First day

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(Outfit for the day at the top)

After the party the boys came back before dark as us girls went to each other's house and helped sort out closest's then proceeded to have a very late dinner when we got back to mine before other left leaving us and Vicki and Matt to head to bed. The rest of the summer ended quickly much to our dismay, but we had laughs and plenty of good memories before Vicki had to leave.

"Matt JJ come on we don't wanna be late!" I call out from downstairs

"We're coming P!" I heard JJ call back before I start grabbing our lunch and sports bags.

"We driving separately?" I question handing them their bags and grabbing my keys.

"Yeah football practice ends later then your cheerleading practice so JJ's riding with me and meet up at the grill after." Matt said as we all walked to the garage they got into Matt's truck after kissing my temples as I got into my 1970 Plymouth Roadrunner after placing my things into the truck honking and waving to the boys as they left to get Jeremy meaning I would beat them to school

" Matt said as we all walked to the garage they got into Matt's truck after kissing my temples as I got into my 1970 Plymouth Roadrunner after placing my things into the truck honking and waving to the boys as they left to get Jeremy meaning I wou...

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When I arrived at school the girls were all waiting with their own gym bags to put in my trunk

"Cmon girlies we have a person to stalk and people to gossip about." I said making Elena snort while Bonnie and Care rolled their eyes with a smile as they placed their bags into the trunk'.

"When did it happen that it became so natural for us to casually talk about stalking someone?" Elena asked with a small grin.

"Uh when we solidified our friendship with the Davis's." Caroline like it was the most obvious answer which I kinda was.

"Yeah those people are weird." I commented making us all burst into a fit of laughter before coming to a stop outside of our lockers getting our books and waiting for the boys before we heard Tyler call

"Oh there's our girls planning something without us are you!" Slinging his arms over care and Bonnie shoulders making them shove him off.

As JJ kissed my forehead before pulling me into his side. "Yeah we all have to show the new kid around so he comes into school with some friends we are all excused from first period according to the email the principle just sent me." I said looking down at my phone after hearing it vibrate in my purse

"All of us?" Tyler asked without even looking up i knew he looked confused

"Who does he think he is the popes grandson?" Care asked sarcastically

"According to the email it says something along the lines of the popular kids and you all will give him a warm welcome you may be excused from classes since you all have worked ahead, but hey gets us late to tanners class if we start there any make our way around the school telling him different programs clubs and teams he can join also showing the areas for said groups." JJ said reading over my shoulder while this rest cheered quietly 

"Agreed lets go find him." I said when everyone nodding it didn't take long to find him standing with the principle, as the principle spotted us he grabbed me by the shoulders tucking me into his side making me stiffen and fight the urge to throttle him.

"Ah miss Davis and her group will be the ones to show you around." Mr. Davids said before i shook him off of me making my face look shocked.

"Oh my god Stefan." I said before hugging him and whispering in his ear to play along and telling him my name.

"Peyton i forgot you lived here let me look at you" Stefan said playing along before letting me go to get a proper look.

"Well Principle Davids i think we can handle it from here." Jj said putting an arm around Stefan's shoulders nodding to the man in charge who nodded back and left as the bell rang.

"I don't know why that man feels the need to get touchy i feel like i need i bath." I said with a shudder.

"Thank god I'm not the only one who feels like that like personal space please?" Care said with a shudder of her own with Elena and Bonnie nodding.

"So... awkward question how did you know my name?" Stefan asked looking to me

I found a empty class room pushing him in with everyone following before Bonnie put up a silencing spell before i answered simply along with asking a life changing question for him. "Vision, now how would you like the three best witches to fix your ripper problem?"

"What you can do that how?" Stefan asked after staring at me in shock for longer then normal.

"Easy we lock him away with the strongest binding spell or we make him merge with you it's up to you really?" Jj said answering for me from one side before Bonnie came to my other side

"Honestly the binding would probably be the best bet the merging can't be undone and we have no idea which side would be more dominant my guess would be the ripper part of you." She said with her brows drawn down in thought.

"Um lock him away." Stefan said after a beat of silence. To which we nodded stepping in front of him placing our hands on or near his forehead with me grabbing his hand with his daylight ring Bonnie and JJ grabbing my shoulders before we started I made eye contact with him

"What i need you to close your eyes he will fight back BUT it is your mind you have complete control you are stronger then him." I tell him giving him a comforting smile

"Okay" he whispered back before closing his eyes and we started chanting.

The spell it's self is all up to the person it is being casted on they have to want that side of them gone, it's like the one that was casted on Nik just this one the one being spelled has to fight with the spell. We finished and stepped back letting him catch his breath before we had to test it.

"Stefan we have to test it now." JJ said reaching into his bag pull out a thermos.

"No no." Stefan said shaking his head frantically

"Stefan you have to trust us and yourself i know it's hard to do but think of the benefits if you can sip from that thermos the entire day" I called his attention to me before telling him to which he nodded before hesitated before he grabbed the bottle before taking a sip.

"See your vampire face was out for the first scent before it disappeared with the second don't every doubt our witches." Tyler said loudly from where he was leaning against the wall with Matt and Jere.

"Thank you guys and I won't doubt them ever again." He said letting out a breath and a laugh.

"Keep the bottle." Jj said nodding to the bottle in his hand. Before looking at his watch " welp it's time for torture oops I mean tanner." He finished with a groan the rest of us following before leaving the room heading to tanners class.

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