Chapter 8 (New Allies And New Enemies)

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'DOES THIS ASSHOLE THINK MY DAUGHTERS UGLY??!!' Yoriichi thought "Oi watch you mouth my little sun is the beauty of our village! Our (Y/N)!" Yoriichi said "tch whatever follow me" Yushiro said "Are you blind? Do you not see the beauty in my daughter? Is it because she has this bamboo on her mouth is that why? We can take it out so you can see the beauty in her" Yoriichi complained as you 3 were walking making Yushiro annoyed and irritated as your father kept dragging your head left and right and you were getting dizzy then you 3 suddenly stopped at a dead end, Yushiro then walked through a wall making you and your father confused "come quickly since no one is around" Yushiro said sticking his head out as Yoriichi tried going through it and he succeeded as you were sleepy Your father noticed it and asked you to shrink and rest, as you have shrunken into a small child a 4 or 3 year old body Yoriichi then picked you up as you fell asleep.

Yoriichi pov

'My little sun fell asleep... How cute i wonder what she looks like when she's a grown up..' Yoriichi thought i then saw a house as Yushiro knocked and the 3 of us went and turn to different directions until i saw Tamayo-san

"Ah! Yushiro, Yoriichi-san please come take a seat" Tamayo said "(Y/N) wake up.." i said as she woke up fully energized i put her down as she grew to a 16 year old size but she was still short compared to me since she is the same height as me when she's an adult although she layed down while i sat across the both of them, i took a quick look at my little sun rolling around and Yushiro being a bit irritated "Please make yourselves at home" Tamayo-san said i smiled a bit as (Y/N) rolled over to me, as she layed on my lap and started making braids at the end of my hair i looked at Tamayo-san as she looked a bit serious "I have 2 requests or favors i may need to ask you Yoriichi-san" Tamayo-san said "of course what is it?" i said calmly "Well in order to turn your daughter back to human i need her blood and demons that are close to Muzan Kibutsuji, what i meant by close i meant by the upper moons who are close to Muzan Kibutsuji, and your daughter here has a rare condition i found out that she was asleep for 2 years, any demon who was asleep for 2 years go berserk but for her she's acting normal she isn't going berserk or anything so will you accept these conditions Yoriichi-san?" Tamayo-san said "i would be doing anything to turn her back to human" i said "Very well then i also need to study various strong demon blood her too if you don't mind" Tamayo-san said "no i don't mind at all" i said, then i felt a presence, a demon presence, i held onto (Y/N) pulling her to a hug as i cover her whole body with mine "get down!" Yushiro-san said as he held onto Tamayo-san as temari balls went through the house jumping back and forth and up and down "You were right Yahaba! A random house suddenly appeared!" said the temari demon "ugh your fighting ways is terrible! you've gotten dust on me Susamaru!" The demon who had eyes on the palm of his hands also known as 'Yahaba' yelled at the temari demon now known as 'Susamaru' "oh come one Yahaba at least we found 'em!" Susamaru said "found 'em! found 'em!" as the 2 temari balls went back to Susamaru as it went back the wall collapsed making the 2 demons visible

(insert fight cuz your author is dead ass bad at fights not lying)

No one's pov

As Yoriichi went out to fight Susamaru which is the temari "(Y/N) go fight the demon on the tree's alright?" Yoriichi said to his daughter, (Y/N) nodded in response as her and her dad dashed to the directions, as (Y/N) was jumping from tree to tree she found the demon as she approached him she kicked the demon on both of his sides but she then felt a pressure flying her back "Ew you got dirt on me! Disgusting!" Yahaba as the arrow demon said

As (Y/N) flew back Yoriichi then saw his daughter as he sliced off the temari demons arms off, he then catches his flying daughter "okay my little sun new plan go fight the temari demon and I'll fight the arrow demon okay?" Yoriichi said as (Y/N) nodded and hummed she then stood up properly and ran to the temari demon with veins and slitted eyes entering 'battle mode', as she ran to the temari demon she was dodging pretty well until she tried to kick it " No don't kick it!" "You mustn't deflect!" Tamayo And Yushiro yelled as (Y/N)'s leg was dislocated she was then dragged or carried by Yushiro to Tamayo 'the bleeding has stopped but she's healing so slowly..' Tamayo thought "(Y/N) I'll heal your leg with this alright? Just stand still" Tamayo said as (Y/N) looked at her feeling like she looks like someone.... Her mother, Tamayo then injects the medicine to her leg and it healed instantly (Y/N) then took one more glance at her then dashed away as a saying of 'thank you', she then saw Yushiro he looked a lot like her younger brother but he was yelling (Y/N) then pat Yushiro who has blushing a bit "Stop it! Look its coming!" Yushiro yelled as a temari almost hit his head but you kicked it off "Oi you can't die but you can feel pain so be careful!" Yushifo yelled

(Y/N)'s Pov

I kicked off the temari ball that almost hit Yushiro, i looked at the demon with a slitted pupil and veins on my forehead as she threw another ball and i kicked it " Hehehehe your one interesting demon then can you kick all of these temari's?!" the demon said as i kicked every temari as one more i kicked it back in her hand, she looked shocked "Okay you've gotten on my nerves let's play a bit shall we?!" the demon says as she dropped the temari and kicked it back to me of course i kicked it back while Yushiro and Tamayo was shooked "Look at her... I swear that was only a medicine for healing other demons and humans nothing else..." Tamayo said "She's gaining strength but she isn't using all of them..." Yushiro said as you kicked the temari strong enough even the demon looked a bit scared and pissed as the temari hit the wall it almost collapsed meaning i was stronger then her... But how? "You little brat!" Yelled the temari demon "Do you work for Muzan Kibutsuji?" Tamayo suddenly asked while scratching her hands making me worried as i felt sleepy... I then fell asleep while Tamayo was speaking to the demon

Yoriichi's Pov

I'm finished with the demon I've gotta see my little sun i then saw Tamayo-san casting a blood demon art (?) while speaking to the demon i quickly killed off the demon but i cut the demons hand first then cut off her head i then gave the hand to Tamayo-san "Here you should get blood from here" i said bluntly as she nodded i looked around for (Y/N) as i saw her sitting by the wall sleeping i saw the sun coming up as i picked up my daughter and placed her on the box

To be continued....

(A/N): soooo i posted this now since im lacking of energy don't worry my children mother has disappointed you again ;-;

1336 words

Makoto out~

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