Chapter 15 (THIS WAS SO OLD)

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As Yoriichi answered his brother's questions honestly as he has questions of his own but decided it wasn't a good time to ask the questions he has in his head since his own questions are personal and very sensitive as he mentally told himself he would never ask these kinds of questions to his brother although he does find his brother very trustworthy to never tell anyone or any of the hashiras

After Michikatsu asked his questions and Yoriichi answered them HONESTLY (why tf did i make that so dramatic... Anyway) he sighed in relief and cracked a small smile to his brother as Yoriichi smiled a bit to him also as they were having their brother-brother thing or bond

It was then interrupted to Tanjiro barging in a frantic as he looked panicked

"Yoriichi-san! [Y/N] Is crying!" Yelled Tanjiro as Yoriichi looked shocked as his protective dad sense turned on

"what happened? What made her cry? Who made her cry?" Yoriichi asked in a panic as his hands were flinging on the air as his brother watches in entertainment as Tanjiro explained the situation

"w-well, when she woke up she started mumbling and sniffling and then she started to full on cry and i dont know how to calm her down and shes always saying 'papa' in a mumble voice and she needs you Yoriichi-san!" Tanjiro explained really fast as he blinked and Yoriichi was now gone and on the way to the house

As he arrived he saw little Y/N crying outside the box yelling papa in a quiet voice

"Hmpahmpa..!" she hiccuped as he saw Yoriichi and ran to hug his leg as Yoriichi immediately picked her up and started cradling her as she was now sniffling instead of crying

Yoriichi then started humming a tune when Uta always sang to her when she was crying when Y/N was a baby and it always calmed her down

"Hmm.. Hm hm hm.. Haah.. Hmm.." He hummed as Y/N starts to become sleepy and clinged into Yoriichi's arms as she huddled close to him

After a few hours...

After Yoriichi had put [Y/N] to bed he heard a ruckus going on outside

So he went outside to see... Daki and Gyutaro who was yelling and throwing insults at each other, they were having a heated argument

"Why cant i go with Akaza san?!"

"Because you might get hurt and your face might become more dismembowled than it already is!"

"Look who's talking!"

"Whatever why do you want to go with that basketball guy anyway?!"

"Because i want to see how he fights and were already together or why cant we go together with him?!"

"... You know thats actually a good point.."

"yeah yeah let's just ask him"

Yoriichi sweat dropped on how those two ended the argument in such short time as they walked together and still having their veins popping out

I then walked to the opposite direction of where they are going and stepping on... The Willow estate where they treat the injured people are healed

I opened the door as i was greeted with.. Inosuke and Zenitsu both chasing Tanjiro as i stare at the scene unamused as Nezuko slept in her box in the corner as her door was slightly open.

I then felt a small tug as i turn around to see.. [Y/N] awake as she looked sleepy and she then stretched her arms to me as i slightly smile before lifting her on my arms as she slept peacefully as i sat near Nezuko and laid my little sun on my lap as she slept peacefully as i watch the trio, unamused and waited for them to stop chasing each other..

As the time passes, the three finally calmed down as Zenitsu plopped on his futon along with Inosuke as Tanjiro noticed me sitting beside Nezuko as he smiled and walked towards me, with that genuine signature smile of his as i slightly wave at him.

"Oh, Hello Yoriichi-san! I didn't see you there.. Where's your friends?" Tanjiro asked me. As i responded with;

"Hm? Douma and Akaza?" I spoke softly as i glance at him curiously, before remembering that Douma and Akaza were either resting, training or recovering.. I have no idea entirely, but I will check up on them some time. "Oh, they're resting.. Though, I'm not entirely sure." I added with a small shrug, i only came in here to check on Tanjiro and the others..

But then again, I'm worried for those two.. Considering they fight alot probably, if anything. My best guess is they're fighting, sparring, training or still recovering. Either then, I still have to check up on them.

"Tanjiro-San, I'll go check up on Douma and Akaza." I said, before Tanjiro slightly perked up before smiling at me, bidding me good bye as i walked away. Hm.. Wuich room were they resting in..? Ah! This one.

I slide the door open to see.. A unique sight, where Douma is awake yet seems to be dazed and intoxicated while Akaza seems to be fine..

"What.. Happened to him?" I question, tilting my head while Akaza ran up behind me. Using me as a shield from Douma.

Oh no! Whatever happened to douma?? Guess we'll find out!

Also so sorry this took so long bcs I had forgotten abt watt pad for some reason until I saw the notifications LMAO.

Srry it's short too but I'll make a chapter on their back story in my au.

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