Mason and The Ball

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Outfit for first part of chapter

It's been a week since Bonnie caught kitty kat, and we were nice enough to let her out of her chair because she was starting to smell, but that little ugh decided that she would go after Caroline and turn her

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It's been a week since Bonnie caught kitty kat, and we were nice enough to let her out of her chair because she was starting to smell, but that little ugh decided that she would go after Caroline and turn her. So after she snapped Cares neck I give her an extra large dose of vervain then a gave her a bath. Aren't I just the sweetest?

We finally figured out why Enzo was so protective as he found his last mate. Three guess who?

Davina? No

Tyler? No

Caroline? Yes, yes she is. Go Queen!

But after we found that out soon Mama Liz did to let's just say it took Me, JJ, the Mayor and Tyler to pull her off of Katherine. Then she proceeded to cry about wanting grand babies and watching her grow old and wrinkly like she will and how she didn't want her to have to run every few years because of the not aging. It took ages to get her to stop and explain to her that she, Caroline, can give her grandchildren with the help of the mate bond. Also for Caroline to explain that she wanted to travel across the world anyway, so the moving didn't bother her. Eventually she swore to help in anyway she can, saying "if I have to cut my finger to see how you control is doing then so be it." Caroline cried with her mother thanking her for always supporting her through everything and now for the problem that just showed up with the Lockwood's as the Mayor and Tyler came through the door laughing and shoving each other, it makes me happy that the Mayor finally understood where the quick anger comes from, he's cut way back on his drinking even taken to yoga, meditation, and training with me, now Tyler finally has a dad to teach him things and to train with them, as his father is the alpha of his pack so it's his job to train and teach his pup, as the mayor calls Tyler around the houses and in private. But back to the problem.


He comes walking trough the door behind his brother and nephew, looking completely stunned, as he watches his older brother completely lose his mask and play fight with Tyler on the floor going so far as to let Tyler win. It makes me want to cackle.

"Boys! Settle down and come eat!" Carol calls to them as she helps me set the table, she try's to keep her stern facade but she can't as both of her boys look at her like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Yes honey." "Yes mom." They both say as they scramble off each other, shoving each other one more time.

"Oh Hello Mason." I say drawing attention to him as he looks at his brother like he is an alien.

"what the hell has happened since i left?" Mason asked probably to keep his last shred of sanity.

"Oh, it might be the fact that i know about the families, well our families furry little problem." The Mayor says as we all take our seats and Katherine comes in looking absolutely miserable.

"What have i said about no supernatural talk at the table?" Carol asked sternly toward her husband.

"To not too. sorry honey won't happen again." Richard said giving her a peek on the lips.\

Mason promptly faints, and i cackle like a crazy woman on drugs.

"Damn, I expected him to last longer than that." Matt grumbles handing Tyler twenty dollars from their bet. obviously.

"Welp let's give our thanks and eat." i clap after i've calmed down from my laughing fit, the rest all nod before we links our hands to say grace and give our thanks.

about twenty minutes into eating and talking we all hear a groan from mason indicating he is waking up.

"Oh god I've just had this really weird dream where my brother was actually kind of chill and played with Tyler on the floor." Mason groaned rubbing his head.

"It wasn't a dream, now come eat so we can tell you all about it." Tyler says looking completely done with his uncle. it takes a while for him to eat without asking questions. when we are done the elves come get the plates and the leftovers to put away.

"alright mason why didn't you tell me?" The mayor asked looking hurt and deeply disappointed in his little brother.

"I didn't know anything about if it skipped a kid or if it was just me in the whole family and i freaked cause if you had it it would explain your anger that comes from the frustration and stress and i didnt want it to get to the point where it got to much where you took it out on ty like dad did with us, plus this was after we had that big fight about me being what was it you said a irresponsible brat who has no ambition in life." Mason explained guilty, looking honest and sad about not being honest from the start.

"Well all is forgiven and Peyton here has a solution for the turning, well two, if we don't want that anymore." Richard lockwood states looking over at me with gratitude.

"Wait you and tyler triggered the curse." mason asked panicking looking scared for his older brother and his nephew.

"Yes we unlocked our gift on a trip peyton took us on in her words to pull the mile long stick from my ass." Mr. Lockwood said hearing snorts before continuing, " Mine was a boating accident where a drunk kid hit us while he was on a jet ski going into the boat propeller, tylers was that next week where him carol and peyton went to the bad part of that town by accident where a group acted them in a mugging and tyler shoved a man to hard and he cracked a mans skull open thank god for security cams."

"I'm sorry i wasn't there for you both." mason said sincerely as tyler chuckles shaking his head before my phone alarm goes off, making all of the girls heads young and older snap up with wide panicked.

"Oh my god that was the you better be done with showers alarm!" Caroline yells before we all dart up stairs rapidly showering together so i can spell the hair off our bodies, pits, legs, stash, vag, etc.

"Shampoo girls." i call out they all stick a hand out for some which i provide before carelessly throwing the bottle back into the shower basket.

after 10 minutes in the showers for all of you we hurriedly get out with bonnie spell our hair and bodies dry as we start with our undergarments then make up just as the dress alarm blares signaling we should have or dresses on so we grab them all the while throwing lipgloss on so we can all help each other elena helping bonnie with her shoes as bonnie does the same while me and caroline help each other before the dress (previous chapter) then i use a spell to do our hair, finally dress time.

"Girls we are going to be late come on!" Carol shouts from the door, causing me and bonnie to yelp as we miss the holes in our ears.

"Coming! Peyton get the masks!" Caroline shouts i dart over to the box passing them behind me before we put them on checking the others briefly to make sure we look good before making our way downstair where the guys are waiting.

after speeding to the ball making it there five minutes late we walk in and start to dance before elena asked to walk with her outside i feel like i'm forgetting something before my aching feet suggest air and a sit down sounds nice making me not focus on what i might be forgetting, its only when we are of to the side sitting on the benches drinking some wine that i remember making me stiffen before i can do anything both mine and Elena's mouths are covered with rags making our eyes widen before we try and throw our attackers off, the world dizzying as my arms feel as if they have been stuffed with lead i give it one more go before my eyes roll back right after Elena's. my last thought before it all goes dark is Elijah.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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