Grave robbers and tanners death?

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When we made it to the grave Damon was silent just admiring my car

"This car is awesome and you drive it so well." Damon complimented a smiled then kissed his cheek before getting out to let Bonnie out.

"That's because she races at her moms track when shes not at school or their hospital." Bonnie commented as she got out

"What does your family not do?" Damon asked shaking as head chuckling

"Um.. ooh kill innocents." I tell him with a cheeky grin before walking off in the direction my magic lead me to.

Not long after we are standing at the grave before me and Bonnie get to either side looking to Damon i tell him. "When the dirt gets high enough get the book and get out quickly." Watching him nod i look to Bonnie who nods we reach our hands out and start chanting its not long before the ground starts to tremble and the dirt starts to rise, it kind of looked like picking up a block all the dirt stayed together, when it is high enough Damon speeds in grabbing the book before speeding out, me and Bonnie careful bring it back down before we stop chanting.

"Well that was easy." Damon says as we all walk back to my car.

"Have you noticed Elena being distant with us?" Bonnie asked me ,which she is not wrong.

"Yeah i don't know what's causing it though no doubt she'll cause some drama." I replied with a shrug

"Yeah I know you tried making her less bratty." Bonnie's said as we all piled back into my car

"Well it was either the subtle way of beat it out of her the beating might have been more effective though." I told her looking back at her as she snorts and nods

"I've been seeing numbers Peyton like the visions I got when I first started practicing my magic. Not the point but it's freaking me out." Bonnie tells me looking nervous.

"Tonight's the first game right?" I ask getting her dumbfounded expression and a nod i continued. "That is when Damon originally killed tanner. Also when your magic stated showing itself the more you believed grams the more it manifested." I explained softly as we started back to the house.

"What's going to happen to tanner now?" Damon asked when Bonnie stayed quiet.

"I don't know you compelling him to write a note that his leaving why his leaving and that he hates teacher stupid kids and always has?" I suggested with a shrug.

"Then compelling him to actually leave?" Bonnie asked

"Yeah I know me and you hate the mind control thing but we don't kill innocents no matter how much of a dick they are." I say quietly

"I can do that it's better then causing more suspicion that the vampires are back." Damon says as he nods thinking it over before shrugging.

"Who replaces him?" Bonnie asked looking at me curiously

"Alaric Saltzman." I answer before pausing "the only reason he comes is to kill Damon because he thinks you killed his wife Isobel." I explain quickly when Damon looked like he was going to interrupt.

"Oh her i turned her because she begged me to i didn't know she was married." Damon says as got to my road.

"Oh we need to talk about Elena donating eggs." I tell them not really thinking.

"Why?" Bonnie asked with a frown on her face.

"Because the Mikaelson's have a lot of enemy's and they might turn her to spite Klaus ending her line before she has a chance to have kids, because after that they'll always have vampire in them and whatever mates Mother Nature chooses for her." I explain pulling into the drive way.

"Smart do you think she will do it?" Bonnie asked thinking about Elena causing drama about it.

"Umm depends on her mood now dont get me wrong i love Elena but not everything is about you." I say turning the car off after parking and get out moving the seat up for Bonnie.

"Yeah she can be a bit dramatic, i still removers one of cares parties where she broke cares dolls before throwing them in her face." Bonnie said with a sigh before shaking her head.

"Grams were back and we got the grimoire!!" I yelled into the house strutting in holding Damon's hand.

"No need for the yelling child go put it in the safe." Grams scolded as she walked in nodding to the direction of the safe.

"yes ma'am" i nodded before we walked off to the safer room, they just had basically one of those high tech bank vaults that you had to have your finger print and retinal scan programmed in.

"Alright now that thats handle school." Bonnie said dragging me back to the door.

"No i don't wanna tanners a dick and rude and needs a good ass kicking." I say dragging my feet but follow

"I know nobody likes him but we still need education." Bonnie said highly amused by my whining.

"Ugh." I say disgusted

"Have a great day at school sweetheart." Damon said as he leaned against the door also amused by Bonnie dragging me and my whining

"No cuddles for you mister." I deadpan watching as his faces drops

"What?! No i love your cuddles." He pouts.

I walk over to him pulling his face down giving him a kiss so he stops pouting before walking out calling over my shoulder "you still get no cuddles!!" And get in my car driving off with Bonnie cackling in the passenger seat.

"Anymore plans we need to get done with anyone." Bonnie asked before she noticed i wasn't driving to the school. "Peyton where are you going?"

"We are going to save Enzo from Augustine its like i knew you were going to ask that." I explain as we start the short journey.

"Enzo why did i just get tingly saying or hearing his name?" Bonnie asked as she got comfortable

"Mate?" I question looking over at her briefly as i shrug.

"What was the show like you don't talk about it much unless it's something that can harm us like mother Mikealson when we stole her from Klaus." Bonnie asked referring to when we were ten and i asked lucifer for help to steal the coffins and replaced it with an identical one me and jj spelled shut.

When we returned home with it we siphoned the spell locking her in before i stabbed her in the heart with what we called hells blade, which keeps her body persevered while her soul went to hell to be tortured until the demons felt she was redeemed and felty truly sorry for all shes done to either her victims, children, or sister but really its all of the above they want to break her so 7 years topside is 840 years in hell and well she still doesn't feel sorry at all. Which is sad she'd rather be tortured then to feel ashamed for all the wrongs she's done. Pity.

Oh well she's a bitch time to save Enzo.

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