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I drop to my knees, exhausted and helpless, holding Angel tightly in my arms. Damien rushes to the car and retrieves my jacket, handing it to me with trembling hands. I wrap her in it, not wanting to risk exposing her to any more harm. With one hand pressed to the side of her head to stop the bleeding and another checking her pulse, we wait for a sign.

Moments pass in agonizing silence, but she does not open her eyes, nor does she breathe. At all. And my heart keeps falling deeper into my stomach, fear gnawing at me mercilessly.

I adjust her in my lap and palm her cheeks, gingerly bringing her face closer to mine. “Wake up! Angel,” I beg, my voice cracking with emotion. "Look, I am here."

In a desperate attempt to make her live, I close my lips around hers and breathe into her mouth, willing her to react somehow. I repeat the action multiple times, each breath a plea for her to come back to me. But there is no improvement, no sign of life whatsoever, and every failed attempt chips away at the last shreds of my sanity, making the despair even more unbearable.

She can not leave me like this!

Enraged by her unresponsiveness, I shake her violently, adjoining our foreheads and glaring at her still-closed lids. “EVEN DEATH IS NOT ALLOWED TO TOUCH YOU. DO YOU HEAR ME, ANASTASIA HILL?” I declare fiercely. “YOU ARE MINE, AND NO ONE IS TAKING YOU AWAY FROM ME! I WILL NOT LET IT HAPPEN, SO YOU BETTER FUCKING OPEN THESE PRETTY EYES OF YOURS!”

She always asked me why I never called her by her name. But who would have thought that the first time I would do it, she would be fighting for her damn life?

This can not be how we end. No.

The world is not yet prepared to witness the kind of monster I will become if something happens to her.

If she does not live here, I will make sure no one will.

To be continued...

How is unhinged Alessandro serving? Is it up to the mark? Did you expect any less from him?

To read the complete chapter go to my Stck account and buy it. Or if you can't, wait for a few more days. I'll update it on Wattpad this Friday at around 8 p.m. UTC

See you on Friday, guys and don't forget to vote, comment, and share this

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