chapter 1

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"thomas!" i yelled running towards tom. my little brother.

"please stop running away from me!" i said trying to catch my breath. he stopped and went back towards me trying to help me breathe.

"sis, breath with me. 1...2...3..." he said in a low voice, holding my hand. he was an angel that our god gave us. he was loving, caring, selfless and very kind and he has an overflowing energy that no one not even me can reach.

"thank you tom-" i was cut off by the leaves rustling. i quickly grabbed tommy by the hand and pulled him behind the tree, before he could speak i hushed him.

the footsteps were louder every step as the person went closer. there were many hunters in the forest, they were not just sent to kill animals but most of them would kill innocent people too.

"boo!" wilbur yelled, to our surprise tommy and i scream in fear hugging each other.

"hell off wil, you're an awful person!" i said. i flicked his forehead, he then groaned in pain as tommy laughed watching us from behind.

"shut the fuck up tom." wilbur rolled his eyes at thomas as the blond boy crossed his arms.

"wilbur! stop being mean!" i screamed at him, he covered his ears due to how loud i am.

"oops, sorry was i too loud?" i smiled at him innocently. he looked at me in annoyance and rolled his eyes.

there was a pin drop silence between us.

the three of us heard an arrow shot, wilbur and i covered our ears as i frantically looked at thomas.
my heart dropped as i sighted him, blood was coming out of his mouth with his eyes widened.

tears immediately escaped from my eyes at the scenery, my brother wilbur ducked and laid on his stomach not knowing what happened to tom. his body dropped, revealing the murderer. the man had blond hair with green eyes. he was at the age of 30's with an arrow on his right hand.

I stared at his features until I heard wilbur yelled, the man ran off not shooting another arrow on me nor wilbur.

"thomas!" wilbur yelled, holding tom in his arms. blood was dripping from his mouth and stomach. the arrow really crossed his body. from back to front. there was a hole on his stomach part and the bloody arrow laid beside wilbur.

"help! someone!" i cried out loud, hoping someone would hear me. lucky us if that hunter won't kill me nor wil.

we heard couple of footsteps walking towards our direction. the bushes rustled revealing the people. it was our parents and our other brother with our aunt and uncles.

"thomas!" our dad, philza screamed. he ran towards tom's lifeless body as techno stood still processing what was happening. our aunt and uncles gasp at the scene.

as father was embracing thomas, i just stood there with my head blank. he was young to die. too fucking young to die. the picture of the man was now completely stuck in my head like a tattoo, a permanent one.

"what the fuck happened here?! i left you at the house to rest but why are you here?! why! wilbur, y/n?!" he yelled making the both of us flinch. rage and disbelief was written all over his face. tears and sweats covering his face, his hands were all bloody.

"i-it was y/n's fault! she lead thomas here, she screamed at me because i scolded them and someone might've heard her causing tom to get shot!" wilbur said putting the blame on me.
i- can't believe it. he fucking lied and snitched on me!

"h-he's a liar pa! i would never scream back when someone's scolding me! believe me pa!" i cried as i explained my side.

father slowly laid down tom's body and stood up. he walking towards me.

my body was trembling, hands were shaking and my mind was shouting for me to run away but my feet was stuck on the ground like a glue- no it must be the reason that i lost my dearest brother that's why i can't move.

he stopped infront of me and looked me in the eyes. my e/c eyes locked to his for a few seconds as i feel a hand slapped me hard causing my vision to blur, my body fell down to the ground still seeing a bit of black.

"how could you lead your brother here?! i told you to stay home! i told you to rest! what now, your rebelling?! look at your brother y/n! look what you have caused. i can't believe i called you my child, you are a fucking disgrace to this family!" he screamed at me. my eyes started to get heavier every second. i closed my eyes as i heard arguments here and there. my aunt, uncles and father are fighting for some reason that i cannot hear.

my hearing slowly fades little by little, the noise was reducing every millisecond as i heard someone shouts my name.

"y/n! oh my god y/n!" a lady voice said, shaking my body as i gave up and let darkness rule over me.


"y/n?!" tommy shakes my hand while screaming my name. i gasped, sitting up.

i clearly woke up in sweat and tears. i looked over at tommy who had an worried expression. i rolled my eyes at him and stood up leaving him worrying about me.

i don't really give a damn about him, in fact i fucking hate- no- despise? or i guess loathe him to the core.

that was just a dream but that dream was a flashback when i had my third brother, thomas. he had a blonde hair and blue eyes just like- no. i promised myself not to think about that again yet i can't stop because of that fucking tommy. it's so fucking frustrating. blaming me for his death, god give me a break. i'm not the one who shot him and i was fucking 6, fucking 6 that time. what do i know about the world? not that i know nothing but i know less than every kids in our town since my father would lock me up in our house because of the outside world's danger.

thomas was my twin- like fraternal that's why i can't really get over him. it's been 16 fucking years now. i'm already 22 but i can't let go of the past. i can't just let go at the fact that he died young.

they blamed me, they neglected me, they tortured me not just physically but mentally, they hurt me with not just knives, arrows, axe and shits but also with words.

i was young too but they didn't gave me a break thus they picked to worry about that pussy ass brother of mine who did nothing but laid down before, wilbur.

i found myself on my balcony writing my thoughts once again, i couldn't speak not because i'm mute but past trauma. that trauma.


dear diary,

why can't they understand that i was young too? do they want me to experience what thomas experienced? it's tiring, very tiring. should i rest with thomas or should i keep fighting and keep getting my hopes down as i always do? why the fuck do i even keep think about philza loving me as his kid. he doesn't even care about ever since the incident. i shouldn't write this like everyday but damn shits, universe really gave me this shits to start the day. also, why do they keep sending that brat- tommy to wake me up. is that their 'goodmorning, time to annoy and make you feel guilty'? please fucking spare me before i slit my throat open.



great fucking way to start my day.

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