Chapter 1 (Cruelty...)

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This is my first book and a rewrite on the sun user's daughter i will add it on my reading list

"Brother... We shall repay for our sins and die together maybe we'll be together in another life you think..?" Yoriichi said to his dying brother beside him "That sounds like a good one Yoriichi but there are times we aren't together what will we do?" Michikatsu said while hes fading to dust "I must assume that we both will start a new life without being together after all we'll reborn soon..." Yoriichi said while looking at Michikatsu with a small smile and dying of old age "This is a goodbye for now and see you later on the future..." Michikatsu Responded "We shall meet again dear brother..." The two brothers said their final words before closing their eyes and sleeping forever



Yoriichi then finally woke up from his deep sleep and the sun shining hitting his face as he sees a child shaking him gently trying to wake him up "Otou-san! Okaa-san said to wake you up and we eat together!" The child excitedly says known as '(Y/N)' the child of Yoriichi Tsugikuni "Alright im up give me time to prepare okay?" Yoriichi said as he stood up from his futon smiled at his child as he remembered his past a bit

Time skip

As Yoriichi was getting ready to leave he then heard "Otou-san~! Could i please go with you?" (Y/N) whined


I don't think it's safe sweetie but i will take you next time alright?" Yoriichi said as (Y/N) pout a bit

"Fine but promise me you'll come back safely and take me with you next time!" (Y/N) responded with confidence

"Sure my little sun" Yoriichi smiles a bit while (Y/N) looked at him with hope and happiness, oh the face he could love

"Yay!" She said while running to her mother, Uta

"Okaa-san! Otou-san is gonna take me with him next time and we should say our goodbyes!" (Y/N) said to Uta

"Yes but come back safely alright dears?" Uta said with worry

"Of course we will Otou-san is strong!" (Y/N) exclaimed while putting her hands in the air and smiling brightly

"Alright i have to leave now be safe okay?" Yoriichi said as he looks to his daughter and wife with full worry in his eyes

"Of course! But come back safely and it's snowing here" Uta said handing Yoriichi a scarf she made with the help of her lovely daughter "Me and Okaa-san made that for you as a thank you for helping and feeding us Otou-san! And maybe protecting us even!" (Y/N) yelled a bit from her mothers arms

"hahaha thank you, you two are the best daughter and wife I've ever had!" Yoriichi exclaimed happily as he put on the (F/C) scarf happily "Be safe Otou-san/Dear!" Uta and (Y/N) yelled at the same time

Yoriichi waved goodbye and went off the distance his figure getting smaller and smaller "Let's cook dinner for Otou-san!" (Y/N) says to Uta

"That's a good idea darling lets go prepare dinner!" Uta responded as they went back in the house

Time skip at day since Yoriichi took too long to come back and slept at his neighbours house

Yoriichi's POV
As i went off to leave my neighbours house because it was late i bid my goodbyes and took off to see my lovely daughter and wife, As i got there i saw... Blood?! 'What the? Why is blood here..' I thought as i went closer i then looked inside the house and saw... Uta on the floor her body protecting (Y/N)'s body, i gasped as i ran up to them and felt their pulse, luckily my daughter survived but not for Uta... I then started to tear up a bit but (Y/N)'s heartbeat was faint so i carried her instantly on my back piggy backing her 'Hang on there my little sun please be alive when i take you to the doctors...' i thought panicking in the inside as i fasten my speed of walking while breathing heavily the air was a bit thin.

No one's POV
(Y/N)'s hand started twitching while Yoriichi was a bit close to the village and (Y/N) woke up growling and moving around furiously "Arghh! Harghh!" (Y/N) growled as Yoriichi fell down the 5 feet tall cliff before reaching the village, Luckily there was snow and the snow was thick enough from that 5 feet fall, Yoriichi opened his eyes in panic and looked around trying to find his daughter who may be now freezing '(Y/N)? Where's (Y/N)! She might be freezing cold right now and its also snowing...' Yoriichi thought he then saw (Y/N) 4 or 5 feet away from him, He then Approached her "(Y/N)! oh gosh your cold come on my back I'll piggy back you to the doctor/village" Yoriichi says (Y/N) then raised her head with veins on her forehead, slitted pupils and sharp teeth, She lunged at Yoriichi and growled

"Arghh!!" She growled Yoriichi then saw an axe and used it to protect himself just as (Y/N) was on top of Yoriichi he then put the handler of the axe on her mouth to prevent her from biting him "Shit- (Y/N)! Snap out of it!" Yoriichi grunted, struggling slightly as (Y/N) didn't listen and continued trying to bite through the wooden handle of an axe

"You shouldn't become a demon! Fight it!" I yelled as she twitched a bit as her pupils dilated as she grew bigger as she was now a fully grown adult and immense strength as Yoriichi struggled to keep up with her strength

'she grew bigger is this her blood demon art... ? I have never seen this before it might be a big problem since she grew stronger and more powerful..' Yoriichi thought

"Stop, (Y/N)! You remember me right? It's me your Otou-san do you remember that?" I said to her as she continued to try and bite but stopped as memories flashed her corrupted mind showing a child, a man with Long black hair with red tips and a beautiful smile along with a woman that has black hair tied to a large bun smiling

As she realized, she was hurting her own father she stopped for a brief moment as tears pricked her eyes flowing on her tears as it hit her fathers cheek as she spoke "O-otou-san...?"

She spoke out as she finally remember him "Yes, it's me! Your father! " Yoriichi said relived as that moment wouldn't last long, he then felt a presence, a strong one he then saw a blade after (Y/N)'s neck as he widened his eyes at the sight

But he rolled over to protect his daughter and the blade cut off some of his hair it was still long "huh?" The slayer muttered as bits of snow covered the place as the snow clears he looked up as he saw the slayer.. As it looked like his..

To be continued...

Words 1259

Lol i re wrote this since re read my first chapter and it was cringe i know so i re wrote it yet i will also re write my first chapters like chapter 2 and 3 it'll take some motivation but still works!

P.S: i rewrote this again

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