Chapter 4 (First Mission)

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(A/N: so idk why im posting more then my time i need to post i just suddenly had the motivation somehow but ill lose that motivation soon also there are gonna be 30 or 25 chapters here so be prepared for reading and the cringe since i'm writing this as a 10 year old gonna be 11 years old on september 6 okay back to the story)

After (Y/N) and yoriichi reunited urokodaki gave yoriichi a box that is very light and urokodaki-san said it was made out of mist cloud fir which was the lightest wood then yoriichi called out (Y/N) to see if she could fit "(Y/N)! can you shrink into this box i wanna see if you could fit here" yoriichi said (Y/N) then shrank into a size of a 3 or 4 year old to fit in the box surprisingly she did she sat in a more comfortable position then decided to sleep, after that yoriichi said to his farewells and goodbyes and thank you's to urokodaki-san and he said goodbye back yoriichi's kasugai crow said "CAW! CAW! YOU HAVE A MISSION ON A VILLAGE WHERE 16 YEAR OLD GIRLS GOES MISSING LATE AT NIGHT FIND OUT WHAT'S MAKING THE 16 YEAR OLD GIRLS GO MISSING LATE AT NIGHT CAW! CAW!" the kasugai crow yelled making (Y/N) flinch a bit "okay okay just stop yelling which direction do i go?" yoriichi asked "NORTHWEST CAW!" the kasugai crow yelled "*sigh* ill just give you a name how about corn?" yoriichi asked and the crow nodded in approval "alright tour names now corn now lets go to my mission" yoriichi said

(Time skip by your lazy ass author here-)

Upon arriving at the village you saw a man and a woman hitting another man yelling "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY DAUGHTER YOU BRAT?! ANSWER ME WHY DID YOU JUST COME UP TO US AND SAID SHE DISSAPEARED???? WHY DIDNT YOU LOOK FOR HER HUH???!" the man yelled while the other boy was continuesly apologising while the villagers are just watching the drama happened, after all those things happened yoriichi went up to the boy asked "what happened here?" asked yoriichi "w-well i was walking with my future fiancé in the middle of the night while we were walking i turned to her once again and saw her gone i tried looking for her but nothing" said the guy "i see I'll investigate this and see what i can do aboit this" yoriichi said "alright then.."

(~Time skip brought you by douma trying to convince akaza to eat womens~)

It was night time and yoriichi tried sensing a presence but nothing
Until he sensed a demon and ran to where the demon was and the man from earlier tried catching up to him 'this guy is so fast is he even human?!' he thought yoriichi then saw a hole on the ground and stabbed it then a girl came out of no where surprising yoriichi a bit as he grabbed the girl he then looked at the hole again and saw 3 demons pop out they then made a loud screeching sound which made yoriichi almost cover his ears but luckily didn't lose his hearing which was a relief he then thought 'three huh i wonder if (Y/N) can do that too' yoriichi thought as he had sparkles around him wondering how it feels like playing or flying kites with 3 (Y/N)'s

(A/N: sorry this is short your author is busy with school and homework so the updates will be slower so please forgive me since the chapters are shorter ill make them longer)

Word count:627

Time finished: 10:01 p.m

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