Chapter 29

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Anastasia's POV~

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Anastasia's POV~

We are sitting in the dining room for breakfast as the servants dish the plates before us, the atmosphere silent after last night's incident. I am beside Damien and Franco opposite us, leaving the first seat empty.

"How rude of you all to start without me!"

Our heads raise in the direction of that voice as I see a man walking down the stairs, clad in ripped jeans and black leather jacket over a plain white t-shirt. His hair is unkempt and puffy, strands falling here and there.

"Hey man!" Damien greets.

He smiles looking at him and takes two steps at a time, reaching Alessandro's seat at the head of the table. "Buongiorno, fratello!"

(Good morning, brother!)

Alessandro stands up from his chair, smiling, "Boungiorno!" He opens his arms, taking the man in a hug as he pats his back.

(Good morning!)

Hmm. They seem close otherwise Alessandro does not treat everyone like this.

They break away from each other and the man occupies the vacant seat beside Franco after fist-bumping with Damien.

The silent room is now filled with chatters after his arrival as the servants take their leave.

"When did you return? I did not see you." Alessandro asks him.

The man turns his gaze to him. "Just last night. I did not want to disturb you so..."

Alessandro nods and goes back to eating.

My glass is empty. My eyes wander around the table, searching for the jug and finding it out of my reach, I turn to Alessandro, "Alessandro, can you pass me the water?"

As the words leave my mouth the man's eyes snap up to me.

Alessandro takes the jug, filling my glass as his eyes bore into mine, making me squirm in my seat.

The man's eyes take in every movement.

After Alessandro is done the man picks his spoon, pointing it at me, "And who is she?" as he looks between Alessandro and I.

"My girlfriend, Anastasia." Alessandro announces, gripping my hand on top of the table possessively and the man stares at our joined palms.

"I am not here for a few months and this happens. Not fair bro." He looks at Alessandro accusingly as a frown settles on his face.

Bro? So he is the brother?

Alessandro loves his brother, I can see that by the way he is talking so freely with him and that is another thing he does not do a lot.

Alessandro laughs, the pad of his thumb rubbing my knuckles absentmindedly.

"He is Dino, Angel. My brother." Alessandro informs and I send a small smile his way as he just keeps looking at me.

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