Chapter 13 (unexpected Surprise)

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Yoriichi then went to the two friends and tried calming down Yuki and letting Civian rest in the process after a while the three then sensed two other presence Yoriichi then went over to (Y/N) and hugged covering her with his body he then sensed a presence, a strong one he didn't feel anything but the presence sure is near

"No inosuke! These three are good people their may be a demon but she's like Nezuko please spare them!" Tanjirou yelled to his friend Yoriichi then looked at the two of Tanjirou's friends one had a yellow to dark orange haori with some triangles and he had yellow to dark orange hair color also, The other one has a boar head, wearing half of his uniform and has two swords while his abs

(pls i dont want to say abs again istg it makes me uncomfortable 💀)

are exposed while Yoriichi looked at him in disgust as he covered (Y/N)'s eyes while you were curious but don't want your father to stress so you leaned onto his touch since his hands were close to your face

"KYAAA! DID YOU SAY ANOTHER DEMON TANJIROU??" Zenitsu yelled making you cover your ears while Yoriichi looked at Zenitsu with intimidating eyes as Zentisu hid behind Inosuke

"Huh?! Why are you hiding behind me monitsu?!" Inosuke exclained trying to get Zentisu off "KYAAA THAT MAN IS SO SCARY PROTECT ME INOSUKE!" Zenitsu yelled making Tanjirou yell at him

"Oi! Zenitsu you don't talk to him like that!" Tanjirou says scolding both Inosuke and Zentisu 'How did this guys became a demon slayer anyway..?' Yoriichi questions himself but you noticed and played with his hair as he looked at you and smiled warmly at you making you closed eyes smile "Tanjirou?" Yoriichi called out "uh- oh uhm yes Yoriichi-san?" Tanjirou asked

"Could you help me deal with those two? And maybe introduce us to your friends..?" Yoriichi asked "Ah yes! I completely forgot about that Zenitsu! Inosuke!" Tanjirou called out making the two look at him "This is Yoriichi Tsugikuni and beside him is his daughter (Y/N) Tsugikuni be nice to them!" Tanjirou said in a scolding voice, Yoriichi looked at him for a while and looked at Yuki and Civian then he looked at you

Otou-san looked at me then looked at the others he spoke up "Hey Tanjiro. Could i ask a question?" Father asked as i looked up to Tanjiro "Oh sure what is it?" He replied

"Well why does the corps needs us? Do we have to prove my daughter she doesn't eat humans?" Father asked "Well that's what you have to do actually" Tanjiro sweat dropped "Well then we'll follow you to the corps i don't know my way there" Father said to Tanjiro "Of course Yoriichi-san" Tanjiro smiled warmly at father as i hugged him not wanting to let go i then sensed someone was staring at me i looked around and saw a yellow haired...

Idiot staring at me, I was uncomfortable so i looked away and snuggled more into father "What's wrong (Y/N)?" Father asked i then pointed at the yellow haired boy as father looked confused

"Mhph hmp hngh hmmph!(Hes staring at me weirdly)" I hummed as Father understood and death glared the yellow haired boy causing him to be scared... What a b*tch
I then fell asleep on my Fathers arms as i heard a crow yelling before blacking out

Tanjiro's POV
While i was talking with Yoriichi-san i heard my crow say

"CAW! CAW! BRING SOMEONE NAMED YORIICHI TSUGIKUNI AND (Y/N) TSUGIKUNI TO THE HEADQUARTERS CAW!" My crow yelled "Ah! Right Yoriichi-san i have to take you to the headquarters!" I said to Yoriichi-san "Oh alright then lead me the way Tanjiro" He replied

"Alright come along oh and make sure to bring your friends also" I replied while looking at Inosuke and Zenitsu getting along with Yoriichi's friends "Oh i completely almost forgot about them wait here," Yoriichi responded while walking to his friends i smelled a demon scent but not a threatening one and i felt someone tugging my haori, i looked down and saw a child? But it was a demon it looked like a female she had (F/C) hair, (E/C) eyes, a bamboo on her mouth which i thought that nezuko would get along with her and (F/C) haori,

She was tugging my haori and raising her hands which i thought about 'Does she want to get picked up?' I thought

I then asked her "Hey there you must be (Y/N) Tsugikuni Yoriichi-san daughter right?" I asked her and she nodded "Well i was asking if you would like to meet my sister who's just like you!" I said to her and she nodded more while humming in the process

I then put the box down i was carrying on my back and opened it "Nezuko, i have someone for you to meet! I promise you will like her" I said to my sister, Nezuko as she came out confused as she looked around and saw (Y/N) her eyes sparkled and went to her, they were staring at each other until they... Hugged?

(Y/N)'s POV
As i looked at Nezuko which is her name she acted like me wonder if she'll like me, we stared at each other for a while until we both understood that we can talk to each other only since were both demons

"Hmph hngg ngah! (Hello can you understand me?!)" i hummed and she nodded both our eyes sparkled and we hugged as Tanjiro looked confused we then started to feel sleepy and fell asleep each other and we were cuddling as i heard some shouts and that was all i heard as i was consumed by darkness

No one's POV
Tanjiro noticed you two were asleep together as he called out to Yoriichi, his friends and Tanjiro's friends as they stared at the scene before them

"Also Tanjiro aren't we gonna go to the headquarters?" Yoriichi mentioned "Ah! I forgot about that again come I'll lead you to the headquarters but we have to put these 2 on the box though" Tanjiro replied as the two separates (Y/N) and Nezuko as they both shrink in size for them to fit in the box


As the squad ventures to the woods they find themselves going east to south as they continue to the headquarters of the demon slayer corps it was dawn and they were almost at the headquarters, when they were gonna get near the gates to the headquarters

Yoriichi then got tackled by an unknown man who had pinkish hair and eyelashes, golden eyes and was wearing a demon slayer uniform and a blue and white haori with pink stripes

Then another unknown man comes up behind him with a blondish white hair, rainbow eyes, a twin scarf connected to the blackish red turtle neck, and had a black and red hat with a red robe attached to his haori

"Oh my~.. Akaza-san?~ would you please let go of him?~" Said the platinum haired man

"Tch... What do you want fuck face?" the pink haired man replied clearly irritated already just from this other guy

While the others were shocked as Tanjiro said to let go of him nicely as the guy who tackled Yoriichi got off him...

To be continued.....

Words 1300

Yes im still alive and im on vacation sooo i re wrote the ending cuz it was bad and cringe to me so sorry for this but i will continue my other book in august since that is when ill be back home!

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