Chapter 11- Trains, Pains, and- oh, is that a clue?

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I apologize to those who haven't heard of/played the board game Ticket to Ride. Think of it as Monopoly but gameplay is way shorter and you get trains instead of property (also no money, only cards eueueu). Hope this clears some stuff up for this chapter! 

Ehehe enjoy :D


"Nope. Doesn't ring a bell."

Either BEN was withholding answers or he really didn't know about the missing Ben.

What am I thinking? Why would he lie after asking for help?

BEN was rummaging through my things and I couldn't get him to stop. To be entirely honest, I haven't finished unpacking. It was a bit expected when BEN opened a box filled with my board games and video games.

"OOOOOOH," BEN nearly jumped with excitement. "Can we play something?"

I crossed my arms and raised a brow. "You want to play something?"

"Uh, duh," BEN frowned. "In case you forgot. Dead. Bored. Come on, if I have to suffer through how slow you are, at least let me have a little fun."

He posed in a very dramatic way that I couldn't help grinning a bit. I walked over and looked into the box. A few of the board games I have never played, but I didn't feel up to playing any video games.

I randomly chose a box.

Ticket to Ride.

BEN squinted at the box. "What is this, some sort of train game?"

"I guess," I said. "Want to try it? We can learn how to play together."



"Oh, you're a freaking jerk!" BEN yelled as he threw one of his plastic trains across my room. "You blocked my route! Now I have to go all the way around to get to Nashville. Why??"

I sheepishly giggled. "Beginners' luck? Sorry!"

"Nuh uh, you can't use that excuse," BEN pointed a finger at me. "We're both beginners. Unless you lied to me. Did you lie to me? I'm hurt. You hurt me (Y/N), and I have no pain receptors."

"I didn't lie!" I said, putting my hand up in defense. "I guess I'm just too good."

BEN pouted. "You're lucky I'm not killing you right now."

"I think you're too chicken to kill me," I told him. BEN shrugged.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. You'll never know."

I felt my smile falter a little.

He was right, I had no idea what his intentions were. I might as well be held at gunpoint, because that's what it felt like. Maybe I should be choosing my words more carefully, in case I piss BEN off and pass his patience limit. After all, everything about BEN practically screamed MONSTER!!

But the way he acted?

Eh, not so much.

"Or maybe," BEN continued, "I just want you to watch as I kick your but in this game."

BEN gave me his colored cards (majority being locomotives) and placed his plastic trains in a spot I needed to complete my track.

Offended, I scoffed.

"You can't do that!" I complained. "I bet none of your tracks even go that direction!"

"Rules say I can," BEN stuck his tongue out, "and actually, I just completed a track. I win!"

The Boy in the Lake (BEN Drowned x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now