Reverse AU Douma's Past

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It started the same way as the original one: The cult, 'the god child' who emotionally served a bunch of adults. Douma understood that God's do not exist, and that people with real problems came to him for false hopes and non-existent help.

Douma dissolved the cult as soon as his parents had died, but did it in a veiled, not radical way to get help from people who adored him, so he got sheltered, care, and the opportunity to grow in prosperity. His goal was to truly help people, and he dedicated his entire life to sacrifice.

And on fourth or so, he became a demon slayer as he slowly rise up the ranks, until he reached the rank of a hashira. Still dedicated and adhering to the goal of helping people, there was nothing in his life except to strive and reach his goal. Not even sincere dreams, feelings and emotions. He constantly abstracted himself from the last two and rationalized everything that was happening.

He had problems with socialisation, because he spent his entire childhood in an image of an adored idol, so therefore he had behaviour that was very unpleasant for others: too intrusive, overly sweet, tactile and hyper-emotional.

As so, he was loved by those who he had saved from tragic fates and those who understood or knew his true emotions.

The only one who truly cared for him and at the same time treated him like an ordinary person was Akaza, also known as Soyama Hakuji (Douma saved him from being caught by the police on false charges, left him live at his mansion and helped him get back on his feet.)

He saw that Douma was sacrificing himself and ignoring his own comfort. Douma's self neglect was even noticed in such little things as not changing from a slayer's uniform into a more comforting attire, or enduring discomfort from dust instead of cleaning, etc.

Hakuji, who we now call as Akaza, often felt like Douma is an unreal person, because he never complained, did not share his interest and plans, always smiled, whether it was a fight, insult towards him, or he was sick and definitely felt bad.

That's all I could think of for Douma. And I'm running out of motivation for the others so I only worked on Douma's and Akaza's past tho. Anyway that's all! I'll be posting Akaza's in a past hour or so, still thinking abt his past.

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