Car Wash

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When i wake up the next morning I'm wrapped around Damon i don't get up i just snuggle closer he shifts a little but doesn't move to get up either.

"I don't wanna do the car wash today." I mumble in to his neck hearing him chuckle as he tightens his grip.

"Well i want you to go get to see you in a bikini." He says as he laughs. It turns into a moan as i bite his neck gently not enough to break the skin. "Don't do that." He warns as he tilts his head a little to give me more access.

"Why?" I tease as i start gently kissing his neck placing bites hear and there.

"Because i know you're not ready and i don't want to push you or it." He says as he turns his face to me giving me a slow kiss

"Thank you." I tell him before kissing him again and getting up. I get ready (outfit up top) before Caroline comes to beat on the door

"Stop sucking face we have things to do today!!" She yells from the door.

"I'm coming Care!" I call through the door as I put my sandles on along with a old band tee of JJ's

I sluggishly make my way downstairs with Damon, as I don't feel the best.

"Peyton are you ok?" Jj asked as he seen my pale face

"Yea-" I go to answer but dash to the trash can to throw up

"P is it time for your period?" Bonnie asked as Damon frets over me

"Yeah I guess so, why can't I just bleed like a normal person?" I whine before I vomit again

"Can someone tell me what the hell is happening?" Damon snaps as he hold my hair and rubs my back

"Peyton has always had different periods, it's like she's always sick when she has them, fever throwing up bad cramps. Even in our old lives." JJ explained

"Alright I'm good." I tell them standing up to go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get a tampon

~~Damon's POV~~

"Is it ok for her to go anywhere?" I asked them

"Yeah she'll be fine just watch her, her last one was the worst one I'd ever seen her have." JJ said as he looked in the direction she went.

"Alright since we are all on the same cycles we are going to go see if we need anything." Caroline said before her and the rest of the girls dash to their own bathrooms

"Oh god we're doomed." Tyler groaned, i watched as all their faces paled at the thought of all the girls moody and demanding chocolate and cuddles.

"Peyton's not coming." Caroline said as the other girls came back

"She would have if you allowed her to but you told her get her ass in bed get cuddled by your mate." Elena said to Caroline looking amused

"What i could've put her with the money but it's supposed to be hot and I don't want her to be miserable." Caroline said as she frowned at Elena.

"Well Damon it was nice knowing you." Matt said sarcastically

"Hey! That's my sister and it's not that bad here is her chocolate stash her heating pad for cramps, and she likes tummy rubs when she takes a break from the heating pad, don't let her use the heating pad for more than an hour at a time she usually just sleeps through it." JJ explained as he handed me things from the hall closet I nodded grabbing said things patting his shoulder before going to find my hurting mate.

"Hey sweetheart I got you some things." I told her as I walked in she has taken her shirt off and switched to a pair off sleep shorts.

"Oh i love you." She exclaims as she snatches the heating pad and plugging it in before settling it over her stomach. When she's settled she reaches her hands out doing grabby hands with a pout i go to walk over but stop when she speaks suddenly. "You might want to strip i tend to give off more heat then normal humans but with this its like I'm a furnace." She tells me with a wince as she rubs her stomach over the pad, i listen stripping down to my boxers before climbing in beside her replacing my hand with hers to rub her stomach.

It's not long until her breathing evens out and she's asleep, i make my way downstairs to get her some waters cause shes not wrong about the heat that comes off her in waves and some Tylenol before making my way back up the stairs to her room setting the things to the side i grab the tv remote turning it own to watch some shows.

I think back to Katherine and how it thought i was in love with her, and the only reason i was coming back to get her was to see if she was my soulmate, when i turned the mark showed up on my wrist after i completed the transition, a part of me is relived that she's not my soulmate, the other is mainly my vampire side that's a very that her for making us wait so long to find my beautiful soulmate Peyton.

As I'm thinking i hear a whimper and i snap my head to the source its one of her dogs nudging her stomach before grabbing the heating pad and pulling it off i quickly check the time and its already been an hour looking back over i see the dog, Boone, rubbing his head on her stomach as he crawls between her legs.

"You know what you're doing huh?" I mumble gently attaching his head before she shifts moving her hand to scratch behind his ears.

"Good boy." She mumbles rubbing from his nose to behind his ears before her head stills.

As she falls back asleep I can't help but think how I'm going to fix my relationship with my brother, its time to stop this grudge i hold against him because if he hadn't of forced me to turn i would have never of meet Peyton, but also because i miss my little brother.

It's about thirty minutes later Peyton wakes up walks to the bathroom she leaves the door open a crack, i turn my attention to the tv before i hear her groan.

"You alright sweetheart?" I ask her looking at the door.

"No do you mind getting me a different outfit while i shower the sweat and blood off?" She asked as she peaked out the door. I nod going to her closet getting her some underwear pajama shorts and tank top. Before walking back to the bathroom door handing it to her. "Thank you." She tells me with a sweet smile

"No problem sweetheart." I say kissing her forehead before pulling the door closed as she steps back

The rest of the week follows similarly cuddles, chocolate, heating pad.

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