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"You feeling any better?" Calum's voice was still deep and gravelly as he pushed a cup of coffee across the kitchen island towards Fallon, even though he had been awake for hours after what could hardly be described as a restful night of sleep.

"I mean not really," Fallon replied, raising the mug to her lips and taking her first sip of the drink that had been made exactly the way she preferred it. "Not sure how I could really, seeing as my bandmate who is practically my sister called me a selfish, inconsiderate whore who was choosing to put some good dick before our career and friendship."

"Well....at least she's aware you're getting some good dick." He offered with a half-hearted chuckle and small smile hoping to ease some of the sad tension. His crude joke did little to help, earning only the tiniest lift of her mouth in reply.

Not wanting to pressure her, Calum took a step back, allowing the quiet of the morning to overwhelm the kitchen as he fixed them each a bowl of yogurt, fruit, and granola before returning to his spot across from her at the island, two spoons in hand. He passed one across to her and they ate in sustained silence until finally, she shoved her bowl away and met his eyes with hers.

"I had a text from Erin this morning saying that you two talked."

Calum chewed around a mouthful of his breakfast and then nodded. "We did. You came to me crying and then passed out. She called your phone and I initially thought that with how things have been she was the problem. We talked for a few minutes though and she explained what all happened yesterday."

A grunt echoed from the back of Fallon's throat as she crossed her arms over her chest and reclined against the back of the bar stool. "You two managed a conversation and the gates of hell didn't open. Surprising really."

She was joking. That had to be a move in a positive direction Calum thought.

"It was definitely tense for a moment." He admitted honestly, bending down to pet his dog Duke who had padded into the kitchen. Calum scooped the tiny canine up and walked around the island, depositing him in Fallon's lap and pleased with himself when he saw the small flicker of light break back into her eyes. No woman was immune from Duke's happy tail wags, face licks, and general adorableness.

"I think in the end though Erin and I have always seen eye to eye on one thing. And that's wanting what's best for you. We may not agree on how to go about that all the time but we mean well and we come from the same place."

"So you two gonna join forces and be all buddy-buddy now?"

"I don't know if I would go that far, but I think she and I have an understanding that Wesley was out of line and shouldn't have dropped that kind of pressure on you."

"It doesn't even make sense, to be honest," Fallon said, cutting him off. "I mean, at the beginning of all this I was the one that wanted to take it easy for a while, and then I couldn't get them motivated to save my life. Wes was the one who pushed so hard because she and Constance were on the rocks and it was easy to agree since Erin and I weren't speaking. Now I decide that I don't want to just twiddle my thumbs for however long this ends up taking and it's suddenly a problem that I'm not thinking of the band."

It felt good for Fallon to air her grievances and let a little of the pressure she had allowed to weigh on her lift.

"If I wanted to work with anyone but you, it wouldn't be a problem and I know that. Wes can pretend all she wants but I can tell there's been a shift with her."

"Do you think it has anything to do with her problems with Constance?"

"I don't know, maybe?" Fallon's brows furrowed together in the center of her pale face.

"Just saying, with the events of the past few years you and I know as well as anyone the added stress that comes when you aren't seeing eye to eye with your partner. It gets rather isolating and if you're already feeling a bit exposed and alone and then you find out that during an already stressful time and amidst a pandemic where no one really knows what to expect tomorrow, or next week, or even next year, that one of your bandmates wants to step away and do something else. She might be feeling a bit left out or abandoned. I don't know how bad things are with her girlfriend but if she's feeling the same way regarding Constance this could have felt a bit like a double whammy."

"I hadn't thought of it like that." Fallon's voice trailed off. And she hadn't in all her emotional response she had been too distraught over the things that Wes had said to her and she hadn't given much, or any really, thought as to where Wesley might be coming from.

"Look, I'm not trying to excuse the things she said to you. I'm not taking her side or saying that the way she handled things was appropriate. I'm just saying that her lashing out like that might have less to do with you and I, and us making a song together, and more with her feeling like every facet of her life is currently in a shift. I think that could be overwhelming for anyone and might make them a bit more likely to react the way she did."

"So...what should I do?" Fallon asked, leaning forward to prop her elbows on the countertop in front of her. A defeated sag in her shoulders. "Obviously, I don't want her to feel abandoned but this song is something I'm proud of, and it's something that you and I had talked about doing for years. I don't want to make things worse for her or have it seem like I'm somehow choosing you over her friendship or something but I don't think I should have to abandon this project we've been working so hard on either."

Calum thought for a moment, using the time to clear their breakfast dishes from between them before returning to face her, the veins of his forearms prominent and distracting as he braced himself against the island and his warm brown eyes found hers.

"Were I in your shoes with one of the boys, I think the best thing to do would be to admit that I was having a hard time seeing things from their point of view and just ask where she's coming from. Maybe it's what we're thinking or maybe it's something else, but either way, let her get it off her chest."

"And if she comes in true hot-headed Wes fashion? Won't even let me talk or have that conversation with me?"

"Fallon, you have zero control over other people's behavior. All you can do is offer her the opportunity for a dialogue and then the ball is in her court. She can choose to either make use of that opportunity or not. I've always thought of Wes as a bit explosive but I think here she really is just seeking some connection while she's going through it. If I'm wrong though and she can't even give you the benefit of a conversation then I don't think you would owe her forgoing our plans with the song. Ultimately that's your decision to make though, not mine."

"Ughh" Fallon groaned, allowing her forehead to fall forward and lightly tap against the counter a few times. "I would rather just not be put in this position at all. Why is it always something?"

"I can't answer that for you darling." He chuckled. "I can however offer you the hope that at least on our end of things, it seems to be looking up."

An: it's been an embarrassingly long time.

I've missed you! I'm literally days away from my due date and things have been chaotic to say the least.

Thanks for always bearing with me!
I love you,
Sav 🖤

Push Me Away : Book 2 of the Teeth SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now