Birth to age 7

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Being a baby is weird especially when your mother forgets you used to live another life and try's to breast feed you enter late night therapy phone calls. We have a few more plans we sorted out, mom and Gabe or dad have found Mikeal where he is currently in the basement asleep until me and JJ get more control over our magic. The most memorable thing so far was befriended the Scooby gang so Bonnie, Jeremy, Caroline, Tyler, and Elena ugh. We've fixed most of their personalities but Elena she is a work in progress the most notable is when we were five and Jer was four

Baby Scooby gang playing with care on her birthday while the parents gossip at the nearby picnic table they are all playing with the given toys that was brought with them until Elena snatches the Barbie's me and Caroline were talking about like how the shoes look so uncomfortable
"Lena what are you doing?" I ask
"These dolls are to pretty for you to be playing with so they are mine now." Elena said about to stomp off
"But they are mine i just got them for my birthday today." Caroline said
"Lena give care her toys backs and play with yours." Bonnie said with Jer bear nodding along playing with his truck and ninja turtles.
She then procedes to to rip the head off and throw it at and the body in cares face really hard and I've had enough so keeping up the act of a mature 5 year old i grab her by the ear after picking up the toys and taking her to her parents
"I thought you were a founding family i know we are and we have manners but Lena just broke cares new toy and threw it in her face." Putting the broken toy on the table letting go of Elena
"Elena Gilbert is this true?" Grayson asking fuming for being outed by a five year old
"Yes those Barbie's are to pretty for them be playing with daddy." Lena said huffing
"Elena we ask to play with other peoples toys." Miranda says
"But but i want them." Lena says about to cry
"Then you put it on your wish list that we pick your birthday gift from and how santa finds out what you want you don't take someone else's." Grayson says
"NO I WANT THEM NOW!!" She almost screams then proceeds to cry as Grayson spanks her then puts her in time out.
"What do i do about Caroline's gift it was underlined three times on her wishlist." Liz asked picking up the pieces
"She can have one of my dollies to make up with they don't get played with much so if she can go to someone who will play with her(shrug), i have to many dollies to start with i cant even remember all their names." I tell them
"Are you sure sweetheart?"Papa Gabe ask, keeping up the Oscar worthy performance, i turn my fake water eyes to Gabe
"I can't remember their names all of my dollies are going to hate me and leave, or or start a riot and overthrow me an-and make me play dress up and when they done they are going to put me in th-the toy box oh goodness mama Forbes she can have them all." I sniffle out, okay i will admit i got a little carried away but hey it worked.
"She has an active imagination and reading random books do not help." Mama couldn't help but brag
"Little p i don't think care needs all of them how about oh my gosh well would you look at that you give her the birthday card but not the gift." Papa Gabe says after he went into liz's head and saw care wish list and proofed one up. I squeal kiss his cheek and take the present to care tripping on the way
"Peyton you ok?" Mama called out
"I'm good just a little dirt, care I'm sorry I'm such a bad friend i forgot about our best friend gifts." I called out to mama and care waving the gift as i ran hearing snorts from the grown up table.
The birthday ended with care tackling me when she saw the dolly she really wanted and lots of squeals and then care showing the doll to mama Liz.

(Flashback end)

Yeah Elena stopped being a huge brat she's still a brat but whats the saying don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Another memory i love was meeting Marcel a year later when we went for summer vacation with the Forbes and Tyler, another change was uncle lucifer made it so mayor Lockwood couldn't abuse Tyler but he still got spankings so he had manners and wasn't a brat.

(Flashback #2)
It was all part of the plan for me and JJ to get separated from the group once we spotted Marcel and this how I found my third soul brother
"Mama" me and JJ called out once Gabe cloaked themselves. We put are acting skills to use making our eyes water and lips wobble. "Mommy" I called out just a little louder which seemed to make him listen and glance our way which I nudged JJ for his part
"Mommy" he cried out and let tears fall as we looked around staying near the wall so we didn't get swept away in the crowd
"Hey little ones did you lose your mommy?" He asked as came over and crouched in front of us
"N-no were fine cmon pey, we're not supposed to talk to strangers." JJ said keeping up the act by trying to pull me away.
"But but he's taller then we are maybe he can help JJ" I said before looking to Marcel and continuing "you can help right?" As soon as we made eye contact an instant sibling bond formed between us
"I can little sister" he said so we jumped into his arms "shh it's ok can you tell me what she looks like"
"I can't there is to many redheads, but I got a secret can you keep a secret?" I asked him in a stage whisper after looking around from the higher ground
"I can i have some of my own." Marcel said looking at me
"Mommy said we can't talk about it unless we trust said person or it's a life or death situ situ-a-nation." JJ said purposely mispronouncing situation
I lean into his ear and whisper"we are witches in training i can show you an image like that."
"That's so cool I'm a vampire." Marcel whispering it to us like the coolest secret ever. Watching as our eyes 'light' up and us gasp and ask in unison
"Can we see?"
He lets his vampire face out we each rub under an eye
"Pretty" was all I said while JJ squeaked out "that's so cool"
While Marcel just chuckled and asked us to show us the image so JJ put his right hand to marcels head and me my left while we linked our other hands and chanted willing an image of our mother to show, when we finished we both yawned. "Alright sleepy heads let's look around guys see if you can find a frantic looking mother with red breast length hair." He told us before calling out to his guys they all nodded before they left he stopped them telling them to come to Ruesso's they nodded again before finally leaving while he took us to the bar telling us how he's the king which led to me and JJ bringing up the peace treaty and making New Orleans into factions somewhere everyone is welcome drawing in more tourist and a spell for daylight rings that can tell him where the person is and where their loyalties lie,which is what mamma helped him with and he started a council they all agreed and New Orleans is at peace with all the factions.
(Flashback #2 end)

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