Chapter 10 (Mission And Friends)

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No one's POV

As Yuki and Yoriichi was walking around the forest in silence but it wasn't an uncomfortable or awkward silence it was a peaceful one, Yuki even tried small talks with Yoriichi making Yoriichi more comfortable with Yuki, As they were walking around the forests they found 2 children and they were scared and they were hiding behind a tree sitting and hugging ech other looking at the house terrified, As Yuki and Yoriichi stare at them for a little bit Yoriichi then Approached the 2 terrified/scared children "Hello my name is Yoriichi Tsugikuni and that woman with white red like hair is Yuki-San may i ask why you 2 are terrified/scared?" Yoriichi asked Making Yuki Sweat dropped a bit as the 2 kids went silence one spoke up

"A monster took big brother in that house while big brother was fighting back the monster just took him in the house like he was food!" The girl said making the boy looked at her with worry in his eyes "... She's right it took big brother in that house we sometimes hear drum playing in there!" the little boy said, Yoriichi then looked at them while putting down the box "We'll take care of it but don't leave this box alone alright? Since it's something/someone special to me if you stay here with the box I'll find your brother alright kids?" Yoriichi said after he put the box down in front of them "Mhm" "Okay mister!" the 2 kids exclaimed as they played with the boxes stripes on the back as Yoriichi smile a bit but Yuki noticed it and smiled at him "Let's go then Yoriichi-kun!" Yuki exclaimed as Yoriichi turned around and followed Yuki into the house with his blade on his hips and his red haori covering it so the kids wouldn't notice it and get scared

As they were walking towards the house they then say a injured boy falling out the window and landing on the ground with a splat they were so many blood so they had to run to the boy to see if he will live, his heartbeat was getting slower as his dull eyes were being closed as they pray for this boy they than enter the house, As they entered the house they both immediately got separated "What the? Is this some kind of blood demon art? I heard a drum sound too.." Yoriichi thought he then looked for a door to the exit but none until one door...

He saw a demon with drums on his shoulder, stomach and hips he then held his presence hidden, approached the demon but almost sliced his head off but he heard a drum sound and he was in the wall?, He was confused on how this happened he then looked at the demon behind him now in front of him 'tch.. This blood demon art looks annoying' Yoriichi thought, The demon was now playing drums ever time he tried to attack the room was spinning but he managed to slice both his arms off Yoriichi then went for the head and he spinned again but this time there was paper on the ground, Yoriichi noticed the writing and tried to not step on it he then managed to slice the demons head off while almost stepping on paper, Yoriichi then looked at the demon then back at the paper and decided to praise him for his writing and paper "Your stories and essays are good and your writing is good it's alright to cry goodbye for now" Yoriichi said to the demon as he saw a pool of blood and a cat appeared, Yoriichi recognised the cat, took the syringe from the bag that was carrying the cat, Used the syringe to get the blood and put it back in the bag as he pet the cat, the cat then disappeared after he pet the cat 'Now time to look for the boy, hope those 2 children didn't leave my little sun alone..' Yoriichi thought

Yoriichi's POV

I then started opening different doors and came across the last one sincr i heard noises coming from here i then opened the door to see 3 children? I recognised the 2 children and the other seems to be there older brother i then stared at them until they noticed my presence, there back was facing me so i tap the 3 of there shoulders

"Hello? Is this your older brother? If so how did you end up here? I thought i told you to stay with the box i left outside?" I questioned the 2 children while the other one was confused "We left the box since it started moving and we were scared please forgive us!" The girl said as the boy nodded i then took a deep breath "Okay come I'll show you the exit of the house alright?" i said as they all nodded i then heard noises outside we were getting close, as i walked faster the kids walked faster too feeling nervous  i then saw light coming out of the door infront of us i opened it and saw Yuki running away with the box which contained (Y/N) with a guy with grey hair and sleeveless uniform chasing him "GIVE THE BOX TO ME DAMMIT!" Yelled the male with grey hair "NO! THIS BOX HAS SOMEONE IMPORTANT AND BELONGS TO SOMEONE SPECIAL SO SCREW YOU!" Yuki Yelled back at the grey haired man, then suddenly Yuki tripped on a rock and dropping the box, the box rolling a bit as Yoriichi tried to go to the box in a hurry but the  grey haired man got to it first but he got kicked or punched in the ribs by Yoriichi (which hurt a lot-) and rolled away from the box

When Yoriichi punched or kicked the grey haired man he picked up the box and went to Yuki "Yuki-san? Are you alright there?" Yoriichi asked as Yuki looked up and smiled at him "I'm fine Yoriichi-kun! it was just a fall don't worry... besides what about that guy you knocked out?" Yuki questioned as Yoriichi looked at the man as he was unconscious on the ground as Yuki picked him up and covered The man in her haori well Yuki's haori to say the least


After the three buried all the dead bodies in the house or mansion they started chatting while the guy introducing himself as Hikomi Civian since they he didn't really get the chance to introduce himself since Yk Yoriichi punched or kicked him in the ribs? "That really hurts ya know. But anyways my name is Hikomi Civian and that box i still have a grudge to murder someone or something in there but i wont since your scary" Civian said to Yoriichi and Yuki "Well sorry for that but im Yoriichi Tsugikuni" Yoriichi replied to Civian "Well..~ Should we head to the Wysteria home or house so we can rest there for a couple of days?" Yuki asked both Yoriichi and Civian "Eh sure why not Yuki-chan" Civian said carelessly not noticing Yuki blushing from that response

"Okay then Civian" Yoriichi said agreeing and Yuki agreeing rather late as she was a blushing mess for Civian

They stopped after a while they were walking to the Wysteria Home it was dead silence it was kind of awkward but it was a comfortable silence

To be continued....

Words: 1616

Okay so um i rewrote this book sincr cuz why not the other books will stay the same until i change mah freaking mind to rewriting them which causes pain and suffering alright? It is not easy to become a wattpad writer and i have been like LITERALLY kept forgetting abt wattpad i was like: "Ah shit i have tiktoks to make.. Wait im not a tiktoker" *goes back to watching yt* "Fuck im a wattpad writer-" and yeaaa this why it took so long may discontinue this on chapter 15 or 18 since im making a new book anyway which is a creepypasta x poppy playtime it was interesting in my mind so im just writing whatever was on my mind it was a whole fanfic too and no it contains no readers at all yes you heard it right NO READERS MENTIONS although i have an OC on poppy playtime which it is a female and daughter of mommy longlegs i will call my OC Daughter longlegs since no name ideas but her expirament name if i spelled expirament right lol was actually supposed to be Soccula its a name i made up it was supposed to be her signature name but it was later on changed to Daughter longlegs and no her legs aren't working since they couldn't finish it since the prototype 1006 escaped so she can only use her hands which is very stretchy it was the same as Mommy longlegs but she can only stretch it to 100 meters not 1000 meters like mommy she always attaches to mommy at all cost on her neck or her head but when mommy is not around she goes to bron the dinosaur? I forgot the name anyways she uses her arms as legs so she climbed or ran to bron and asked if she could attach herself to his neck he agreed wait no this is another book wait hold up to make it short Soccula always attaches herself on mommy longlegs but sometimes when mommy longlegs isn't around she attaches herself to bron the dinosaur instead sorry my children this took so long to post-

Makoto out~

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