Growing up sucks

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Starting school was fun because Jer is actually really smart why they didn't show it more in the show is beyond me but he is and we all help him stay in our grade mom even adopted Matt and Vicki we weren't overly excited for Matt but knew it was the best after I told mom what happened to Vicki, then living with us helped she graduated with honor roll and is now off to college with a full ride she swears to herself and us that she won't do drugs and drink like her mother so far she hasn't. Matt isn't so boring the friend group is all in the know it's kinda funny where we won't tell the adults we know until they come clean it took me and JJ shifting for them to believe now Grams mom Bonnie JJ and I all practice magic today is the day for the cleansing ritual for Mikeal

"You kiddos ready?" Grams asked Bonnie JJ and me

"Yes ma'am" we responded with a nod

"Remember now try to make the most perfect triangle you can also hands out like you are reaching for each other me and Monica will be waiting if you need help." Grams said we got to our points got into the proper positions gave each other a nod and began chanting.

After a few minutes we grunted in unison and our heads titled back the chants got louder the winds got stronger along with us our eyes flew open to see the compulsions so to speak leave Mikeal's body the go back into the earth so the dark magic can be cleansed we didn't stop until he woke.

Right on time he woke with a gasp "what happened? Who are you?"

I stepped forward asking "Mikeal my names Peyton Davis can you talk me what you remember?"

"Um Esther saying she needed me to be oh god she said I need to be not such a caring father to Niklaus cause I wasn't his dad Oh my boy then her evil smile before she started chanting oh god what did I do to him?" He chocked out stopping a little with sobs

"You hunted him and the rest of you children for 1,000 years." JJ said making Mikeal's head snap to him then everyone else in the room

"Where are they?" He asked

"Nik has them daggered because while you were evil you every time you got to close the would vanish and they would lash out saying things like i don't want to leave or they were the ones to draw attention to them so in order to keep them safe he used the daggers made by witches to put them to sleep they made them for all of them but they didn't work on him" I told Mikeal getting him a blood bag

"Oh no I don't need that." He said trying to push it away

"Oh yeah tell that to your vampire face out on display." I snorted he grumbled but took it drinking it slowly

After he finished he asked "I haven't hurt them have I?"

"Um physically i don't think so mentally and emotionally yes." JJ said as we all moved to the living room

"Oh gods i can't fix it with them can I?" Mikeal asked looking to the adults

"Don't look at us we are just the back up mostly the kids no more then we do." Grams said shrugging with the others adults nodding along

"Well?" He asked looking to us

"Maybe it might take a while and some magic if she did the same the same to them making them so scared of you they hate you?" JJ guesses looking to me while i tilt my head and consider it before nodding asking Mikeal a key question

"How did you treat them before the accident with Henrik happened and they turned?" I asked looking directly into his eyes.

"You have to know it was the ends of the Viking era we just moved to the new world after freya died so i was strict yes but i never layed a hand on them unless it was training even then it was encouraging. Like if they got hit with the sticks we used for swords id say something along they lines of no son you block like this or do that approach again but fix your stance, when it came to hand to hand combat it was an agreement that no one held back." Mikeal said under my compulsion from my magic so he says the truth.

"Oh god she must of locked away and changed memories." Grams said with a hand to her mouth

"What does that mean?" mikeal asked confusion in his eyes

"I am going to tell you something but it can never leave this room and you can never tell another soul let it be by voice drawing or written word shake on it." I say putting my hand out which he grabs and shakes agreeing to the terms and my magical contract, he nods for me to continue "me JJ and my mother and Gabe come from a universe where this was all a show and on the show it showed you being being overly strict and abusive to all your kids but mostly Klaus once turned and it showed you hating him for being the and i quote the 'bastard boy' and you forced Esther into locking away his werewolf side." I finished

"No i would never do that it was seen as a gift in the community to serve the moon goddess and the moon. He was chosen that's how i saw it blood or not he is my son." He said all in a shaky breath.

"Then supposedly here and in the show after you found out Esther cheated you went into a rage and killed half the village thus starting the war between vampire and werewolves." JJ tells him spitting out the name Esther like dirt.

"That bitch" mikeal said so quietly that it was hard to hear but everyone heard

"Yeah tell me about it she sold freya as a debt to her sister for a fertility spell because she hadn't given you children yet." I tell him and watch as his eyes blaze

"She did what?" He growled out clenching his hands

"Sold Freya and every first born Mikealson to Daliah for the price of the fertility spell." Papa Gabe said

"Come to think of it that might be another reason she turned them Henrik just gave her an excuse to play the victim it was her loophole out of the deal with her sister." I thought with everyone nodding along with my logic

(A/N this is the house \/)

(A/N this is the house \/)

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Till next time loves ;)

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