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A stillness, reminiscent of the ones that come just before a summer storm, enveloped the room and seeped into Fallon in a way that had her skin covered in goosebumps and every hair standing on end. With the way she was sweating it was hard to believe she was only sitting in front of a computer and not being held hostage at gunpoint.

C'mon Fal. It's just a video call. With someone who's supposed to be your best friend no less.

It shouldn't be a big deal. She and Wes had been through misunderstandings and arguments before but this one felt different. Wesley's words had cut deeper than Fallon had first realized and the wound had been left open, allowed to fester with neither of them willing to reach out and apologize. A week had passed before Fallon had worked up the nerve to send a simple text message. She had kept it short and to the point, only typing out a time and attaching a link to the video call. Wes had responded in a similar fashion, a heart-reaction response to the message and nothing further.

Now her trembling finger hovered over the "join chat" button willing herself to stop pussyfooting around and hit the damn button. A sudden knock on the door startled her and she nearly jumped out of her skin as Calum appeared in the doorway.

"Fuck, Calum." She exclaimed, her hand pressed against her chest as she shut her eyes and let out a deep breath trying to calm her racing heart.

"Didn't mean to scare you, love." He murmured as he stepped into the room fully, standing behind her, his hands rising to massage her shoulders. His eyes settled on the screen in front of her and he sighed.

"She's taken the first step. She's waiting on the other end of the call there." He said simply and Fallon gave a resigned nod.

"I know." She didn't know what else to say. Wesley had extended the olive branch, a start to repairing whatever problems existed between them and now it was up to Fallon to meet her halfway. It was challenging though when all that kept going through her mind were bits and pieces of the conversation that had led to all of this. A week's time had blurred some of the exact wording but she distinctly remembered Wes referring to her as a traitorous, self-serving bitch who was choosing some boy over her friends.

As if Calum was just some boy. As if Calum wasn't the man who had completely changed her life and who she had been through literal hell and back with.

Another sigh fell past her lips and Calum's strong hand gently tapped her shoulder in a comforting show of reassurance. "All will be well, darling." He whispered before pressing a chaste kiss to her temple and

Fallon took his words as a promise. Praying to a higher power that he was right and whatever this friction between she and Wesley was, they'd figure it out. That one day it would be a disagreement they looked back on and laughed. They'd reminisce about how big it had seemed at the time but how insignificant it had become in the long run. A tiny blip on the radar of their friendship that was destined to last a lifetime.

At least she sure hoped for that. She could hope because reality had yet to come around to crush her like a bug beneath its pointy shoe. The fear of which was keeping her from pressing the damn accept button on the call.

Just do it, Fallon. Just click the stupid button and get it over with. At least then you'll know where you stand.

Her inner monologue coached her through her anxiety until in one sporadic burst she heard the click of the computer mouse and the screen in front of her filled with the image of Wesley, the purple walls of her apartment bedroom unmistakable in the background.

"Hey–" Fallon rushed out at the same time Wesley said "Hi."

A slightly uncomfortable silence spanned between them afterwards, each of them waiting for the other to indicate how they should proceed.

Push Me Away : Book 2 of the Teeth SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now