Chapter 11 (Resting)

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No one's POV

As Yoriichi, Yuki and Civian were walking through the forest Yoriichi then saw a house with a wysteria symbol on the wooden gate as an old lady opens the gate and sees two males and a single female, she then asked them to come inside to rest, The trio is now inside the Wysteria home(?).

As they were inside the old lady gave them some food and clothes since some of there clothes are ripped (*ahem* Civian *ahem*) from the fight but Yuki and Civian fought a bit when Yoriichi is inside the house

Yuki then heard creakung sounds from the box as he looked over and saw the door opened a bit "hm? Yoriichi-kun?" Yuki said as Yoriichi looked at her while sitting up "What is it Yuki-san?" Yoriichi asked as Yuki pointed at the box with the door slightly opened "Ah that's my daughter you see she's a demon but she doesn't eat anyone" Yoriichi exclaimed as Yuki nodded in response, she then looked at the box now the door is fully opened.

(Y/N)'s POV
This box is so spacious when I'm in child form but yet so... Tight when im in teen form hope father doesn't mind me coming out the box, i thought as i placed my hand on the floor 'Hm i sense three presence other then one perhaps its fathers friends?' i thought as i placed another hand at the floor i then heard

"Look Yoriichi-kun she's coming out!~" A playful voice said i then heard another voice "Tch would you ever shut up I'm tryna sleep over here.. " A rough voice but soft voice said i then peek out my head and saw three people i saw someone with a green sword, Green eyes and white-red hair looking at me squealing a bit i then saw a male with black hair and sleeveless uniform i then saw my father Yoriichi i then fully come out the box standing up and increasing my height, i then looked up and saw my father, i then ran up to him engulfing him with a tight hug

Yoriichi's POV

I was a bit surprised that my little sun hugged me suddenly but i hugged her back i then heard Yuki-san say "Awww is she actually your daughter Yoriichi-san? She looks so cute and she looks very attached to you also!~" She said "Yes she is my daughter you see me and my daughter have a very good relationship although losing her would be very bad for me.." i exclaimed while Yuki-san squealed while Civian-san just looked at her with mixed emotions, disgust? happy? sad? don't know it but i can clearly see that he has mixed emotions, (Y/N) then ran to Civian and hugged him to my surprise he hugged back "oh my! you really are mysterious Akaza-san…!" Yuki-san exclaimed as Civiam-san was staring at her, My little sun then let go of Civian-san and took Yuki-san's sword and it was neon green "Awwww you wanted to play with my hat don't you???" She said as she pet (Y/N)

"Oh i forgot to mention her name is (Y/N) Tsugikuni if you are wondering" I said bluntly while looking at Civian-san and Yuki-san "Ah! so her name is (Y/N) Tsugikuni? What a pretty name your daughter has Yoriichi-kun!" Yuki-san exclaimed "Well i guess i have to agree with Yuki on that one your daughter has a pretty name Yoriichi" Civian-san exclaimed while blushing a bit

A small smile then creeped up my face but Yuki-san only saw it "Awww what a beautiful smile you have Yoriichi-kun!" Douma-san exclaims while i nodded while i blushed of embarrassment in the inside trying to keep it in my little sun then turned her head towards me and gave Yuki-san's sword back to her and hugged me again "Hmmph! Hnggg!" She hummed while i looked at her in confusion, she then goes behind me and made small or long braids with my hair "It's pretty late now we should go to sleep right Yuki-san?" I said as i looked at Yuki-san "Well you are right Yoriichi-kun! It is late we should go to bed now since Civian-kun is already asleep I'll go to sleep now goodnight!" Yuki-san exclaimed as she laid on the futon and fell asleep immediately

(Y/N)'s POV

Yuki and Civian are asleep while I'm with my father still playing with his hair he looked sleepy so i let him sleep, After he fell asleep i then cuddled beside him and fell asleep also

I then woke up in my box and heard yelling? I knew it was morning so i didn't come out the yelling then stopped after a few minutes i then fall asleep once again since i knew it was early morning

Yuki's POV

After trying to calm Civian-kun down Yoriichi-kun then suddenly knocked him out accidentally and apologized to Civian-kun after he woke up "I'm sorry for knocking you out Civian-san it was just an accident.." Yoriichi-kun exclaims as Civian-kun accepts Yoriichi-kun's apology we then saw our kasugai crows telling us to go to Mt. Natagumo "CAW CAW YOU HAVE A MISSION ON MT. NATAGUMO THERE HAVE BEEN RUMOURS OF A DEMON AND IT'S FAMILY MT. NATAGUMO CAW!" (which is the place where lowermoon 5 is also i forgot to say Yoriichi's new body still can't handle the sun breathing and can only handle 3 or 4 forms okay?)


Where a demon is located or a demon that's part of the kizuki "hmm… Yoriichi-kun! What do you think what kind of demon we will find in Mt. Natagumo?" i exclaim as i look at Yoriichi-dono "Hmmm haven't thought of that but i think it's either a lowermoon that is 5 or 6 or just a normal but powerful demon we'll just have to see" Yoriichi-kun replied as i looked at Civian-kun who was quiet since it made sense to me he was the quietest out of all of us let's just say im the most talkative and social person out of the trio

We were then walking to Mt. Natagumo we then reached it after 2 or an hour of running since it was pretty far away


As we were entering Mt. Natagumo me and Yoriichi-kun sensed a lowermoon presence but it was a weak one and Civian too after a minute we then raised our guards we then saw a buff spider demon? It was disgusting Yoriichi-kun went in first and slashed the demons arm off clean he then went for the head but got punched off by the demon, The demon almost killed Yoriichi-kun luckily i went in and killed the demon off and Yoriichi-kun was thanking me i then turned around and saw Civian-kun gone

"huh? Where did Civian-kun go?…" Yuki said as Yoriichi looked around "He probably went to find demons to fight.." Yoriichi exclaimed they then heard shuffling from the bushes and...

To be continued....

Words 1218

Time and date made: 10:24 P.M April 19 2022 Tuesday

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