Chapter 1

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3rd Person's POV~

The grand hall buzzes with anticipation. Hushes, and murmurs all around, waiting for the time to come. Waiting for him.

The large doors to the room open with a loud thud and two soldiers follow the route. Everyone stands up from their seats in attention, straightening their posture, hands crossed at their backs.

Then he enters and everyone bowes their heads, no one meeting his gaze. Some out of respect and some out of fear. He stalks toward his throne in a regal way, his stance like the king that he is.

He ascends his throne, opening the buttons of his suit jacket and holds up his hand, silently ordering his men to sit down and all of them take their seats. The two soldiers escorting him to his seat bow their heads before him and leave the room.

Francesco and Gabriele take their places at two sides of him. Francesco on the right side and Gabriel on the left.

Francesco is his underboss, the second-in-command to the family. He is the boss' cousin too, the son of uncle Federico, his father's brother.

Gabriele is the consigliere, the third-in-command. The legal advisor to the family, his right hand man.

Francesco turns to him, asking "Shall we?"

He gestures with his right hand, telling Francesco to proceed with the work.

A middle aged man stands up from the crowd. A black suitcase in his hands.

He bowes his head in front of the Don, showing his respect.

"Speak." Francesco orders.

"Don, I..." He starts.

"Come to the point." He cuts him off.

The man gulps in fear and humiliation.

"Angelo says he wants more time." The man says.

"Why?" He asks.

"To pay the sum. He says he does not have anything on him right now. Whatever he had he payed you that." The man explains.

"I will not repeat. Why?" He thunders, his gaze sharp.

"Last week he lost a great amount while gambling and whoring around in Las Vegas."

"So he has enough money to play but not enough to pay me."

The man stays silent. Not daring to interfere.

"Damien" He calls out.

"Boss" The said man stands up.

Damien is the head of the assassins under his roof. Though he is not a made man like all the others he has proved himself to gain that post.

"Pay him a visit. Every debt should be cleared." He commands.

"Yes, boss." Damien nods his head, looking him in the eye, understanding the hidden meaning of his words.

Damien is one of those few people who have the audacity to meet his stare. Including Francesco and Adriano. He trusts these three with his life. Outside work Damien is the only friend he has, sort of.


A capo stands up from his seat, clearing his throat and bowes his head.

"What did he do?" He asks his cousin.

"He did not. He is the victim." Francesco clears.

"Bring him in." Francesco orders.

The guards bring a half beaten man in the room, dragging him by his collar and everyone's attention falls on the man.

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