Steffie's Birthday

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After the whole necklace incident that happened a few days ago, i didn't talk to Bonnie for a day we're good now we all graduated early even Jere Stefan just compelled himself out. But none of thats important something's that have happened is Alaric showed up we saw him as we all picked up our diplomas, so we will have to talk to him about that, oh it's also steffie's b-day so that means sexi lexis here ahhhh! I did make Stefan go to the boarding house with daylight rings that night seeing as him Damon and Enzo had basically moved in not that it matters. Now though care is making plans for his birthday at our house not the grill. Lately though Elena has been giving me and JJ side glances and everyone has caught them like right now.

"Alright whats up with these side glances?" I snap looking at Elena getting joy from how she jumped.

"W-what do you mean?" She stutters out when she finally snaps out of her gaping.

"You have been giving attitude to me and jj also side eyeing us whats up with that?" I ask with a look that dared her to lie.

"Fine why are you and your family here you aren't supposed to here." Lena snaps glaring at me and my twin brother.

"Oh I'm sorry are you questioning God or the devil, we were sent here so you don't trample on everyone by being a selfish bitch." JJ growls out with his eyes shifting.

"Elena watch it they are trying to give everyone happy endings." Jenna said looking at Elena with a frown that matched everyone's faces.

"How they are here they already changed the plot they couldn't save mom and dad so they are useless." She screams before continuing as she looked at everyone else. "If they were sent here to save everyone and give everyone happy endings why are my parents dead."

"You want to know how they died originally you ungrateful little bitch, fine ill tell you it was supposed to be a family game night but you went to a party got it no a fight with Matt who was your boyfriend called them to come pick you up as you were drunk and upset as they were going over the bridge Grayson suddenly lost control off you all went Stefan saved you originally because Grayson made him do so when Stefan went back they were both dead because you decided to go party instead of being with your family, and we did save them from how they died originally we had no idea a semi truck would take them out to even out the balance." I scream at her not stopping when tears fall down her face.

"Apologize now Elena." Jenna said sternly.

"Thats not all Vicki would have been so far into drugs she would've died, Jere would have used drugs to cope because you had your head shoved so far into your journal writing out your feelings that you didn't help him, when you tried you pulled a disappointed mother act on him when all he wanted was his big sister, if we weren't then Caroline would've been used as a human blood bag, Tyler would been abused by his father and a massive dick, and Stefan would have still had his ripper side." JJ told her as his eyes flashed continuously from his normal green to his red alpha eyes

"Elena you need to apologize." Stefan said as he finally made his presence known.

"I-I'm sorry." She mumbled as she looked back down to her plate.

"Deep breath j." I said rubbing his back

"I'm good." Jj said as he grabbed my hand giving it a squeeze.

"Well everyone this is Lexi." Stefan said awkwardly motioning trying to break the silence. Me and JJ looked at each other before we started chuckling.

"Stefan is your disease of awkwardness contagious." Jj laughed making everyone break into laughter but Elena.

"Sorry Lexi that's Peyton, JJ, Bonnie, Jeremy, Tyler, Jenna, Elena, Caroline, Matt, Enzo and you know Damon." Stefan introduce us we each either gave her a smile or a wave.

"Hello everyone, Peyton thanks for the rings." Lexi says making me smile and wave her off.

"Not a problem at all you deserve it for all you've done for Stefan." I tell her with a grin

"Speaking of Stefan why didn't you tell us its your birthday if it wasn't for Peyton saying something and Damon confirming it we wouldn't know." Care scolded lightly

"Well I don't usually do anything." He tells her rubbing the back of his neck.

"But you have friends now and we know how to throw an epic party." I tell him as the rest nod with grins on their faces.

The rest of the night is spent partying, and dancing, before i dragged Damon to bed.

"Are you sure?" Damon asked panting from our make out session moving down my neck.

"Oh god yes." I moaned when he got to my sweet spot, before pulling his shirt off and my shoes and socks.

Damon returns the favor stripping me down to my underwear, when he tries to stop me from taking his jeans off i growl at him.

"I know you want me to cum at least twice before you enter me but the pants are tight." I growl pulling them down using my heels before he kicks them of the rest of the way to the floor.

"Oh you're so good to me." He groans when i bite his sweet spot not enough to break the skin but just enough to get a reaction, before i flip us over using my magic to stick him to the bed.

I start kissing my way down his chest before getting to the waist line of his boxers. "What do you want?" I ask licking my way back up nibbling his nipples receiving moans.

"I want you to play with my um prostate." Damon say hesitantly not making eye contact, so i bring his face to mine before twisting my stealing some lube from one of the boys rooms.

"Alright." I say working my way back down getting to his boxer this time i pull them down. "Spread your legs and bend your knees for me handsome." I coo as i start sucking his cock he obeys lifting his legs bending his knees i use a little more magic to heat the lube a little before rubbing some on my finger and his hole. "Relax baby." I coo again coming up when i felt him tense, when he relaxes i gently work one finger in still jacking him off when i feel his ready for another i add one. It's not long i have three fingers working his prostate while giving him a blowjob and he can't make a coherent sound just moans and pleas for more as he finishes. I let him up stopping my magic and helping him come down gently before stopping completely. When he catches his breath he looks at me with a glint in his eyes the makes me grin before he pulls me up kissing me slowly before flipping us.

It was a very long night.

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