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"Shhhh... it's okay bubba. Go to sleep. Dada's got you." Calum cooed to his son as he held him against his chest and bounced slightly trying to will him back to sleep. The clock on the dresser beside their bed flashed 3:43 am and his tired eyes begged for more rest but knowing his son he knew that might be a pipe dream.

"Here, I'll take him." Fallon offered, sitting up as she rubbed at her own tired eyes.

"I'm sorry, love. I tried."

"I know. It's fine. You can't help that your boobs are worthless." She sighed as she cradled the small boy in her arms and lifted her shirt to feed him.

"Does it make it better if I say I'd feed him if I could?"

"Not even a little bit. You and your worthless tits try to get some sleep. At least one of us should be rested."

"We could try him on formula?" Calum offered, his teeth pulling back his bottom lip and obvious worry creasing his forehead.

"With the shortage and all, I'd rather not add another thing to worry about to our plate. I'm really glad this is working out for us and I don't want to risk messing it up. Plus, I think I'd feel guilty taking formula from people who breastfeeding didn't work out for."

"I just worry 'bout you is all." He reached out, cupping her face in his palm and she leaned into his touch.

"I know but it's just a phase. He'll grow out of it. He has to sleep eventually."

Calum glanced down, running his hand through his son's dark black hair. "I hope you're right."

"Hah." Fallon scoffed with a grin. "Haven't you learned by now, I'm always right."


"Where's Auntie Erin's big boy?"

"Oh boy." Calum groaned at the sound of Erin letting herself in at the front door.

"Be nice." Fallon warned.

"I am nice. She just baby talks to him in that annoying voice and wants to paint his fingernails and stuff. He's not a doll."

"Wrong!" Erin sing songed as she joined them in their living room. "He's my little doll baby." She leaned over the swing where the baby stared at her from, lifting him into her arms and over her head as his smile grew. "You're auntie's favorite aren't you bubba. Yes, you are."

Calum groaned and Fallon let out a laugh. "Suck it up buttercup. We put up with her annoying baby voice and she rewards us with free babysitting once a week."

"This is true."

"You're welcome by the way."

Calum only rolled his eyes in response. They were doing better, he and Erin. They would probably never be best friends and that was okay. A truce of sorts had been reached between them. An understanding. Each of them cared deeply for Fallon and now for the tiny human she held in her arms, they wanted only the best for them, even if that required them to put aside their differences.

"Hey! Hey!" the sound of a male voice at their front entrance had them all turning towards the front door as Ashton strolled in to join them.

"Does everyone just let themselves in these days?" Calum questioned.

"Well if it's a problem you could, ya know, lock the door." Ashton sassed. "Come here, Globe." He smirked, reaching for the baby boy held in Erin's arms.

"Ashton for the fucking millionth time you know that's not his name." Fallon said with an annoyed look as she repositioned herself on the sofa.

"Oh, right, right. Sorry, Map." He grinned as he placed the baby on his chest and joined everyone else who had seated themselves around the sectional.

Push Me Away : Book 2 of the Teeth SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now