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Be cool. Be cool. Be cool.

Fallon repeated the words like a mantra over and over in her head as she tried to also remind herself to breathe but in a way that wasn't likened to having a panic attack as she made herself back towards the party.

She was anything but cool though as she stepped through the glass sliding door and her cheeks heated as a few of their friends glanced in her direction. It was like they knew. Like their eyes were taunting her. It was all in her head of course. No one could or would know that she suspected she might be pregnant again.

Still, a bead of sweat dribbled down her neck and her hands shook at her sides causing her to lift her arms, crossing them across her chest as if to provide an invisible shield from the world. Calum's butterscotch eyes landed on hers. They sparkled, the moon glinting off them as he grinned at her, not a care in the world as he lifted his drink to his perfect lips and took a sip. So happy. So free. So completely unaware that once again they may find themselves in a predicament.

Fallon vowed to herself though that this time, if history repeated itself, it would have a different ending.

Forcing a smile to her face, though it didn't quite reach her eyes, Fallon trudged forward. Her feet felt like they weighed a thousand pounds but still she continued until she was wrapped in the safety of Calum's arms.

His breath was warm against her ear as he nuzzled into her neck and whispered. "Hello gorgeous."

He smelled like cinnamon and maybe a trace of the weed from earlier. "You want me to get you another drink?"

Fuck. She'd been drinking all night. Dread filled her and she hoped that if she was pregnant she hadn't managed to fuck the kid up already.

"No, I'm good. Thanks though. I think I might be getting ready to call it a night." She feigned a yawn, hoping to make her white lie a bit more believable. She was tired, though. At least a little. But her desire to leave was one hundred percent rooted in her need to get away from their friend and into a bathroom to pee on a stick.

"Really? I'm not tired at all. It's been forever since we've been out and I feel like we just got here."

"Well if you're having a good time you could stay, love. I can call a ride and you can just meet me at home whenever you're ready."

His eyes studied her. Scanning over her body and across her face as he read her, looking for something though she wasn't sure what. Or maybe she was. She just needed him to be drunk enough to agree. The need to know was bubbling up in her stomach and if she hung around much longer the truth of what she suspected was bound to come spewing out of her like word vomit.

"You sure, Fal?" He reached forward, tangling their fingers together and lifting their entwined hands to kiss the back of hers. "I feel like somethings up. If something was though, you'd tell me...right?"

Instant guilt washed over her as she realized the magnitude that whatever she said next would have. They were at a crossroads. She could tell him the truth or she could be a coward. Cowardice had cost her once before and if she chose the easy way out in this moment she knew the hell that it could cost her down the road. With that in mind she closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she squeezed her hand.

"Cal, you're right. Something is up. But I promise it can wait for the morning if you want to stay with your friends. I need to go, though."

His eyes lingered on her face. She squirmed under his watch, the feel of it powerful and scrutinizing.

"I've made the mistake of not following you before. I won't make that same mistake again. There will be other parties, you wouldn't ask to leave if it weren't important. Give me a few minutes to say bye to everyone."

Relief flooded into her bloodstream and Fallon was surprised at how much she had needed him to choose her. It was such a simple request but knowing that he would be with her immediately had her body relaxing and feeling more secure in knowing that whatever was about to happen, at least she wouldn't be facing it alone.

"Take your time." She told him, rising on her tiptoes to place a kiss against his cheek before heading back to the kitchen to grab her purse, offering her own goodbyes as she traipsed through the house and then ultimately out to their waiting Uber.

"Do you want to tell me now why we've left?" He slurred a moment later when he slid in the back seat next to her, his mask covering his mouth and making the words spoken in his thick accent that seemed to come out most when he'd been drinking even harder to distinguish.

She pleaded with him silently, her eyes begging him to wait until they had a moment of privacy. His curiosity was no doubt piqued though and his eyes widened further when their Uber pulled into the drugstore she'd requested the address for.

"I'll only be a few minutes." She promised as she slid from the seat, completely unsurprised as Calum followed behind her into the store.


She heard him but she sighed out a breath and pressed on. There was an uptick in her breathing as she rounded a corner and came face to face with the family planning aisle. She stopped and could practically hear Calum's heart daring to beat out of his chest as he looked from the aisle in front of her to her face.

"Fal, why are we here? We have condoms at home so..."

Eyes fluttering closed she blew out a breath and then turned to face him. "KayKay asked me for a tampon."

"Ooookay." He said, confusion clear across his face.

"I can't remember the last time that I needed a tampon."

And the realization hit him clear as day.

An: An update!

With no answers lol

So what are your thoughts? Hopes? Guesses?

It only took me a month to update this time. Maybe you'll find out if they're pregnant again before Easter lol.

I love you always!


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