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(Her outfit just a sweatshirt and shorts)

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(Her outfit just a sweatshirt and shorts)

So today is laundry day where everyone get there clothes from their rooms takes them down to the basement where we have the big washing machines and dryers that you find in a laundry mat. As we are down there washing clothes and waiting by playing games on the tv we have down there we go over what we've all got done.

"So we've got the necklace it's been destroyed, we got Emily's spell book, we have the moonstone, and we've freed Enzo also we've talked to Alaric." JJ writing them down onto the list.

"We've also got the watch." Caroline quips from her spot next to me as we fold finished clothes while the vampires speed them up to the rooms.

We have as system because we only have four washing machines and four dryers. It would be like Caroline in one then Tyler then Bonnie then Matt until all their clothes are done. They each get one machine so they don't mix up clothes.

"We saved Lexi. You know us having names written in our clothes makes me feel like I'm four again." I comment as Bonnie's come over to help with my clothes.

"Jesus Payton do you have any clothes left." Tyler gapes at the mountain of clothes.

"Hey leave her alone we didn't wear any of ours just our under garments." Elena snaps from her place switching the clothes as i pass the folded clothes to Damon and Enzo as they come to take them giving them a kiss on the cheek before helping Elena.

"I mean can you blame us she does have the best closet?" Caroline shrugged before a dryer beeped i dashed over to see what was wrong.

"Who used dryer C?" I called out

"Me." Tyler said coming over.

"Well Tyler tell me did you check the lint catcher before you turned it on?" I glared at him stopping his clothes cleaning the filter out before turning the dryers back on stopping by the trash on my way back to finish hanging and folding my clothes.

"Alright who's next Peyton's done washing and drying?" Bonnie called out

"Dibs" Matt yells taking his clothes basket from the corner before filling up the machine using the cards we got before starting his clothes.

"Oh we also saved Mikael, the knife is still in Esther." I tell jj as we finish with my clothes Lexi and Stefan volunteer to take before they can Enzo and Damon come back and take them

"Thank you!" Caroline calls out to the two.

"Stefan since you and Lexi look so lost why don't you go pick up the order form the grill." I suggest he nods i hand him the card we all use for food other groceries or gas.

"Sure what's the name for it?" He asked putting the card in his wallet

"Davis" JJ said as he checked his clothes as us girls sat done waiting for an open washer.

"That means Anna should show up soon right?" I asked looking over at my twin

"Yeah." He replied

"Who does she go after again?" Tyler asked as he starts playing the game with Jere.

"Jere, because she has this vendetta the Gilbert blood put her mother in there its the blood thats gonna wake her up." I explain softly as me and the girls start playing poker.

"So Jere gets to play with a girls feelings?" Matt asked as he came back over to resume his game with the boys.

"Unless shes his soulmate." Bonnie say as she places her bet.

"I don't have soulmates." Jere snaps looking angry but we could all see the sadness.

"Yes you do you just haven't activated the hunter part of you the supernatural part of you, look at me i know im a werewolf i haven't triggered it but do you see anything on my wrist." Tyler tells him pausing the video game showing his wrists to prove a point, and Jere sighs but nods.

"What about me, i have two but i don't have the instant sibling bond i have with you for Caroline, but i still feel overprotective?" Enzo asked from his seat next to Bonnie.

"Well I've talked to both jj and care about this Katherine is supposed to turn her and she is supposed to be supernatural in the future. And Mother Nature decides the mates for other supernaturals beforehand so she could be one, but honestly i don't know." I shrug before taking my winnings of chocolate chip cookies with a small cheer.

"So why doesn't a doppelgänger have mates?" Elena asked to which me and jj share a look.

"You aren't supernatural you're just an occurrence that happens every 500 years." JJ explained with a pitying smile

"But you both told me Stefan is the doppelgänger of Silas." Lena argued starting to look a little pissed off.

"Yes he is but he is also a vampire." JJ snapped looking done with arguing with her.

"JJ when's the next full moon?" I asked as i shuffled the cards.

"Two days." He answered looking confused.

"When's the last time you shifted?" I asked with a raised brow.

"Um two maybe three months." He tell me looking as sheepish as i toddler would after being caught in the cookie jar.

"JJ!!" I exclaim before lowering my voice "you know you have to let the wolf out. Or else you get angry easily."

"I know, ill do it this month promise." He assured me giving me a smile.

"We come with the food." Lexi announced as the waltzed back down the stairs.

"Yeah!" Caroline cheered as we put the games away as the started handing out food.

The rest of the day was used playing games eating and laundry, not worrying about what could happen next because we had a plan sure we'd get a few surprises along the way but we are a family and we are going to fight whatever happens together, because a family will always have your back.

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