Chapter 3 (Training And The Final Selection)

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When walking to Mt. Sagiri Yoriichi stumbled across a farmer "Hello do you have any unused or broken basket? And some bamboos?" Yoriichi asked as the farmer said yes and handed him some bamboos and an unused basket "Thank you so much!" Yoriichi said as he said goodbye and going back to the small cave where he left his daughter, (Y/N) he looked at the cave and saw no (Y/N) but he did see a hole "My little sun? It's me your Otou-san!" Yoriichi echoed in the cave as you peeked out of the hole and saw your father and your face lit up 'How did my daughter became a mole..?' Yoriichi shrugged that question off and started making a basket for his daughter as (Y/N) watched in excitement, after Yoriichi finished the basket he then put doen the basket infront of (Y/N) "My little sun? Can you fit in here?" Yoriichi asked as you went out of your hole and went to the basket basically not shrinking

"Well...Can you shrink? Like you became bigger can you do the opposite shrink (Y/N) shrink..!" Yoriichi encouraged her as you shrinked and went into the basket "!? Oh you went in now to top it all off.." Yoriichi then got the blanket and placed in on top of you and went to go to Mt. Sagiri


After hours of walking to Mt. Sagiri you went in the forest there and saw a empty village with a temple that has the presence and smell of a demon and human bodies

They went in the temple and saw a demon eating human bodies that looked healthy as (Y/N) saw the bodies that the demon was eating she was drooling not knowing that her father yoriichi is fighting with the demon with an axe (A/N: Ya know that scene in demon slayer idk what episode it was but it was season 1) after staring at the dead bodies, drooling she finally notices the demon attacking her father

She ran towards her father as the demon went to attack yoriichi she kicked off the demons head flying to the tree as yoriichi got the headless body off him and (Y/N) hummed in response, when she noticed the body was moving and yoriichi didn't noticed she kicked off the body and the hands of the demon grabbed yoriichi haori and (Y/N) noticed and went to grab her father's hand trying to pull her father back to her but she accidently let go of her father's hand as the demon dragged him near the cliff and she ran there quickly

Kicked the demon body off the cliff as she grabbed her father's haori her father yoriichi hanging from the cliff as she grew bigger to get more strength to pull her father to the ground and successfully did it

"Thank you my sun for saving me back there i should repay you" yoriichi said "Mhhmph!" you hummed in response "i know your here come out!" yoriichi yelled making (Y/N) confused 'how did he sensed me even though my footsteps are quiet?..' sakonji urokodaki thought as he came out "hello my name is Sakonji Urokodaki tho one who trained your brother since he sent me a letter do you wish for me to train like i did with michikatsu and become a demon slayer?"
Sakonji said "Yes i would like to become a demon slayer to protect my daughter" yoriichi said, you noticed the sun was going up so you went back to the temple

And found the basket you shrinked and go in the basket as you pull the blanket (?) on top of you so you don't get burned by the sun 'she's ignoring the corpses?....' sakonji thought as he made the corpses a burial after burying them and yoriichi helped of course when he noticed you were gone he went back to the temple seeing you on the basket with the blanket on top of you as yoriichi sighed in relief

"come on let's go train it has already started" sakonji said "coming" yoriichi said as he started running with you on his back in the basket while bouncing up and down '(Y/N) please bare with the bouncing and don't get sick please..' yoriichi thought when they arrived at his house and yoriichi put you down and you immediately fall asleep "go to that mountain and come back before sunrise the training started already" sakonji said

Yoriichi nodded and went out to the mountain as he entered he stopped 'there's traps here deadly one's i should be careful not to trigger them' yoriichi thought as he was running in the mountain not disabling any trap and just like sakonji said be back before sunrise he did what he said he came back before sunrise

Urokodaki was surprised as he said "your back did you run to the mountain?" he asked and yoriichi "yes and there were traps there so i avoided to disable any of them" "as expected from you like michikatsu said you will pass the final selection easily" urokodaki said

~time skip after 2 years yes i know it's long-~

He went to the final selection after 2 years well for (Y/N) she's still sleeping peacefully 'if i wake up to see her dead in her sleep one day i will pass this final selection to see her awake please wake up soon my sun...' yoriichi thought as he entered the final selection and saw a pink haired guy with pink eyelashes, a guy with fans rainbow eyes and a smile as if he was excited, he then saw a girl with pigtails and blue eyes, he saw a guy with red eyes hair from red to black and with hanafuda earrings just like his in the past life he might be his successor and the other guy has black hair no eyebrows and short hair and a girl with one pigtail that is held by a butterfly clip, he then saw 2 twins walk up in front of them saying "welcome to the final selection if you passed this selection you are now a demon slayer and if you fail you die now let the final selection begin" the twins said as they all went in

Yoriichi pov:
After hours of running around you saw the girl with blue eyes and 2 bitterlfy clips gonna get eaten and you saved her in time and she thanked you and you nodded and she ran away and you saw a huge hand demon and that boy with hanafuda earrings kill it

Time skip again cuz am lazy

Yoriichi pov:

After you saw wisteria flowers you go to it and saw the twins and you were the last one to enter after you did you only said 5 to 7 people before the final selection you saw 25 or 30 people now theres only 5 people well 6 the twins announced "congratulations you survived the final selection oh and also you will get your own kasugai crow to help you with directions and missions and there are 10 ranks (i think) mizunoto, mizunoe, kanoto, kanoe, tsuchinoto, tsuchinoe, hinoto, hinoe, kinoto, kinoe mizunoto is the lowest and the survivors are mizunoto after you rank up the missions will only get harder and harder" the twins said in synced, the boy with black hair and no eyebrows goes to on of the girls and yelled "i don't want these kasugai crow's i want my nichirin blade the one that changes colors!" he yelled as you were gonna stop him but the boy with red eyes and a bandaged forehead stopped him "oi its rude to yell at a 9 or 10 year old there still kids!" as he yelled "hm? Now what's causing all these noise.." a girl said the other guy was just staring at the black haired and proud at the red and black hair as he tightened the grip you could hear bones breaking as the guy with black hair groaning in pain "are you done talking?" said one of the twins they were all quiet "very well then allow us to introduce the stones (?) that could make a nichirin blade pick one and give it to the kakushi they will bring it to a nichirin blade maker (idk whats it called okay?) it will take a week or 2 weeks to finish here are the uniforms" they said as the kakushi's hands them each one in a bag they were heavy but for yoriichi it was not problem

When he got back he saw a door breakdown to the floor as he sees his daughter awake walking and urokodaki behind her unless she strays to far away the girl then inspects the new surrounding and saw he father at the corner of her eye as he ran up to him "Ahhh (Y/N) your awake i'm so glad!" yoriichi said running to her daughter but (Y/N) hug's him first and urokodaki knew he was going to survive and was quietly amused and smiling in his tengu mask (i think its called tengu mask since i forgot to re watched demon slayer from season 1 to season 3 lol-) as the daughter and father reunited again

My fingers are tired and i gotta be sleeping rn but my siblings still awake so its okay also the original story will be in my reading lists which is the demon slayer reading list alright im talking to much here ill be ending this chapter

Words: 1364

Time: 10:51 p.m

Raiden out~

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