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Fallon scoffed as she glanced down at her shaking hands. Her fingers danced lightly over the strings of her guitar as she waited for Calum to give her a nod and tell her he was ready. It was funny, Playing this song to only their close friends was making her more nervous than she had been playing sold out stadiums.

Given, most of her nerves probably were due to the fact that she and Calum had been through so much in the last year and because of that friends on each side still held some reservations when it came to their relationship and that was to be expected. Fallon knew herself and if she were on the outside looking in she didn't doubt that she would feel the same way where her bandmates, her sisters, were concerned. It had taken a lot for her to admit that to herself and to allow herself to see things from their friends perspective. Rebuilding what they had once had would take time. But it was time that she was willing to wait as long as the end result was she and Calum, forever this time.

His caramel coffee colored eyes met hers and her heart stopped. Her eyes scanned his face, taking in his warm skin, his perfectly pouty lips and the single dimple that rose on his cheek as he gave her a knowing look and a red tint spilled across her cheeks.

"You guys going to play this song, or is Fallon going to continue to mentally undress you? Cause we have plenty of rooms for that later." Crystal asked. Breaking the silence and pulling Fallon from her highly satisfying imagined scenario that was playing through her mind.

Fallon felt the heat of embarrassment spread across her but Calum only smirked and let loose a chuckle. "Anything for you Crystal."

"And that's why you're my favorite!"

"Hey!" Michael said, playfully swatting at her arm in mock annoyance.

Crystal rolled her eyes before placing a sweet kiss to her man's cheek and whispering something in his ear that had the blonde blushing, a large grin spreading across his face.

"Ready if you are, love." Calum said quietly, redirecting Fallon's attention to him. She drew in a shaky breath and then finally gave a nod, their fingers moving in sync as they worked their way through the gentle chords of the song they'd been working on.

There was a certain kind of intimacy in the air, their friends waiting with baited breath for this song that Fallon desperately hoped they hadn't overhyped. She didn't want to disappoint them but as Calum's calm and gentle voice began to sing she realized that she actually didn't particularly care what anyone thought of what they had created. They hadn't done it for anyone but Calum and herself. And that was the thought she clung to as she joined him.

"Who I am hates where I've been. If given the chance I'd start again

But I can go back and I can't rewind. Not sure all things really heal with time." Fallon's eyes slid closed blocking out everything except the words that had come from her heart. The ones she hoped had put her and Calum back on the right track.

"Your words still hurt, my wounds still sting. Is there really a cure for everything? I don't know."

They paused before the corus and she opened her eyes, glancing to the left and locking with Cal. Emotions flooded her face as he offered her a small smile before they continued.

"But if home is where the heart is well then my home is with you. And I just need to know if you still feel the same way too. The world still turns, the sun still burns and I keep getting older

At the end of the day, hope you'll believe all I've told ya. Baby steps while we grow, inch by inch till we know if we're built for forever. Wishing on stars, reclaiming what's ours and doing it together.."

Performing with Calum, even in a private setting, felt so natural, so right. A lot of that was probably due to the sheer number of times they had practiced and played together. As they finished the song and Calum strummed the final chord his soft brown eyes and quiet reassurance allowed her to feel safe and gave her the boost of confidence she needed until their friends could react.

Push Me Away : Book 2 of the Teeth SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now