Chapter 9 (New Friend And Ally)

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No one's POV

As Yoriichi placed (Y/N) in the box he saw that the sun was rising he went to the once broken house now fixed up like nothing happened, Yoriichi then went to the basement to see Tamayo-san and Yushiro-san standing next to each other (Also if you wondering where the unconscious lady and the male demon they still there i just forgot about them dead ass ;-;) Yoriichi then felt the box fell lighter as he looked backed he saw (Y/N) awake now full of energy, She then ran to Tamayo-san hugging her Yushiro-san had a irk on his forehead but Yoriichi didn't noticed it (Y/N) then looked at Yushiro-san and started giving him head pats "Stop....That.." Yushiro-san said as he then felt a deadly aura, turned around and saw Yoriichi-san's face as he saw that face he then let (Y/N) head pat him as Yoriichi-san calmed down and looked at Tamayo-san "Why has she been acting like this?" Tamayo-san asked "She must've seen you two as family i think" Yoriichi-san replied "But were not humans instead were demons though?" Tamayo-san questioned "If that is the case why she is acting like this she may have seen you two as humans and part of her family i may think that's why she tried protecting you two" Yoriichi-san answered bluntly, Tamayo-san then started tearing up and hugged (Y/N) as she stopped head patting Yushiro-san instead engulfed her a tight hug, lifted her face from her shoulders and wiped her tears with her index finger "Thank you (Y/N).." Tamayo-san said to (Y/N) as she closed eyed smile, she then let go of the hug shrunk in size, she can now be the height of Yoriichi-san's knee reaching her father's knee as she ran to her father and clung into his pants, as Yoriichi-san was giving head pats to (Y/N) "Yoriichi-san (Y/N) may be more safe to stay with us rather then taking her to battle since she will get hurt if you don't mind I'm not forcing you it's your decision let her stay with me or bring her with you" Tamayo-san suddenly asked out of nowhere, Yoriichi-san then looked at Yushiro-san who was shaking his said as a sign of saying 'no', he then took a deep breath and

Yoriichi's POV
"I may need her to stay with me but thank you for the offer Tamayo-san" I said picking my little sun up as Tamayo-san looked at me with worry in her eyes "Don't worry she will be fine i might need her help when in battles or back up with the other hashiras/pillars, i wonder if there are female hashiras/Pillars also" I exclaimed while small smile formed in my lips as Tamayo-san sighed in relief "Alright if you insist also may i take her blood now i forgot to take it may i?" Tamayo-san replied as i nodded

I picked up (Y/N) from the ground, went closer to Tamayo-san and handed her arm, she then took out a empty syringe and injected it to my little sun as she yelped a bit since she hasn't experienced a syringe so she calmed down when Tamayo-san took out the syringe and the tiny wound slowly healing "All done, you can now go we'll take care of the lady and the demon" Tamayo-san smiled at me as i put down my little sun as she gently pulled me upstairs gently pulling my hand "Oi! Yoriichi-san!" Yushiro-san yelled a bit as i turn to him "Your daughters a beauty" Yushiro-san responded while blushing and looked away as Tamayo-san smiled and chuckled a bit as i replied "Told you so, we'll be going now Tamayo-san take care..!"

I responded as i ran upstairs and found my little sun staring at the sky with amazement "Come on now (Y/N) when i turn you back to human i promise we will go outside and play with kites alright?" I said to my little sun "Mhhhpphh!" she hummed happily as she shrunk in size as i placed the box in front of her and she went in and sat comfortability as she slowly fall asleep i smiled a bit as i closed the door and went to go visit Urokodaki-san but my crow said I've got another mission in a house somewhere near a forest


Yoriichi's POV

As i was walking through the fields i suddenly heard yelling?
"Please don't leave me darling your the love of my life!" a men yelled as i fasten my speed and saw a woman with green on the bottom and black on the top eyes, an opened chest uniform and white and red-like colored hair and a man that is holding on her skirt and black socks

"Please i have to go to my mission and let go of my pants and im not your darling i have a name!" yelled the white red haired woman trying to get rid of the man that was holding onto her, she then noticed me "Master! How have you been?" she said while running to me and i had a confused face "Play along."

She whispered to me as i nod "Ah hello I've been doing good how about you?" i asked with a straight face while facing her "I've been good!" she exclaimed "Darling, who's this?" the man asked looking at the woman and pointing at me "I'm not your darling. He's my master! He's been training me! Now if you'll excuse us we will be going to our mission now! Bye bye." the woman said said

"Eh? Wait! I'll be all alone! Please let me go with you dear!" The man said turning to the woman that was beside me as he pleaded

"No thank you me and her will go on a mission on ourself and besides, your not even trained so go away creep.." I said as the woman looked impressed on my reply and turned to the man

Third Person's POV
"Ugh nevermind that woman is way to old for me anyway!" The man yelled as he stomped away from us walking away, his figure getting smaller as we both looked at each other confused

"So uh i never got your name, sorry about that sir!" She apologized as i assured her that it was fine

"Oh yeah my name is Yoriichi, Yoriichi Tsugikuni and yours?" I questioned as she responded

"My names Yukuza Yuki! Call me Yuki and you calling me Yukuza makes me feel old" She laughed or joked

"oh and what are you doing here Yuki?" i asked as she looked confused for a second and remembered "ah it's because of a mission from my kasugai crow! They said its north then turn south, they said there was a demon lurking there so i was given the mission to it!" she replied as i chat with her a bit

"I've got the same mission also, wanna go there together then Yuki?" I questioned as she looked surprised and thanked me since she was weaker then me and only survived the final selection because she only did a hit and run tactic as she laughed about it

To be continued......

So uhh a quick authors note will Yoriichi meet another one of his allies on the mansion on the way to there mission? Who knows!

Words: 1273

Makoto out~

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