Chapter 2 (Sadness And Kindness)

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"Michikatsu?!" yoriichi yelled as the slayer looked liked his brother, Michikatsu Tsugikuni

The slayers appearance, a tall figure with some red marks on his face, long black hair, a moon designed haori with black and dark purple colors, black eyes (i think-), a purple blade and quite handsome features

"So your protecting a demon now huh? Yoriichi." The slayer remarked known as 'Michikatsu' "No your wrong she's different she hasn't eaten anyone yet!" Yoriichi yelled to Michikatsu "Tch demons are always demons brother and you call that demon your daughter?" Michikatsu stated as he pointed his sword and looked at you in mixed emotions, Yoriichi looked at (Y/N) and looked back at his brother "*Sigh* Look Michikatsu it's hard to believe but she is my daughter and i will do anything to turn her back to human..!" Yoriichi says to Michikatsu "Fine you asked for it" Michikatsu said with venom in his voice as he went closer to Yoriichi and (Y/N) Yoriichi bent down to protect his daughter but when he looked at his arms, she was gone as he looked around he saw Michikatsu with (Y/N) in his hands growling "You got quite the slow reaction there, brother" Yoriichi was taken back at his words while (Y/N) was struggling to get out of his grasp

Yoriichi remained quiet but the atmosphere got darker and creepy Michikatsu then stabbed you in the shoulders making Yoriichi protecting he saw the axe and a few rocks

He then picked up the axe and threw the rocks at Michikatsu as Michikatsu just dodged, Yoriichi was then charging towards Michikatsu with an axe in his hand "You fool!" Michikatsu yelled while he kicked Yoriichi back as (Y/N) stood there shocked and not growling anymore she then heard the words in her head say "(Y/N)! Please protect your father he protected you now it's time for you to protect him.." A female voice said in her own thoughts she then growled and kicked Michikatsu in the side she then went to Yoriichi 'Shit! She's gonna eat him!' Michikatsu thought thinking it was to late to save his brother from his so called 'niece'

He then opened his eyes and saw... Your arms outstretched and in front of Yoriichi and growling at Michikatsu "(Y/N)..?" Yoriichi questioned as she dashed to Michikatsu and trying to strike him "(Y/N)! Stop hes your uncle!" Yelled Yoriichi but you just ignored it as you continued attacking Michikatsu but he dodged every attack he was in deep thought too 'Did she just protect him and turned her back against me? And she's expanding and conserving energy to heal her wounds too, could she be different then others?..' He thought as (Y/N) still kept attacking vigorously as Yoriichi tried to stop her yelling

'Some people told me these words before but got killed or killed, other wise but this one is different... She instead protected him instead of eating him.. She may be different from others' Michikatsu in thought as you jumped to a tree behind him he then unsheaths his sword 'I may aswell knock her out and make a bamboo muzzle for her..' Thought Michikatsu as he hit your nape as you yelped rather loudlyas your vision was flickering and fully blacked out,

After he did that he carried you and walked to his brother, Yoriichi "Cover her up I'll find a bamboo to not let her eat any meat or expose her to dead bodies and don't expose her to the sun, And don't, i mean DON'T, let any predators near her, Understand?" Michikatsu said as he placed you beside Yoriichi as he got your (F/C) haori on the ground and covered the unconscious demon's body as Yoriichi waited for his brother

Michikatsu came back after a few minutes and made a bamboo muzzle and gave it to Yoriichi "Go meet an old man named Urokodaki Sakonji at Mt. Sagiri i met him there as he trained me for a bit, after he trained me i became a hashira, Tell him Michikatsu Tsugikuni sent you" Michikatsu said as Yoriichi nodded as he put on the bamboo muzzle on you as you woke up on Yoriichi's arms and pinched his cheeks

"Oh your awake already..? Well come with us we have to bury your mother.." Yoriichi exclaimed with sadness in his voice as you nodded and went to follow your father and uncle while looking around


You three then stumbled a bloodied house and a dead woman making you drool a bit but you covered your eyes Michikatsu noticed it and quickly drags the body as Yoriichi made a burial they then finished burying Yoriichi wife as they closed your eyes making you confused and puts their hands together making you more confused as you looked at them with dotted eyes (kinda like this 👇)

You three then stumbled a bloodied house and a dead woman making you drool a bit but you covered your eyes Michikatsu noticed it and quickly drags the body as Yoriichi made a burial they then finished burying Yoriichi wife as they closed your eyes...

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And Yoriichi noticed it as the both of them were done praying "Come on my little sun let's go to Mt. Sagiri to train alright?" Yoriichi questioned you as you nodded "Mhmph!" You hummed in response as Michikatsu bid his goodbyes to you and his brother Yoriichi you and your father were making there way to Mt. Sagiri but...

To be continued
Pretty short chapter huh? Yea sorry about that motivation is running away from me when i need it the most and i ges distracted easily like watching Youtube, watching TikTok and reading genshin impact and demon slayer R34 don't ask pls and yes im a simp and im young too well too young i should say also i wont be available in sunday i think idk its undecided but lets see :)

And yes i rewrote this at 1:00 am on night and its 1:30 too oh shit and im running out of ideas and motivation PLEASE HELP-


Time & date made:1:30  a.m May 6 2022

Send help im gonna re write all of the chapters now bcs the electricity died💀

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