Anna & The Vamps

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(Peyton's outfit)

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(Peyton's outfit)

It's been a week since laundry day and Jere had just gotten back from the grill.

"Just met Anna." Jeremy announced as he plopped down next to me where I'm on my laptop down college work, placing his head on my shoulder.

"Oh yeah how'd that go?" I asked to which he snorts

"Well i know you and JJ said she was going to be blunt and well straight forward, but she was like inviting herself over for a movie night that we don't even have planned." Jere snickers as does Damon.

"Well she's after those Gilbert family journals, should we make her chase her tail or just open it and not tell her." I asked looking up from my computer.

"I mean full moon is this weekend and it's only Monday, so we are still going to have to deal with her the rest of the week." Bonnie answered from where she does her college work.

"Ugh, why can't we just kill her and be done with it." Care whines from the floor where she also does her school work.

"Because care if you waited 147 years to get you mother back you'd do whatever you could would you not?" JJ asked

"Well yeah." Care shrugged.

"It's gonna open even if we don't like it so we might as well be in control of when it's happening and who gets out." I tell them all sternly.

"So in other words witches control the vampires?" Bonnie asked smirking at me.

"Bout damn time to." JJ laughs as a finish my work logging out and shutting my computer.

"Well im hungry who else?" I ask getting up with Damon following, hearing everyone agree i go to make a big dinner.

Lexie left awhile ago to go back to her boyfriend who called me to thank me for the rings now they are traveling the world seeing their favorite places during the daytime and making new favorites.

After an hour or two making enough sides and steaks to feed a small army. What I cooked was fries, mashed potatoes, green beans, broccoli and cheese casserole, hash brown casserole, along with salads.

"Come and get it!!" I yelled into the house after seating the huge pan of steaks down while Damon grabs the casseroles from the oven.

"Dang thats a lot of steaks." Tyler hums going to the fridge getting the large pitcher of tea and blood for the vampires, after heating the blood placing them onto the table while people make their plates.

"Well me and JJ have werewolf appetites and we are all athletes so food." I shrug fixing my plate along with my side salad.

"Do you always cook this much?" Enzo asked looking over the island filled with food before looking at me.

"I started cooking when i could reach the stove in both this life and my old one, it calms me JJ usually has to drag me away for the kitchen or tell me thats enough." I answer laughing while JJ nods agreeing with me before the mayor his wife and mama Liz come in with grams.

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