me down stopped. It was holding me there, and I was unable to move. Finally I saw something hidden in the murky darkness.

A dead body.


I shot awake, once again gasping for air. It was already daytime. 

Which meant I had a full day ahead of me.

I got out of bed, still feeling groggy from sleep. I went to the bathroom, undressed myself, and took a shower. After the shower, I wrapped myself in a towel and went to my room to find a decent outfit. I settled for a bit of a dressy style of flannel and jeans, and tied an extra sweater around my waist.

As I got ready to leave my room and get started with my day, I remembered to grab my backpack. I emptied its contents onto my bed, and stuffed a spare change of clothes, a towel, swim goggles, and a flashlight.

This will have to do, I thought to myself.

I slung my backpack over my shoulder and grabbed my phone from the nightstand.

The Boy in the Lake (BEN Drowned x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now