Chapter 3- Bye Bye, Cartridge!

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(Narrator's POV)

After a few days, (Y/N) was less angry about moving. It was a small town, so there wasn't too much going on. (Y/N) walked along the sidewalk, taking in the scenery.

After she finished unpacking, she thought it would be nice to look around. There was an ice cream shop, a bakery, and an old Pawn shop, all in walking distance. Nothing too exciting, but places worth visiting.

After fifteen minutes of walking, (Y/N) sat to rest at the park. There were flower bushes, a playground, and a fountain in the center of the park.

It was calming, finally done with the chaos of moving. Now there was just a problem of being the lonely new kid in town. Everyone else seemed to know each other well. (Y/N) felt like an intruder.

"You must be new around here," a voice said. (Y/N) looked up to see three guys, probably the same age as her.

"Uh, yeah. Hi," (Y/N) mumbled. "Can I help you?"

The guy in the middle smiled, which sent an unsettling chill down (Y/N)'s spine. "I just thought that we should introduce ourselves. I'm Ivan, and this is Mike and James."

Ivan held his hand out for (Y/N) to shake, but she just stared at it. Ivan gave her a mischievous grin. "Wanna hang out with us? You seem like you could use a friend or few."

(Y/N) smiled nervously, scooting herself away from the boys and stood up. "I actually have somewhere to be, so no thanks."

As (Y/N) was about to walk away, one of the other boys, James, grabbed her hand.

"Come on, you don't have to be there right this second, do you?" he asked.

Out of instinct, (Y/N) punched him in the nose. "Lay off!" she yelled at the boys. James, whose nose was now bleeding, growled.

"You're going to regret that, stupid girl."

Run, (Y/N) thought, and immediately sprinted towards the woods. Hearing the three boys running after her gave her the adrenaline she needed to keep going.


(Y/N's POV)

Don't stop, keep going, I told myself.

I was running through the woods, trying to get those stupid guys off my tail. We wouldn't be in this situation if they could take a hint. I was actually impressed that I could throw a punch like that. That should teach them something.

Eventually, I started to slow down, though I didn't think they were following me anymore.

Strangely enough, I stopped to find myself by a lake. By the looks of it, no one had been here for a while. Words could not describe how beautiful it was.

I decided to sit here for a while, mostly to wait out the three dummies and catch my breath. As for my adrenaline, it started to subside and my legs started to hurt. I didn't care though, I was able to sit here and take in this beautiful scenery.

I laid back, and stared at the sky. It was quiet, other than the birds chirping and the trees waving in the wind.

I put my hands in my hoodie pocket, when I felt something.

I pulled out the foreign object, to see it was that STUPID cartridge again. At this point, it's haunting me. I looked at the lake, then back at the game. It gave me an idea, but not my proudest. I stood up, and chucked the cartridge into the lake. Seeing the splash gave me a sense of satisfaction. Maybe it was just me, but I thought the water rippled more then it should have. Though I was probably overthinking things.

But now I wouldn't have to deal with the game anymore.

I stood there for a few minutes, staring at the lake's waters. Suddenly, I felt uneasy, so I decided to go home.

When I got home, I collapsed on my bed. Today didn't go as expected at all. Though the previous encounter would be quite the story to tell Anaya.

I pulled out my phone, inserted my passcode and opened the messages app. Seeing a new text from an unknown number, I clicked to read it.

"You shouldn't have done that, (Y/N)."

Well shit.

The Boy in the Lake (BEN Drowned x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now