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"Do you wanna do it?"

"Calum! How on earth are you possibly thinking about sex right now?" Fallon proclaimed, whirling around and hitting him on his elbow.

"What?" He asked confused, his eyebrows forming that little dip in the center of his forehead. "I meant the test Fallon." The smile on his face met his eyes and Fallon felt like a dumbass. "Maybe I should be the one asking you how you could be thinking about sex."

"Sorry, I'm not thinking clearly. I had some drinks and I might be pregnant and I'm freaking the fuck out a little bit." Her words were rushed and panicky and until she had uttered them she hadn't realized how scared she really was.

"It's okay, Fallon. Do you want to wait until we're a little more clear headed?" He asked, his hand sliding into hers and pulling her into his chest as they stood just a few steps inside the entryway. He was warm, his heartbeat steady and she needed him more than she had realized.

"I don't think I can wait. The anxiety is eating me alive. It just feels too familiar and I know I'm just going to be a mess until I know for sure."

Calum was quiet then, his breathing even and his body solid as he held her and allowed her a moment to collect herself. "We're going to do things differently this time." He finally offered. His voice was soft, barely above a whisper but sounded so sure of himself. Taking a step back, just far enough from her so that he could meet her eyes with his. "We'll do this together. No running. Whatever the result, whatever you want. I'll be here. By your side."

A tear slid from her eye, falling across her cheek until he caught it, wiping it away and using his other hand to squeeze hers for reassurance. "We got this, Fal. We aren't the same people we were then. Whatever you want. Whatever the result. I'm here."

His reassurance was beyond needed and Fallon held back the sob that was daring to escape. He loved her. It couldn't have been more obvious in his actions and she had to trust him. She had to believe that if they were going to find themselves in this predicament again that this time things would be different. She wouldn't be facing any part of this alone.

"I think I need to know, Cal."

"All right then." He agreed, leaning forward and pressing his soft pink lips to hers. Their kiss held so much emotion. His tongue tangled with hers, their bodies meeting as his hands held her, desperately trying to keep her as close as possible. Like he was using this kiss to tell her that this time they were forreal. That they could withstand any storm they faced together.

Finally, he pulled away. His forehead resting against hers and their eyes meeting. He stared straight into her soul as he told her he loved her. And she believed him with every fiber of her being.

With hands still joined, Falon grabbed the bag from the pharmacy off the entry table where she had dropped it when they came in. Together they moved towards the bathroom where their fate would be sealed.


Three minutes had never felt so long. Calum did his best to keep his own nerves at bay because panic was practically radiating off of Fallon in waves. He had to be strong for her. She needed him. There was a part of him that was also a bit taken aback by the familiarity but last time she hadn't included him in this part. He had been left in the dark until she dropped her news on him like a bomb and had expected him to process it immediately. This time they were both in the throws of it together and he appreciated that she was giving him the opportunity to be there for her. It had to mean something. It was growth.

The alarm they had set on his phone rang and Fallon's eyes snapped to him. He noticed the sharp uptick in her breathing, the terror in her eyes. He wanted to fix it and he wasn't exactly sure what she needed from him but he knew he only had one shot to get this right.

Push Me Away : Book 2 of the Teeth SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now