Chapter 12 (Former Lower 5?)

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And.... They saw lowermoon 5 but.. His Lower eye was crossed out he didn't seem to notice Douma and Yoriichi's presence yet "Ugh finally i got out of muzan's control..." he then noticed the 2 presence and went to hide but he got grabbed by the shoulder/leg forcefully, Lower 5 then fell and looked behind him and saw 2 figures and their presence was strong 'Shit shit shit! I'm screwed now!'

Lower 5 thought as he surrendered and closed his eyes, letting them kill him he doesn't want to feel the pain but he never got any he then opened his eyes and saw the 2 figures looking at him, Lower 5 intimidated by the 2 stares he shivered Yoriichi took a notice to this and reassured him

"Hey it's gonna be alright we wont hurt you" He said with softness in his voice and handing out his hand, Lower 5 hesitated but took his hand anyway he didn't sense any bloodlust or the intent of killing him just... Kindness, Helpful and merciful "oh my! What's your name Lower 5?" Yuki questioned the demon while Lower 5 looked at him "Rui.. Rui Kurari"

(So i changed his last name since why not if yall don't like it please deal with it some say his last name was inappropriate so i listened)

"So your name is Rui?" Yoriichi said with softness in his voice "Yes" Lower 5 stated now known as 'Rui' "Your name is so cute! Your probably have been eating humans in this forest/mountain haven't you?" Yuki said in a friendly voice

"Yes i have but my family is the one who is killing them i pity them" Rui exclaimed with a bit of sadness in his voice "Huh so your family are the one's killing them?" Yoriichi said as he faced Rui "Mhm" Rui responded as Yuki looked at him with pity in his eyes "Are you okay with dying peacefully Rui-chan…?" Yuki said as she went to Rui "hm... I would love to see my parents so why not die peacefully?…" Rui said in response as he looked a bit sad "Very well then hope you live a peaceful life with your parents Rui, See you soon, Goodbye for now" Yoriichi said getting his sword ready "Water breathing fifth form: Blessed Rain After the drought..." Yoriichi mumbled

(Okay so the fifth form: Blessed Rain After The Drought which allows enemies who have surrendered to die with a graceful death without feeling any unnecessary pain also the episode where the fifth form is released is Demon Slayer Episode 16 or 17 hope that helps!)

After Yoriichi cut off Rui's head he didn't feel any pain but it was rather... Peaceful it was warm, As Rui was turning into ashes Yoriichi Turned to Rui and gave him a soft face

(His face was like this but with Yoriichi i couldn't find a Yoriichi one so i had to use the Tanjiro one)

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(His face was like this but with Yoriichi i couldn't find a Yoriichi one so i had to use the Tanjiro one)

'That face and eyes... i Feel like I've seen it before...' Rui thought as Yoriichi's face looked like his father, Yoriichi then placed a hand on Rui's nape(?) the warmth of Yoriichi's hands made Rui see his father placing a hand on his nape(?) also "Mom....Dad" Rui said as he was turning into a human and hugged his parents while crying in the process "No matter where we are heaven or hell we'll always be together.." Rui's Mother exclaimed and that Rui turned into ashes leaving only his cloth behind "I hope he's in a better place now with his parents" Yoriichi blurted out he then saw the spider father fighting Civian who was heavily injured "Civian-san!" Yoriichi yelled out while running to him and cutting the spider dad's arm, As the spider father was screaming in pain he helped out Civian who was injured

Civian then fell unconscious and Yoriichi caught him before hitting the ground, The spider dad now went to attack Yoriichi but "Sun breathing First form: Dance!" Yoriichi yelled but mumbled as he easily cut off the spider dad's head, He then coughed a bit but the spider dad's body was still moving Yoriichi haven't noticed it but sure Yuki has he then yelled "Nature breathing Third form: Nature's braids!" He then managed to cut the body to small pieces and rushed over to Yoriichi and Akaza "My my… Yoriichi-dono what happened?" Yuki asked with worry in her voice

"It's hard for me to use my breathing in the past but Civian may be unconscious for a while.." Yoriichi responded while coughing "I sense that hashiras are here… Should i call for help?" Yuki asked as she tried carrying getting Civian in  his shoulder but failed "Civian-kun is Heavy… Man i really need to work on my physical strength" Yuki pouted a bit "I think you should call for help Civian got poisoned.." Yoriichi said as he was standing up and his coughing stopped and helped Yuki "Thank you Yoriichi-kun!" Yuki thanked Yoriichi as they were Both carrying Yuki Yoriichi then felt the box get lighter

He looked behind and saw (Y/N) out of the box and holding off a blade that's close to Yoriichi's neck 'What the?' Yoriichi thought as he looked at the blade and saw (Y/N)'s arm bleeding from the blade he then turn to the slayer and saw a patterned black and green haori, his blade black, scar on his forehead, red eyes and blaxk hair fading to black(?) "Huh?!" The slayer yelled while trying to pierce through The young girls arm while (Y/N) growling in pain in the process

"She's just like nezuko!" The slayer thought as he looked at the man again and saw that scary face, He then jumped back 'He also has a box like mine?' Yoriichi thought as he went over to his daughter and looked at her arm which is healing slowly "Hey you! Who are you?" Yelled the boy, Yoriichi looked at him and said: "I am Yoriichi Tsugikuni this is my daughter (Y/N) Tsugikuni i sense that you have a demon on that box and who are you? " Yoriichi said while turning to Yuki trying to hold off Civian from trying to kill the boy with hanafuda earrings like his

"I'm Tanjiro Kamado I've been sent here to find a man that has a mark bigger then mine and long red hair and a female demon with a bamboo on her mouth!" The slayer now known as 'Tanjiro' spoke out "Well i am that man and those two on the back are my friends, Did you perhaps come here alone?" Yoriichi questioned Tanjiro "I didn't come here alone though i have 2 friends with me we just got separated from each other" Tanjiro Replies as he sweat drops

"I see..." Yoriichi said "Let me go Yuki!" Yelled Civian "That guy with the grey hair and the other woman almost act like them but mine are more aggressive..." Tanjiro says while looking at Yoriichi and his friends "...May i meet them someday?" Yoriichi says breaking the awkward silence

"Sure but how about you daughter?" "She's like my sister who's a demon but never devoured humans" Tanjiro says "Interesting i suggest we should let these 2 meet then? They should get along well" Yoriicho responded while looking at (Y/N) and patting her head and she hums in response leaning to his touch "Well my kasugai crow told me to bring you, your daughter and your friends to the headquarters of the demon slayers" Tanjiro says "I'll go with you but i have to prove them my daughter doesn't eat humans like your sister" Yoriichi say

"Ah yes i forgot about that although the second strongest pillar has marechi blood" Tanjiro responded "Hm so the second strongest pillar has marechi blood? Interesting we might have to test if my daughter will not eat his blood if she does she will have to die and i don't want that happening..." Yoriichi says

"Hah… Yoriichi-kun! please help me with Civian-san!" Yuki whined while trying to hold off Civian from trying to attack Tanjiro "Sure wait up" Yoriichi says while turning to Tanjiro and says a quick 'wait here for a while' while Tanjiro nodded

To be continued....

Words: 1449

Time made: 9:14 pm April, 29 2022 Friday

Okay uhh guys sorry for not posting lately im loosing motivation and school is getting busy and shit also after i post this i will make an AU Explanation since i have not seen a yoriichi x reader AU explanation yet so be ready for that and RIP my fingers </3

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